Have a Joyful Heart for God in Suffering

View my latest post on the Presidential Elections:
Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton; Good vs. Evil; God vs. Satan

The stakes could not be higher as Election Day approaches.  Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton represent radically different world views, and, in fact, personify the ancient battle between good and evil, God and Satan.

Mark 16

6“Don’t be alarmed,” he said. “You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. 7But go, tell his disciples and Peter, ‘He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.’ ”

Amos 1

10I will send fire on the walls of Tyre

that will consume her fortresses.”

11This is what the Lord says:

“For three sins of Edom,

even for four, I will not relent.

Because he pursued his brother with a sword

and slaughtered the women of the land,

because his anger raged continually

and his fury flamed unchecked,

12I will send fire on Teman

that will consume the fortresses of Bozrah.”

13This is what the Lord says:

“For three sins of Ammon,

even for four, I will not relent.

Because he ripped open the pregnant women of Gilead

in order to extend his borders,

Richard:  Let’s have a peaceful revolution at the polls tomorrow.  Clearly Trump is working against corruption and is for the sanctity of life, Hillary Clinton is part and parcel of the corrupt establishment and does not recognize the sanctity of the life of babies in the womb.

We Who Are Searching for the Homeland, the Garden of Eden

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 9, 1957

Because Jesus was trying to liberate human beings, who have lapsed into sin and are groaning, from pain and sorrow, even at the cost of his death, he could overcome the agony of the cross and the mocking of men, and he could remove the conditions for Satan’s accusations toward the whole humanity. Not only that, you should understand that because Jesus overcame everything and triumphed with the heart of compassion that surpassed everyone in the satanic world, and because his heart of care for Heaven and universe was utmost, God resurrected Jesus who represented His own sorrow.

Now, if we are to follow the footsteps of this Jesus, and cross over the path of the hardship of the cross and go toward the original Garden of Eden, then you must shoulder responsibility not only for your own unfortunate environment, but also for the misfortune of the world. Therefore, even if you are offering yourself as sacrifice and are encountering a difficult path or adverse environment, you must never become constrained by sadness of that position or the interference of Satan.

Though you are to stand in unfortunate position, you must have the heart of happiness, joy, and gratitude. That heart of gratitude and joy must not be momentary or individual, but it must be eternal and of the whole. In other words, you must have the sacrificial mind-set that you will create the environment where you can be eternally be grateful and happy. In order for you to make God’s garden of joy into that of the whole, you must heed this fact.

If there appears on this earth one person who comforts the heart of Father and brings smile, joy, and delight to Father, then Father will be happy. Therefore, even in the environment of despair and sigh, you must be able to manifest the value of the heavenly victory, heavenly hope and of the light of heavenly life. On this earth where conflicts and divisions caused by jealousy and envy are rampant, you must become the standard-bearer of peace and unity centered on the love of God.

On this earth where resentment, lamentation, sigh, interference, and tears are deep rooted, you must be able to recite a poem with smile and joy to praise the glory of God on behalf of all things. You must realize that, if you cannot do this, you will never make your way out of this satanic world.

Among you participants here, is there anyone who still possesses evil elements in the heart, the nature of evil Satan opposed to the ideology of the new Eden? When we appear before Father, we must do so in joyful spirit. God longs for us to appear in the highest spirit of joy that no one else in history could experience. Now, in regards to having hopes, or in regards to realizing life, love, and glory and manifesting their value, the time has come when you must stand in the highest historical place that the people on the side of Satan cannot even dare to catch up. Therefore, when you bear the cross, you must bear the highest cross.

Moreover, even if you stand in the most adverse and unfortunate position, only when you go through the course in which you can sing the glory of heaven, Satan will not dare to make false charges. Instead, when you boldly stride toward Satan and mock Satan’s power and all the evil elements of this earth, you can be considered as a person who is linked to the love of God. Just like Peter who said, “Who will snatch me away from the love of God that dwells within Jesus Christ,” you should be able to laugh at all the evil entities on the earth. Furthermore, there must appear on earth one person who can represent the past of ordeals, present, and the future, can sing the original happiness, love, and glory as the original man, and be able to say, “God! Please forget your sorrow of the 6,000 years through me.” If such a person does not emerge, then Jesus’ grief of the cross will never be uprooted from this earth, and there will be no way to liberate the heart of Jesus who came to the earth and mourned in grief.


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