You Cannot be Happy Without a Father and a Mother

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1731

Who on earth are Adam and Eve? Theirs is the position where the harmonization of humanity based on their horizontal ideal love is supposed to take place, the right angle set, and the focal point set up. That position would intersect the lines drawn from above to below, left to right, and front to back. What does this mean? Since God is the Subject with dual characteristics, and will enter the mind of Adam and Eve when they conform to the focal point of love, the wedding of these ancestors of humankind who have not fallen would be His wedding as well. (223-267, 1991.11.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 922

Today Christianity says, “God is the holy, omniscient, and omnipotent being, and the judge who sits on His throne as the righteous Lord of Judgment and passes judgment on all people.” But do you like being a judge? If you serve as a judge for ten years, you will get sick and die; or if not, you will at least become seriously ill. If you do not get sick, you are a fake. Judges sometimes pass death sentences, and yet their verdicts cannot be absolutely right. There are many different ways of seeing the situation, and still their judgments decide whether someone lives or dies. This is a serious matter. Laws cannot be absolute in the light of the universal law. For this reason, an ordinary person will fall sick after being a judge for ten years. (198-285, 1990.2.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 2

The Way of Love in the Family

Section 1. God’s Laws of Love Centering on the Family

    Since the beginning of history, who has practiced true love focused on parents, true love focused on husband and wife, and true love focused on brothers and sisters? True love is absolute. (20-40, 1968.3.31)

The love of God is expressed as parental love, conjugal love and children’s love. These three great loves make it possible for human beings to exist forever. Continue reading “You Cannot be Happy Without a Father and a Mother”

It Is a Sin Not to Bear Children

Cheon Seong Gyeong 823

You know about the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships. As couples, you must accomplish these things. If you can do this, you can freely come down to the earth from the spirit world at any time. (253-71, 1994.1.7)

The perfection of the four great realms of heart is made possible by a couple becoming one in love through marriage. If this unity is broken, then the realms of the children’s heart, siblings’ heart, couples’ heart, and parents’ heart will remain incomplete. You need to perfect these realms of heart in order to pass smoothly to the spirit world. Yet, because of the Fall, no one has ever achieved perfection in these realms of heart. This is why you need to carry out restoration through indemnity. (249-289, 1993.10.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1331

When you look at my family, you can see that I have children in the vertical position. On the horizontal foundation, who among the True Children represents the position of the horizontal Abel? It is Heung-jin. He is the second son. In order to establish the 36 Couples, people representing Jesus’ three main disciples had to be secured, restoring the number three. The first three, the archangeltype couples, fulfilled this role. After the number three had been regained, 36 couples representing Adam’s family, Noah’s family, and Jacob’s family could come forth. The first of the three Couples, who themselves represent the 36 Couples, was that of Kim Won-pil. Providential history cannot allow just anyone to stand in that position. He must have a suitable ancestral background aligned with the dispensation in the spirit world; otherwise, he cannot stand in the position of the eldest son. The one who fulfilled these requirements was Kim Wonpil. The one who occupied the position of the second son was Eu Hyo-won and the third was Kim Young-hwi. (169-109, 1987.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 6

True Parents and Us

Section 1. The Essence of the Teachings of the Family Federation

1.3. God’s love and True Parents’ love

    God’s love is the love of a vertical parent, and True Parents’ love is the love of horizontal parents. Since you are the people that have inherited these, your minds are the fruit of the tradition that has received the love of the vertical God and parents. Likewise your bodies are the fruit of the tradition that have received the love of horizontal True Parents. In order for these fruits to form the horizontal basis of a family and form a sphere with a vertical center you need to be a husband or a wife and have children. So it is a sin not to bear children. You should not be a childless person. Is there flesh without bone? No, because it would have nowhere to attach itself. (184-309, 1989.1.1)

    God’s masculine and feminine characteristics are separated into the forms of Adam and Eve. What unites them and makes them one again? Love. As they separate and reunite, God can experience how strong the love is that is contained within Himself. Otherwise, He would not know. Although God has love within Himself, He does not experience that love. He knows about it only through meeting a partner. Through people, He feels the love that is inside Himself. God is the vertical Father, and Adam and Eve are parents centered on horizontal true love. (185-187, 1989.1.8)

    God is the bone of love. God’s love is like the bone and human love is like the flesh. The bone and flesh become one in order to take shape. This is the principle. Just as you have bones, God’s love is the love that is like the bone. True Parents’ love is the love that is like the flesh. (181-206, 1988.10.3)

The Parental Heart Is the Heart of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1511

God is the vertical parent who has true love for humankind. There is only one such vertical and perpendicular relationship. It is absolute. There cannot be two such relationships. If the vertical Parent were left standing alone, He would collapse. Therefore, the horizontal parents need to be found and connected to the vertical Parent. To go into more detail, the Creator is the vertical Parent of true love, and the created Adam and Eve are in the position of His children, as well as the horizontal parents. Adam and Eve are His substantial embodiments. When they are giving and receiving at the place where they resonate together in union, a central point comes into existence and the center of that couple’s realm of resonance is established. This is the origin of life from which you were born. (183-40, 1988.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 1. We also Need Our Natural Parents

