Heaven and Earth Should Have Sung Songs of Peace

Stacey and I wish you and your family a very happy Easter!

#150-Iconic Symbol of American Freedom Destroyed in Likely Cyber Attack
The Richard Urban Show

Cheon Seong Gyeong 496

When a mother watches her baby feeding at her breast, her touch and feeling is centered on love. Also, when holding her baby, a mother experiences a beautiful atmosphere because heaven and earth enter a state of peace. This is why, no matter how much trouble babies can be, mothers have room in their hearts to accept and even encourage such behavior. There is no limit to the love parents feel for their children. In one sense, a baby is an enemy who sucks out his mother’s flesh and blood. Yet there is no mother who thinks that way. A baby allows the discovery of many new things. For instance, a baby stimulates new hope for the mother and father. At such times, there are also new realizations. This bond is unchangeable. (Blessed Family – 1017)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1395

    I view the 30,000 and 360,000 Couples Blessings as uphill tasks. The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples is the watershed. From now on, our path is an easy one downhill. In descending, we can accelerate and gain momentum down on the opposite slope. The 36 million Couple Blessing can be said to be the counterpart of the 360,000 Couples Blessing, and then after we complete the 360 million Couple Blessing, the mountains that are the families of the satanic world will collapse completely. With the collapse of these families, the world will become a flatland. As these mountains of fallen families remained standing until now, God has been unable to travel freely between heaven and earth.
    The next thing we must overcome is nationalism. Based upon the Family and Tribal Federations, we are entering the era of the National Federation. Our goal is to have twenty four nations join and work together. In entering the global era, through 360 clans, the 3.6 million, 36 million and 360 million Couples will establish God’s unified Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world as the horizontally expanded organization of the world. I am saying that we are to completely surmount the twelve peaks of the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth. Do you know how your families can become a part of my family? You can enter God’s Kingdom on earth as its citizens only after surmounting these twelve peaks.
    Can you even imagine how many peaks of historic anguish we have had to surmount? The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples represents the twelfth peak. This must be accomplished – there is no other way. The twelve peaks will have been successfully surmounted through the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. Once we have reached the summit by accomplishing this Blessing, we will go down the opposite side, passing through the stages of formation and growth. Next will be the 36 Million Couples Blessing, followed by that of 360 million Couples and, through this, the Realm of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth will be completed. In other words, everything and everyone will be liberated once and for all. Only after accomplishing the 360 Million Couples Blessing can we enter the realm of complete liberation. Then everything worldwide will be complete. (286-247, 1997.8.11)

Richard:  UnionStation.love provides Blessing education and a matching site for those remaining or returning to sexual abstinence before marriage.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 4

The Mission of the True Parents

Section 3. The Course Prior to Becoming the True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 4

The Mission of the True Parents

Section 3. The Course Prior to Becoming the True Parents

    If we look at the history of the people of Israel, we see that Jacob could establish the conditions for individual restoration because he was victorious in the individual struggle with Esau. Later on, he could have a family because with God’s help he had prevailed in the family-level struggle at Laban’s house. Afterwards, Jacob’s descendants entered Egypt, the satanic world, in order to create a people. They were rescued from there with God’s help and were then able to enter Canaan and gain victory over its seven tribes. In this way, the Israelites could finally attack the satanic world while going through the forty-year course for the restoration of Canaan. Prior to the forty-year wilderness course there was a three-day course. The Israelites were finally able to begin the restoration of Canaan after going through this three-day course. Moreover, after entering Canaan, the Israelites had to restore the number forty once more. Continue reading “Heaven and Earth Should Have Sung Songs of Peace”

True Parents Keep the Original Unfallen Standard

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1411

In the beginning, God first created all things and then Adam and Eve as their center and the substantial beings of glory, wishing for the coming of the joyful day of their victorious blessing. Yet as His will was not fulfilled due to their fall, we who live in the world today should do our utmost to fulfill that day of hope within our own generation. We should hold high the glory of that victory and – whether as individuals or couples – praise God before heaven and earth. You should realize how blessed you are to be able to be a part of such a gloriously unique occasion. (30-170, 1970.3.22)
Richard: Here, True Father Moon talks about the Blessing. Prepare to receive the Blessing at UnionStation.love, by becoming a member and taking the Blessing Preparation Course.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1264

Who are the new parents of humankind? Adam and Eve, who fell in the very beginning in the Garden of Eden, became fallen parents. The new parents coming with the mission of giving rebirth to humankind are the original, parents who have nothing to do with the Fall. They have become one with God’s will and can be approved by God. They are the parents who keep the original, unfallen standard and fulfill God’s will. They multiply children of goodness by forming an ideal family in the embrace of God, centering on His love. They are the parents who have nothing to do with the Fall. (22-269, 1969.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 6. The Meaning of the Words True Parents

