Adam Should Realize God’s Ideal of Creation and Bring the Devil to Surrender

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1665

     When you have achieved mind-body oneness, the universe will protect you. When you have attained this state of being protected by the power of the universe, your parents as well as your siblings will also be protected by the universe. In short, everyone around you will be protected. Your race and nation must also form this connection. This is a wonderful conclusion. So, if you were 1666 Book 11 • The Root of the Universe to go to another nation and maintained mind-body unity, then you could connect to the people of that nation also. It would work wherever you were.
     In playing soccer, what happens when the ball stops rolling? It becomes one with the ground through a perpendicular. Hence, a sphere is considered to be the most ideal shape. That perpendicular could rest at any point on its surface, and this is how it is possible for the ball to roll around on any surface anywhere. So, once you have achieved mind-body oneness, and formed a perpendicular, you would fit in anywhere. Regardless of whether the person you meet is a Westerner, an Oriental, a person from the past, present or future, you would be able to relate with any situation. (205-53, 1990.7.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

There is no other way of becoming one with Jesus except through love. You cannot become one with him through truth or justice. Love is necessary before there can be life. Love goes beyond history, and is not limited by distance or space. (35-164, 1970.10.13)

Richard:  Only through love, which means a spousal relationship, can we become one with Jesus.  Not through truth or justice. 
    And Christianity emphasizes love.  Those pioneers, who followed Jesus and worked to make a just world also emphasized love, like Dr. Martin Luther King, who used the technique of non-violence taught by Mahatma Gandhi. 
Yet, the current Palestinian protests are completely different.  They emphasize hatred and war.  Therefore we can see clearly they are not righteous at all.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 4. Grace and Self-Realization

4.3. The future secured through True Parents

    The title True Parents used in the Unification Church is a great one. Of course, the content of the Principle is very deep. It can ensure one’s confidence in the future, and give meaning to it. Also, if there is an original point that can guarantee value on the stage of real life, it comes from these words. So, what do we have to do? We must unite. With whom should we become one? You should not become one with yourself as the center. Nor should you try to become one with your family at the center by pulling in True Parents. On the contrary, you should be pulled by True Parents. In being pulled, you should not be pulled just by yourself, but take your parents and husband or wife together with you. Moreover, you should take your children with you and even your material possessions. You should become one in this way. (35-274, 1970.10.25) Continue reading “Adam Should Realize God’s Ideal of Creation and Bring the Devil to Surrender”

There Must Be an Original Person

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1731

Adam and Eve came into being from the invisible dual characteristics of God. Those two characteristics, which are invisible, together make up the one being. They are harmonized based on true love. In this state, God stands in the masculine position, and created His son and daughter to be in the objective position to His dual characteristics. Thus, when they grew up and became husband and wife centering on love, God on high could come down to where they were. He would stand as the invisible Parent and they as the visible parents, were to be united through true love. (222-317, 1991.11.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1212

From the Principle you know about the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. Even if you have established the foundation of substance, that substance is not to be offered to God. It serves as a foundation for the Messiah, that is, a substance that can welcome the Messiah. (43-187, 1971.4.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 4

The Mission of the True Parents

Section 1.  The Position of the True Parents

    The world has passed through many eras: the eras of imperialism, emperors and kingdoms. After they passed came the children’s era of democracy and the servants’ era of communism. Because these eras were not governed by the law of love, we can conclude they were products of a false world. The original world was to come into being as the extension of an original heart. Then, there must be an original person. But where is that original person? It should be understood that the term “person,” here includes both man and woman. Continue reading “There Must Be an Original Person”

The Wise Person Takes Possession of the New Era of Hope

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1571

How is the communist world faring? I told Gorbachev to take down the statues of Lenin and Marx. In the whole history of communism, there was no one but myself who dared to say such things. The communist leaders of the Soviet Union clamored, “How dare he talk of Godism in front of us? How dare he speak so arrogantly?” Regardless of how much they hated me, the communist world declined to its present situation. The person they feared the most in the world became their only hope. There is no other hope for them. So I told them plainly, “Listen to my words and follow, for there is no other way to go.” (202-351, 1990.5.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1232

Up to now I have not told you, “Oh, you must absolutely obey my words.” We must comply with the historical course. The historical course is a course of providential history trodden for the sake of God. It is for that reason that I have been teaching you about the course of the providence of restoration. I did not teach that for the sake of Rev. Moon of the Unification Church. That is why I, too, am going that way. We are heading toward the purpose of God, the Subject, and toward the purpose of humankind, the object partner. These objectives have not been accomplished, so the Unification Principle and Unification Thought advocated by the Unification Church today, in this age, are calling upon people to complete them. (71-66, 1974.4.28)

