Spirit World Is Not the World after Death

Happy Anniversary celebration of Pal Chong Shik, Day of the Settlement of Eight Stages! (Kodiak, Alaska, 1989)
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1494

Love cannot be fulfilled alone. Where does it arise? It does not come from the self, but from one’s object partner. That being the case, you need to bow to and live for the sake of your object. This is where the heavenly law dictating, “Live for the sake of others” emerges. A very precious thing is coming to you, and in order to receive it, you need to respect and live for the sake of the giver. Only when you practice altruism can you receive love. (143-277, 1986.3.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 887

Suppose there is a dying person who says, “God, even though I did not live according to Your will until now, in my mind I tried to go to heaven. So please regard me as having established the proper indemnity conditions!” Because God is fair, He will bring that person to the position of wanting to go to heaven. God rewards him according to his actions, placing him in a position of wanting to go to heaven. That position can be just below paradise. Even people in hell are trying to go to heaven. (57-265, 1972.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

As soon as a baby is born, it cries, and at that instant it breathes through its nose, which connects it to its second world, that is, the world of air. In order to connect to and come out into the world of air, we have to destroy the umbilical cord and the water bag, where we lived in the womb. At the time of this death or destruction, the baby is born to mother earth. After we’re born, we eat with our mouths and breathe with our noses. But the food we eat on earth is just nutrition needed for the life of the physical body; it is not an essential element of spiritual life. The key element of life is none other than love. Therefore, we should inhale the air called love. We should breathe the air of love from our mother and father. (139-212, 1986.1.31) Continue reading “Spirit World Is Not the World after Death”

To Die Is to be Reborn in God’s Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1024

Even among the leaders of the Unification Church, there are those who might misuse public money or material things. They might be tempted to use public money to take care of their children out of sympathy for them. Misusing money tramples the hearts of others. This is the same as supplying your children with poison. There is no doubt about it. This will become a condition through which the satanic world will accuse these leaders. What shall we do about public money? How will things be decided and managed? In the future, the leaders of the Unification Church must reform. (46-95, 1971.7.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 677

The final problem is opening the blocked spiritual gates of hell and heaven. It is impossible to enter heaven without opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world. Only those who overcome hell can go to heaven. You must overcome not prayer, but God’s love. Otherwise, you cannot enter heaven. This is why I paved the way from earth to heaven by opening the gates of hell on earth and in the spirit world, centered on God’s love. The name of the International Peace Highway came from this. This is to break down the wall, which has been blocking us. Jesus had the authority of the prince of heaven and God’s only begotten son because he was able to love not only the satanic world, but also the spirit world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

    We are born in love representing God, live in love, reach the destination of love by having sons and daughters, and return to God to live with Him eternally. In other words, our life begins with love, matures with love, and becomes harvested as the fruit of love. A person’s death is the point at which the fruit of love is harvested. (298-311, 1999.1.17)

    Death denotes a second birth at the end of our physical life. The place where we have that second birth – the place where we go after death – is the spirit world. We enter that world and receive from God, who is the third Parent, a supply of true love, which represents the entire universe. The spirit world is a world where we breathe love and live in love. Therefore, if you fail to develop a character of complete true love, your path to travel freely will be restricted, and you will not be able to pass through all four directions. Even if you happen to pass through a gate, you will not be able to go any further. If you want to be qualified to live in rhythm with the four seasons regardless of time and place, you must develop a character of loving completely during your earthly life. (298-311, 1999.1.17) Continue reading “To Die Is to be Reborn in God’s Love”

Then Comes the Night of Darkness Wherein No Labor Can Be Performed

Join us for this important National School Board Leadership Council Summit on July 30th, 2022.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1880

You do not realize how much philosophy can be found in the ocean. People who have only lived on land will face a considerable amount of obstacles when they try to engage in ideal activities in the other world. In the spirit world, you can ride on whales and swim with the fish. But if you do not like the ocean, you cannot do that. (119-252, 1982.9.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1985

The Korean peninsula was divided into north and south, not because our people wanted it, but because of the influence of the surrounding powerful nations, including the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and Japan. Consequently, the reunification of North and South Korea does not come to us just because we sit there on the Korean peninsula and wish for unification. We have to transform the existing situation, where the United States, the Soviet Union, China, and Japan play a leading role in the international order as they keep our nation divided. In other words, we should develop the proactive influence of our people and of Korea so the neighboring superpowers can cooperate in the reunification of the Korean peninsula instead of obstructing it. (231-8, 1992.5.11)


3. Genuine Repentance Requires Changing Behavior

And whosoever repents and does good, he verily repents towards God with true repentance.
    Qur’an 25.71 (Islam)

If a man finds that he has made a mistake, then he must not be afraid of admitting the fact and amending his ways.
    Analects 1.8.4 (Confucianism) Continue reading “Then Comes the Night of Darkness Wherein No Labor Can Be Performed”

Educate Your Children with Proper Values

Cheon Seong Gyeong 769

If someone dies of old age, in Korean we say that person “went back.” When someone asks about our deceased grandparents we say, “They went back.” To where did they return? They returned to the spirit world. Since we originally come from the incorporeal God, the incorporeal world is our original homeland. From the incorporeal world we
come to the corporeal world, prosper on this earth and then return to the incorporeal world. We return to the spirit world in this way. We originate from the incorporeal Father, and we are then born through our natural father who lends his body, and we live in the physical world. Later, we discard our physical body and return to the spirit world in our original form. (242-166, 1993.1.1)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1024

