You Get Married for the Sake of Your Partner

Today is the first day for early voting in Jefferson County, WV.
Vote from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Charles Washington Hall, across from the Courthouse.

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2051

From now on, you must work for the tong ban breakthrough work for ten years. Tong-ban breakthrough means to occupy the family centering on North and South Korea. Until now God has sprinkled His grace on earth throughout history. He has hoped that it would bear fruit, but it could not. Of course, God’s grace was spread through the realms of religion, enabling its benefits to spread throughout the world. But now the time has come to harvest the fruits. (210-273, 1990.12.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126

If God had not established the portion of responsibility for fallen human beings, we would have thought that restoration was to take place automatically and that the words “restoration through indemnity” would not have appeared. Indemnity must be paid. Why does indemnity have to be paid? It is because humankind has a portion of responsibility. The first human ancestors destroyed this, the very thing that they should have perfected; as a result, the whole of humanity still has to fulfill its given responsibility. To do so, everyone gains dominion over everything in the satanic world, stands in a position to dominate Satan, and reaches the position where they can receive the love of God with dignity. When that happens, Satan will be cut off. (143-77, 1986.3.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 6

Transformation during Young Adulthood, and true Marriage

Section 3. The True View of Marriage

    Originally, if a family based on God’s love had been formed, this would have been the realm of perfection, the original ideal that was supposed to be realized without the Fall in the Garden of Eden. For this to happen, Adam and Eve would have had to totally unite mind and body, completely mature vertically, and realize, as a bride and bridegroom, the realm of partnership that brings joy to God and thus receive God’s blessing. Continue reading “You Get Married for the Sake of Your Partner”

Love Has Become Like Eating Instant Food

New Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show:

#181-Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100
#182-Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor
#183-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1376

Intermarriage is the only way Japan can obtain the best circumstances as the owner – the circumstances of joy. How many times have we conducted Korean-Japanese intermarriages? This time was the second one, wasn’t it? It was the greatest struggle ever. At the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing, Japan opposed it most desperately. Satan engaged in a full-scale offensive with the whole of Japan behind him, but I did not even budge an inch. Anyone who came to know the truth of the matter would have been completely won over to our side like the leaves turning red in autumn. They would think, “Wow! A mass wedding – that is so amazing!” NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation) broadcast about eighty percent of the ceremony on that occasion. (237-249, 1992.11.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1678

Flowering plants all belong to their respective species and do not change themselves into a different type. They cannot change. In view of this, the distinction between species is very strict. That is why the logic of the evolutionary theory, which states that the monkey evolved from the amoeba, cannot stand. With this strict distinction between all the species, how could thousands of them connect and develop in a single system supported by them all? The evolutionary theory does not recognize the power of love. Only through the power of love does reproduction become possible. Without it, nothing could ever reproduce. How can the power of love work between amoebae and monkeys? Such a thing can never happen – not under any circumstances. (278-100, 1996.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 7. Love Is Realized in a Completely Natural Setting

    This is a story from my youth. One day, I caught a pair of birds and tried to make them kiss each other’s beaks. To see them kiss I put them in a cage, fed them, and watched them. I did it out of a child’s desire to see them love each other and sing happily together. This was an experiment, out of curiosity, to understand the principles of nature. I continued this experiment, which I now understand to have been quite naughty. It was only after a long while that I finally understood that love is realized only in a natural setting. Sincere love is realized naturally, in an atmosphere that is natural to the highest degree. Through a long journey of experiments I came to the correct understanding of love. (Blessed Family – 353) Continue reading “Love Has Become Like Eating Instant Food”

What Is the Holiest Thing In the World?

New Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show:

#181-Interview with Bill Ridenour-Republican Candidate for WV House of Delegates-District 100
#182-Interview with Erika Kolenich-Libertarian Candidate for WV Governor
#183-Interview with Jack Hefestay-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Charles Town District-Jefferson County WV

View all Candidate Interviews

Cheon Seong Gyeong 794

    The mind and body of a man and woman centering on God’s love should meet the vertical at a ninety-degree angle, in a balanced way. When a man and woman emerge and polarize to the east and west as living beings rooted in God’s love, it stimulates the original nature of the universe to ignite, spawning thunder and lightning. When that happens, God, man and woman are brought together in complete oneness. Who will break them apart? Can the man break them apart? Can the woman break them apart? Even God cannot extract Himself from this.
    This love, which is the love that becomes the root of the mind of man and woman, is the standard of the original nature of humanity. The flower blooms and bears fruit through love. Through the ideal of the laws of spherical circulation, love develops in the shape of a spiral and extends to the world. Amen! Try studying to discover what all this means. (173-109, 1988.2.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1277