Richard: We are not talking about fulfilling the purpose of Rev. Moon, put the purpose and ideal of God.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 2

The Messiah and True Parents

Section 2. The Messiah, the True Parent

2.1. The Messiah is the True Parent

    What kind of person is the coming Messiah? He stands as an embodiment of faith, hope, and love for the individual, and for the entire family, tribe, people, nation, world and cosmos. Only when he stands in this position, can the faith, hope, and love that still remain unfulfilled in human history finally bear fruit. Otherwise, faith, hope, and love will be unable to bear fruit. His words are not just those of one individual. Even in your case, when you speak with such conviction, the content of the words you speak as an individual will be related to world history.
    What kind of person is a wise person? He is the first to understand and recognize the global era and the time of hope. The wise person is the one who can bear the responsibility of being the first to recognize it, analyze it, criticize it, and take action. In this way, he takes possession of it. Although he comes as an individual, when the Messiah appears on earth, he is not just an individual. He is the fruit of faith, hope, and love that the whole world desires. This is his value. All the paths of history are connected to this fruit. In other words; past, present and future are all connected to it. Furthermore, all individuals, families, tribes, peoples, nations and the world are connected, and both heaven and earth are connected to it. (13-142, 1964.01.01)

The Messiah is the True Parent and we are to be true children. We must stand in the same realm of destiny and participate in it. (55-97, 1972.04.23)

The Messiah Comes as the True Parent

Cheon Seong Gyeong 205

    What is it that you desire? You want to be people of the heavenly kingdom or children of the heavenly kingdom. This must be your desire. If you become people and children of the heavenly kingdom, the heavenly kingdom will naturally appear.
    Then, what kind of world is the heavenly kingdom? Is it a democratic world? Democracy is a means and a transitional ideology to make regime change easier when the Lord comes. When the Lord appears on earth, all the people of the world must follow him. The people as a whole must go before the Lord. Then, this would be convenient for organizing all the nations of the world into one nation.
    But democracy cannot unify the world. The experiment is already over. Can America itself lead the world? America itself is doomed. So the question is how to save America and guide it to govern the world. If this is God’s will, it has to be handled through the philosophy of the Unification Church, “Rev. Moonism.” Until this happens, there is no way for America to survive, and the bridge to the heavenly kingdom cannot be built by the American people.

Richard:  Rev. Moon clearly teaches about God’s will, and very specifically about absolute sexual ethics.  These teachings, and especially the movement for absolute sexual ethics, should have been taken up by all families, and especially by Christian leaders and churches.  With this teaching, there is no confusion about whether homosexuality is right or wrong.  It is clearly against God’s ideal of creation.
    But overall, people did not listen.  Instead, we have seen a steady decline of sexual moral values, and moral values in general.  Homosexuality was made ‘the law of the land’ through the ridiculous Obergefell decision
    Justice Samuel Alito wrote in his dissent

“If a bare majority of Justices can invent a new right and impose that right on the rest of the country, the only real limit on what future majorities will be able to do is their own sense of what those with political power and cultural influence are willing to tolerate. Even enthusiastic supporters of same-sex marriage should worry about the scope of the power that today’s majority claims.”

    When we embrace goodness, and particularly absolute sexual ethics, as taught by Rev. Moon, then we will become God’s children who are in line with His will and heart.  Then this nation will be saved, not any other way.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

Now that the vertical and horizontal eight-stage indemnity has all been completed, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages could be performed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska, the most northerly location in the West. It is the northernmost place. On the first day of September, I declared “the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father” at the same place. The ideology centered on the Heavenly Father is simultaneously the ideology of salvation by love as well as the ideology of parental love. This parent-centered ideology is all about a life lived by giving love. Satan cannot oppose anything based on love. If he cannot oppose the path taken by the Unification Church, we can rapidly expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 5. What Is a True Parent?