6.1. The words True Parents are precious

    You should know how important and how precious the words True Parents are. You have an obligation to believe in True Parents even if you may not believe in your nation and the president, your teachers, your parents, or your brothers and sisters. You should know that the concept of True Parents contains the idea of the salvation of hell and the evil world of Satan.
    When you are in an unavoidable place of death in the satanic world and your parents then become the strength to shield you against death, and this is acknowledged by heaven and by history, how proud you will be! True Parents are vouched for by God and history. You should know how the words True Parents came into being.
    I did not start this work in order to become the True Parent. I was forced to come forward and do this because it could not be done without me. (116-113, 1981.12.27)

Satan Cannot Obstruct Us any Longer

Cheon Seong Gyeong 899

    The spirit world up until the present day has carried out numerous spiritual works in mainstream religious history. These mainstream works had to connect to a certain line of relationship with the physical world. Spirit people cannot come to earth and carry out their works as they please. They are blocked from doing that. Unless a bridge is built by way of religion, only a few special people can return to earth. Factions were created within Judaism. When they come down from the spirit world, the mainstream cannot come in a straight line. When different factions of Judaism each make their own spiritual offerings, the mainstream moves back and forth accordingly.
    Therefore, for those coming down from the spirit world, only the ones who are connected with the mainstream can come down. Otherwise, they cannot come and co-operate through the process of returning resurrection.
    Eventually, people on earth will also go to the spirit world. Once in the spirit world, if they want to come down to the next generation, they have to follow the same principle. Yet, only a few special ones will be able to do so. (102-29, 1978.11.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1374

    At the 30,000 Couples Blessing held on August 25, 1992, everyone who came was blessed in the same way. As long as they attended a seven-day Divine Principle workshop and pledged that they believed in the True Parents, they were eligible for the Blessing. Since they came from the fallen lineage and were not true children, they entrusted everything absolutely to the True Parents. Since Satan had deprived God of the right of ownership through the Fall, they needed to return everything back to God through the conversion of the lineage, right of ownership and realm of heart, and pledge to become the children of the True Parents without fail.
    It was the 30,000 Couples who accomplished this task. That does not mean, however, that by receiving the Blessing, they were done with the task. They must not forget that they were blessed on the foundation inherited from their elder brothers and sisters under the rules of the Blessed Family. Once you inherit something, you must assume an attitude similar to its testator and maintain, safeguard, and cherish it. Thus, we must inherit the realm of heart similar to our ancestors of old. Unlike in the past, the satanic world has now been liberated. If all brothers and sisters unite, they will have no problem in attaining that state.
    I have performed the 30,000 Couples Blessing and from now on blessing 3.6 million couples and even 360 million couples will not be a problem. Even the blessing of 3.6 billion couples can be conducted at the same time in thousands and tens of thousands of places across the world through satellite broadcasting. In that way, the whole of humankind throughout the world can be blessed. As the three great ancestors are now standing in the position of having received the Blessing after having been liberated, they can be connected to their descendants in a parent-child relationship. Hence, they can exchange these positions of vertical relationship through love. We are now living in the era of horizontal equalization of being able to freely shift one’s position. Satan cannot obstruct us any longer. (257-205, 1994.3.15)
Richard: Join UnionStation.love to receive the Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 1

What is a true parent?

Section 5. What Is a True Parent?

5.2. The definition of True Parents

    What is the philosophy that will be the core of history, the core of the age, and the core of the future? In other words, what would be the center of a global philosophy that can be the fruit of history, the center of the age, and the origin of the future? This is a true man and a true woman. Continue reading “Satan Cannot Obstruct Us any Longer”

God’s Will Is for America to Have a Global Consciousness

Cheon Seong Gyeong 899

You cannot properly understand the spirit world without seeing the overall picture of how it develops, acts, and makes a relationship with the world on earth. The spirit world can be divided into good and evil – into two worlds. This is a world that really exists, although people on earth do not realize it. (134-9, 1985.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 970

In this age, how will the domain of the adopted children and that of the children of the direct lineage exchange places? Heung-jin has an important responsibility with respect to this. He must bring order to the spirit world before the coming of that time. Until now, Jesus and all those who passed on to the spirit world have had no relationship with True Parents by lineage. They have not been related to the flesh and blood of True Parents. Neither could they establish a relationship with True Parents’ love. Thus, all those who have passed away to the other world are like single, unmarried men and women. Jesus himself is like that. They must come down to earth and make that relationship with True Parents’ love. (225-85, 1992.1.2)
Richard: If you don’t have a Blessed marriage relationship with your spouse on earth, you will not be able to have the relationship of a married couple in the spirit world. True Father Moon is saying that the relationship with True Parents needs to be created lineally. A lineal relationship is a blood relationship, which is a relationship of love, with is a marriage relationship that connects you to God’s true lineage through True Parents.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God