The holy wine is not simply made like ordinary wine. You cannot bring forth wine and claim it to be holy wine. It is made in the presence of God and Satan, and the angels in the spirit world. There are twenty-one elements within it that you do not know about. The wine contains all the elements that are formed in the process of restoring the physical world and humankind. When making the holy wine, spirits from the spirit world come and implore me to pour a glass for them so that they can partake of it. It is because they know that by drinking the holy wine they can be restored. That is why they come to me in a group and ask to share in the benefit. They know that I can bestow on them this benefit. However, I am not here for the spirit world. I am here for the physical world. That is why I tell the spirits, “Wait!” and give the wine to you, for all the suffering you have been through. (46-233, 1971.8.15)

Richard: prepares you to find your eternal match and to become a Blessed Couple. Both singles and already married couples can become Blessed couples.  The Holy Wine Ceremony is an important par of The Blessing.
    The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.  Sign Up at

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 6. Original Human Beings Are Enraptured with True Love

    What is the holiest thing in the world? True love is the holiest thing in world. True love originates with God. If God exists, there is no other way than the way of true love. God truly desires the way of true love, and without traversing the way of true love, we cannot go before God. We have to know this point. Continue reading “What Is the Holiest Thing In the World?”

Man Symbolizes Heaven and Woman, Earth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 81

God’s love is more than enough to embrace the universe and it occupies the central position. God is the central being of love who maintains the greatest foundation. When God moves, the small things all have to move together. Everything is contained in one big circle, isn’t it? That’s why it makes sense to say that God embraces the whole world and entire universe. (205-33, 1990.7.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

What is the ideology centered upon the Heavenly Parent? Firstly, centered on God, it is the restoration of the right of brotherhood. Secondly, it is the restoration of the right of the parent. Thirdly, it is the restoration of the right of kingship. In the democratic world, there is no real concept of king, is there? The democratic world is based on the concept of brotherhood. Everyone is seen from the horizontal viewpoint. That is the doctrine of brotherhood, but people in the world ruled by this doctrine fight with each other. They compete with each other, saying, this is mine and that is yours. Doesn’t democracy seem to be a concept of struggle? The ruling and opposing parties compete with each other. What is the purpose of this? They are each trying to gain the right of kingship. What is the position of a president? Isn’t it the right of kingship? Presidents come and go so they just exploit their position, so things don’t go well. If an absolute king emerged, there would be no problem. A world of absolute peace would then come. (205-172, 1990.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 5. Men and Women Harmonize in Love

    Man symbolizes heaven and woman, earth. The two must unite and realize harmony. Men and women are different. Men’s muscles are rugged and women’s are smooth. Men have beards while women do not. Their voices are also different. If we compare men and women, we see their contrasting features fit together well. Harmony unfolds between them. When we look at the physical structure of human beings, their left and right sides form a correlative pair. These two halves are bound tightly together. Continue reading “Man Symbolizes Heaven and Woman, Earth”

Love Cannot Be Realized by Oneself

Candidate Interviews on The Richard Urban Show

#180-Interview with Cara Keys-Republican Candidate for County Commissioner-Shepherdstown District
#179-Interview with Thornton Cooper-Democratic Candidate for WV Secretary of State
#178-Interview with Mary Ann Roebuck Claytor-Democratic Candidate for WV Auditor

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

God’s country is where His direct descendants receive Heaven’s command and, in His place, govern under God’s kingship. There would be neither communism nor democracy. Once established, that nation will remain forever. When we think of such a nation, we should feel mortified that we are unable to be a citizen of such a country. We should lament that we are unable to be such a person, living in such a nation. We must grieve over the fact that we do not have such an unchanging sovereignty. (72-292, 1974.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

    The Blessing signifies the True Parents and true children coming together to fulfill the purpose of creation. (19-73, 1967. 12.27)

    God exists with dual characteristics. These dual characteristics are positive and negative, the former represented by the man, Adam, and the latter by the woman, Eve. The children are thus a combination of the two of them. In this way, according to God’s ideal, the first, second and third generations are formed. Out of the three generations, it was the generation of Adam and Eve, the second generation, where the problem occurred.
    Adam and Eve did not become one in God’s love. If they had, they would have formed a love relationship in which God could dwell. They also would have established the standard of love through which God could have naturally formed a relationship with Adam and Eve’s children. This would have been the Blessing. (32-239, 1970.7.19)

Richard: prepares you to find your eternal match and to become a Blessed Couple. Both singles and already married couples can become Blessed couples.  The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 5

The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation

Section 4. Love Comes from One’s Partner

    Love cannot be realized by oneself. Where does love come from? Love does not come from me but from my spouse. Since love comes from my spouse, I must bow my head and serve her. This is where the heavenly principle of living for the sake of others originates. When something highly noble comes to me, I must honor and serve it in order to receive it. We must live the philosophy of living for the sake of others. (143-277, 1986.3.30) Continue reading “Love Cannot Be Realized by Oneself”