5.1. The two tablets of stone and True Parents

    When God led the Israelites out of Egypt there was a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud. The pillar of cloud led them during the day and the pillar of fire led them at night. What did they signify? They represented a man and a woman and showed, symbolically, that in the Last Days parents would come and that the Israelites would serve them. Those who did not follow the pillar of fire and pillar of cloud would all perish. The Israelites wandered around aimlessly in the wilderness for forty years. Out of concern that they would perish, God called Moses to Mount Sinai. He had him fast for forty days and gave him two tablets of stone. They symbolized Adam and Eve – that is, True Parents. Why were the two tablets of stone placed in the Ark of the Covenant? The two tablets of stone symbolized Adam and Eve as the central figures who could complete the work of God’s will. This is why they were placed in the Ark of the Covenant. (134-172, 1985.4.7) Continue reading “The Messiah Comes as the True Parent”

Be a True Parent like God is a True Parent

The latest Richard Urban Show:

141-White House Caught Lying and Covering Up COVID Shot Dangers

Cheon Seong Gyeong 551

    Since the society, nation and world in which we live are far from ideal, all manner of suffering occurs, and good and evil are at cross-purposes.
     If we took a random sample of a hundred men, it would reveal that one hundred percent of them jostle among themselves in “an every man for himself” struggle within their circumstances to cope with the demands of their mundane affairs.
    Therefore, in our daily lives, we all acutely lack the confidence that we can complete the day’s work that we planned in the morning. With a wider scope of activities we would need proportionately more drive and determination to bring a victorious result in our everyday life. Lacking these, that day cannot be victorious. Such days turn into months and months into years.
    We also lack environments conducive for meeting our monthly goals. To end a month victoriously, we need the drive and determination necessary to achieve breakthroughs in tackling both the details and complexities of that month. Without them, we cannot conclude our monthly activities victoriously.
    Getting through a year successfully requires us to be equipped with a fighting spirit or driving force that can thrust aside all the challenges of each and every one of its 365 days. We can then celebrate that year victoriously. If we live a year like that, and continue in this vein, it will eventually add up to ten, and then twenty, and then thirty years, and that eventually becomes our life path. (31-30, 1970.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 744

    Just as the good ancestors were able to enter the life-spirit level from the formspirit level when Jesus came upon the earth, your ancestors, too, have entered the realm which gives them the special privilege to return to earth through the conditions you have made. When you understand this and become victorious branches, you stand in a position of having created life, and consequently, your ancestors will help you. In this way, you should be the base through which thousands of generations of your good ancestors can return.
    The time of Jesus was the era in which the spirit world helped conditionally for the sake of resurrection to the life-spirit level. But now is the era in which they help unconditionally for the sake of resurrection to the divine-spirit level. Since such an era has come, there is no greater blessing. In other words, the spirit world is helping. (14-21, 1964.4.19)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Whatever I do — whether it be farming or something else — I’m confident that I can make a living. Now that I’ve become 90, Satan can’t follow me. I need to live until 104 years of age before I go quickly to handle the split between the spirit world and heaven. I need to unify the spirit world and the physical world. With that purpose I’m driving Ambassadors for Peace and religious leaders of peace on this earth, “You’ve created all these denominations! Now, you as ancestors of tribes have to overcome these numerous divisions through unity!” I hurl lightning bolts proclaiming these things. I want to achieve unity based on the UN constitution if possible, even within one week. Because of this, the world is becoming brighter.

I intend to accomplish this by the year 2012. The 12th year can turn into either night or day, so I need to complete everything in the 12-year period; then God’s fatherland and hometown will be restored in the ideal era of the liberated realm. Knowing this, are you going to side with me or not? You whites, don’t be proud; and you blacks, don’t be discouraged. You’re brothers and sisters to each other.

If we are to gather together all that our father and mother scattered thousands of years ago, how are we going to do it? We should go all the way down from the top, turn things around and match everything well, so that there is only one peak. If we do it, there will be only one peak in the world. Those who cannot stay on this summit will lose the value of their existence.

Some time ago someone said something about planting the flag of the Unification Church on the top of the Himalayan Mountains. My arm, your arm! The left arm is mine, and the other arm is also mine. [A play on words relating to the fact that Nepal sounds like arm in Korean.] Las Vegas, where is this place of all gamblers? Nevada… land and ocean! Your ocean, my ocean! [Another play on words. Nevada sounds like the Korean word for ocean.] The center of your arm and my arm and the center of your ocean and my ocean are one, so the unified world cannot but come about! Aju!

God is our parent. He wears a crown and a royal gown. What does he want to do with his newly born sons and daughters? Even while wearing his royal gown, he would like pick them up and give them a ride on his shoulders. And he’s going to like it even if they poop or pee in that moment. If you don’t manage to reach such a position, you are losers.