Section 5. Let Us Liberate God

5.1. God is like a prisoner

    God has been giving world-level blessings to America for two hundred years, but Americans think these are just for them, for their Christian churches, and for their country. They have forgotten their responsibility to liberate all humankind and promote human well-being by sacrificing America and Christianity. Instead, Americans believe in their superiority and think unilaterally, centering on their national interests. God’s will is for America to have a global consciousness and build a worldwide foundation, even by sacrificing itself and Christianity. But because America is going against this and taking a contrary position, it is taking a nosedive. Families are breaking down, churches are collapsing, the nation is being dismantled and everything is in a total mess. Everything is diseased. (143-189, 1986.3.18) Continue reading “God’s Will Is for America to Have a Global Consciousness”

Who Will End the Battle Between the Good God and the Evil god?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 878

The way to heaven is opened by loving your brothers as God does. You are trying to follow me, but while keeping such a heart you should strive to reach out and bring your brothers with you. We can conclude that the one who teaches the highest, quickest and best way to go to heaven is neither God nor me, but your brothers. (66-125, 1973.4.18)

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We have walked the path of persecution in the process of our work until now, but through carrying out these things under Your guidance and protection, we have been able to overcome all the situations and people who have opposed us – from individuals to families, tribes, people, nations, the world, and cosmos, even up to the realm of Satan and hell. As we have inherited Your lineage through Your true love, You protected us just as parents protect their children so that the Unification Church was able to overcome during its difficult course all the hardships and persecution coming from the fallen world and was able to surmount individual, family tribal, racial, national, global, and cosmic peaks. Now we are able to hold, in the name of the True Parents, the Blessing Ceremony of 360 million Couples representing all humankind, and are graced to celebrate with heaven and earth the liberation that transcends religion, race, culture, and nationality. For this great occasion of the Blessing, we are truly, truly, truly grateful.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God

Section 5. Let Us Liberate God

5.1. God is like a prisoner

    Who will be able to end the battle between the good God and the evil god? Neither God nor Satan can do that. Then who can? Without a master of love who initiates and leads with true love and whom all humanity can follow, the battle between God and Satan cannot end. Unless we are freed from this conflict, peace will remain an impossible dream in this world and in history.
    The word “ideal” is just an abstract and sentimental term, so God sends someone who substantiates true love. Our main belief is in the coming of the Messiah or Savior. The Savior does not just save people but also liberates God. He is the one who punishes evil. The Savior is overall in charge of setting God free and terminating evil. (136-219, 1985.12.29)

    The mission of the Savior is to liberate God and punish Satan. Who will get rid of this despicable ringleader who has continuously accused humanity? God cannot do it; only the Messiah, the Savior can. (136-219, 1985.12.29)

    What kind of Unification Church do we want? We want to find the parent-centered religion. We are not seeking the sweet life, nor are we pursuing relationships based only on moral principles. Centering on the True Parents, we want to find the way of true love, and in so doing we want to liberate God. There is no liberation that does not correspond to the principles of love. (136-222, 1985.12.29)

    Have you thought about the nation that Father loves and is going to find? When one is willing to go to prison, some path will be found on that way. No one knows that pioneering this path of life and death means finding a path of hope that leads people beyond the abyss of darkness. No one knows the circumstances under which I have toiled in order to dig a tunnel to liberate the people of the world. In walking the path of loyalty to God, I have attended God as the center, served Him with great care, and treasured His love. I live in faith that this is the only path that never changes, even though time and tide may change. (163-304, 1987.5.1)

    We must liberate God. Each of us must save God. Instead of trying to be saved, we must make God free. This is the consummation of the providence of salvation. (136-263, 1985.12.29)

    The Unification Church is a force for the liberation for God. We are not just liberating the world. Bringing liberation to the world is easy. The world will be liberated when people unite, but God’s liberation requires the unity of the realm of heart. We must have the Principle and a system of thought that can unify the realm of love, mobilize the spirit world, and build bridges of heart on earth. This is the most fearsome and difficult revolution. Liberating humanity is easy, but liberating God is difficult. It is an amazing fact that Rev. Moon has emerged as the standard-bearer to tackle this difficult and unprecedented task, with the goal of settling all matters of providential history. (136-285, 1985.12.29)

    Religious leaders today fall on their knees and pray for their own blessings. But I have never prayed to receive blessings. Instead I prayed, “Let me be a sacrificial offering for the sake of Your liberation.” The Old Testament Age was an age for restoring God’s people by sacrificing the things of creation; the New Testament Age was an age for restoring parents by sacrificing children; and the Completed Testament Age is an age for liberating God by sacrificing the Parents’ family.
    We should attend the original parents on earth and live with them forever. There is a Korean folk song that goes like this, “Moon, Moon, you bright Moon, the Moon poet Lee Tae-baek loved…” It goes on singing about a great laurel tree in the Moon. But it also sings of living with one’s parents for tens of thousands of years. That is something of a revelation about the Korean people – living with the heavenly parents for thousands and tens of thousands of years. Whenever I think about that song, I can never forget that surge of emotion in my heart. (137-185, 1986.1.1)