   Originally, when God as the Parent created Adam and Eve, He reaped the benefit of having children. At the same time, He enabled the children to benefit by having parents. God’s hope was to raise His children to perfection. Had this happened, it would be possible to say that God would have harvested both Adam and Eve. Continue reading “The Parental Heart Is the Heart of Heaven”

The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing

Announcing, the site for finding your eternal match.
First Blessing Preparation Class begins January 16th, 2024.
Register Now.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1442

    You need to restore 160 couples in order to connect them to the world. Jacob had 12 family members, Moses had the 72 elders, Jesus had the 120 followers, and the returning Lord has 160 head disciples. That means that they are the head disciples. Jesus called his followers his disciples. The words “head disciple” are being used for the first time by me. No one else knows about that.
    Since Japan is the Eve nation, True Father has taught it every secret he knows. I have taught you things that even Korean leaders have never heard of before. So, if you do not fulfill your responsibility, it will be on your heads. If you fail to liberate 160 families, you cannot inherit the victorious realms of the first, second, and third Adam. If you fulfill only the realm of the first Adam, you cannot form a connection with the second or third Adam. However, the returning Lord has fulfilled the missions of the first, second, and third Adam, and will engraft you as long as you have laid the foundation of formation, the realm of the first Adam. (265-127, 1994.11.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1417

    The most important work of the Unification Church today is the Blessing bestowed upon you as couples. The Blessing of couples is the seed of love planted by God in Adam’s couple. As such, it should be disseminated.
    All of you gathered here know what cell reproduction is, don’t you? In that tiny cell is contained the whole tree, is it not? When you sow it, a whole tree grows from it. The roots, branches, leaves, stems, flowers – in fact, all parts that make up a tree are contained in that cell. The conceptual blueprint is contained in it.
    Couples are blessed to become the embodiments of True Parents, and through their children, reach out to the nation and world, becoming its roots; just as the roots and leaves of a tree absorb essential elements and control the tree’s carbon assimilation and the separation of elements from the air, Blessed Families should perform similar functions. A tree takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen to its surroundings. Isn’t that strange? How can it do that? That is an expression of the harmony and beauty of creation. The universe is a world of love – it is not a cold-hearted and desolate place, but an enclosure of love. Just as the seeds are all wrapped in a shell, God also wants to reside in that realm of love that is the universe – the enclosure of love – with His plus and minus dual characteristics.
    For God to dwell enwrapped in the universe of love, there must be unity in love between Him as the subject and the universe as His object. He can only be enveloped by the love that is shared by the two sides in the process of giving and receiving. That is why love is eternal and great. It is also boundless. Wouldn’t you want to rest in such a place? The conclusion is the same. That is the seed of God’s love. You must return to that seed.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 2

God and the Work of Creation

Section 3. The Ideal of Love to Be Attained Through Adam and Eve
3.2. Husband and Wife Stand as Second Creators

    When a woman is expecting a baby, a new world emerges for her. When the baby starts moving, she has so much hope. This is how women should be. They have many dreams, like the ones God had when He created. To have the thought “I hope my child grows up and becomes so and so in the future” is in keeping with the heart God had when He prepared to create Adam and Eve. Such are women’s three-dimensional dreams. With the thought “I am not alone. The entire world is in the hands of my child, and he or she is growing in my womb,” her mind embraces the whole world in love. (228-263, 1992.7.5) Continue reading “The Most Important Work of the Unification Church is the Blessing”

The Family Is the Base for Perfecting All Types of True Love

We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop tomorrow and Sunday!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1357

    The world will gradually start to move in accordance with the fortune of the Unification Church. In this connection, I conducted the first international joint wedding in 1970, the 777 Couples Blessing, which signified that everything on earth was drawing together globally based on the providence.
    As part of the 430 Couples Blessing, I blessed forty-three non-Korean couples overseas rather than bringing them over to Korea. Yet, the 777 Couples Blessing in Korea was the very first international joint wedding held in the whole world, with participants from ten nations. The path by which any nation on earth can return to God was completed through the family ideal in this manner. From this moment on, it became possible for the fortune of the world to align itself with the fortune of the Unification Church. (55-171, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1100

    No one living on earth until this time has ever seen God’s Day, True Parents’ Day, True Children’s Day, and Day of All True Things. There are 365 days in a year. You should clearly understand that the most important days among all 365 days are those days that I have just mentioned, which have now appeared in providential history. You should know that these days are the king of all days, and if a year like that existed it would be the king of all years. (92-252, 1977.4.18)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Family Pledge 3; Perfecting the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family

The Big Idea:  Children’s, siblings, couples and parents love are all perfected in and center on the first love consummated by husband and wife.  The grandparents, parents and children each exist as levels of kingship.  The realm of the royal family exists so we can save Cain-type families in this world.

1. What are the four great realms of heart?
2. What are the three great kingships?
3. What is the realm of the royal family?


Core concept 45:  The four great realms of heart are perfected when two God-centered people marry and consummate their first love as a couple.


Pledge Number Three

Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to perfect the Four Great Realms of Heart, the Three Great Kingships and the Realm of the Royal family, by centering on true love.

3.1. The Four Great Realms of Heart

Continue reading “The Family Is the Base for Perfecting All Types of True Love”