The problems in the relationship between man and woman have always been connected to religion. Spiritual groups have always been faced with the problems of man-woman relationships. Why is that so? It is because when Eve fell, she was dealing with her husband Adam and the archangel. Hence, in the Last Days, women are destined to discern between good and evil in their relations to two men. When a man joins a religion and disciplines himself, at the final summit, a beautiful woman will appear before him to tempt him. If he succumbs to this, he will fall off a cliff into a bottomless abyss. (138-286, 1986.1.24)

Cheon Seon Gyeong 1024

The problems in the relationship between man and woman have always been connected to religion. Spiritual groups have always been faced with the problems of man-woman relationships. Why is that so? It is because when Eve fell, she was dealing with her husband Adam and the archangel.
    Hence, in the Last Days, women are destined to discern between good and evil in their relations to two men. When a man joins a religion and disciplines himself, at the final summit, a beautiful woman will appear before him to tempt him. If he succumbs to this, he will fall off a cliff into a bottomless abyss. (138-286, 1986.1.24)


The Primary Ends of Education

Education Broadens the Mind and Opens New Possibilities for Advancement

A good, all-round education, appreciation of the arts, a highly trained discipline and pleasant speech; this is the highest blessing. Confucius said, “By nature men are pretty much alike; it is learning and practice that set them apart.”
    Sutta Nipata 261 (Buddhism)

There is no greater wealth than wisdom; no greater poverty than ignorance; no greater heritage than culture.
    Nahjul Balagha, Saying 52 (Shiite Islam)

Continue reading “Educate Your Children with Proper Values”

God Created Human Beings to Live Forever

Urban Life Training Newsletter-March 18, 2021

Mark 2

22 No one pours new wine into old wineskins. The wine would swell and burst the old skins.[f] Then the wine would be lost, and the skins would be ruined. New wine must be put into new wineskins.

Psalm 78

56 But the people tested
    God Most High,
    and they refused
    to obey his laws.
57 They were as unfaithful
    as their ancestors,
    and they were as crooked
    as a twisted arrow.
58 God demanded all their love,
    but they made him angry
    by worshiping idols.

59 So God became furious
    and completely rejected
    the people of Israel.
60 Then he deserted his home
at Shiloh,
    where he lived
    here on earth.
61 He let enemies capture
the sacred chest[f]
    and let them dishonor him.

62 God took out his anger
    on his chosen ones
    and let them be killed
    by enemy swords.
63 Fire destroyed the young men,
    and the young women were left
    with no one to marry.
64 Priests died violent deaths,
    but their widows
    were not allowed to mourn.

65 Finally the Lord woke up,
    and he shouted
    like a drunken soldier.
66 God scattered his enemies
    and made them ashamed

67 Then the Lord decided
    not to make his home
    with Joseph’s descendants
    in Ephraim.[g]
68 Instead he chose the tribe
    of Judah,
    and he chose Mount Zion,
    the place he loves.
69 There he built his temple
    as lofty as the mountains
and as solid as the earth
    that he had made
    to last forever.

70 The Lord God chose David
to be his servant
and took him
    from tending sheep
71     and from caring for lambs.
Then God made him the leader
    of Israel, his own nation.
72 David treated the people fairly
    and guided them with wisdom.

Eternal Life

1. Eternal Life in God

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

    When a follower asked Jesus if he could go home to bury his deceased father, Jesus said, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead.” (Luke 9.60) From these words of Jesus, it is clear that the Bible contains two different concepts of life and death. The first concept of life and death concerns physical life. Here, “death” means the end of physical life, as was the case of the disciple’s deceased father who was to be buried. “Life” in that sense means the state in which the physical self maintains its physiological functions.
    The second concept of life and death concerns those living people who had gathered to bury the deceased man, those whom Jesus called “the dead.” Why did Jesus refer to people whose bodies were alive and active as the dead? He meant that since they had not accepted Jesus, they were far removed from the love of God and were dwelling in the realm of Satan’s dominion. This second concept of death does not refer to the expiration of physical life. It means leaving the bosom of God’s love and falling under the dominion of Satan. The corresponding concept of life refers to the state of living in accordance with God’s Will, within the dominion of God’s infinite love. Therefore, even if a person’s physical self is alive, if he dwells apart from God’s dominion and is in servitude to Satan, he is dead as judged by the original standard of value. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the Lord’s words of judgment upon the faithless people of the church in Sardis: “You have the name of being alive, and you are dead.” (Rev. 3.1)
    On the other hand, even though a person’s physical life may have expired, he remains alive in the true sense if his spirit abides in the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven, a realm in the spirit world where God governs through love. When Jesus said, “He who believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live” (John 11.25), he meant that those who believe in him and live within the realm of God’s dominion have life. Even after their physical bodies have returned to the soil, their spirits enjoy life in God’s dominion. Jesus also said, “Whoever lives and believes in me shall never die.” (John 11.26) In saying that believers will never die, he meant that those who believe in Jesus during their earthly life will obtain eternal life not in this world, but in spirit, within the bosom of God’s love. They will be alive, both in this life and the next. Jesus’ words assure us that death, in the sense of the end of physical life, has no effect on our eternal life. (Exposition of the Divine Principle, Resurrection 1.1)
    Eternal life does not mean that we merely exist forever in the spirit world. It means we eternally “live.” How do we cultivate such a life?
    As human beings, each of us was created to be an object of God’s love—God’s beloved partner. God cherishes true love more than Himself. Hence, although God is the center of absolute and eternal life, His ideal of true love is even more absolute and eternal. It is the very core of God. We are the object partners of that true love.
    How do we come to be in such a precious, eternal position? Love is the attribute that brings subject and object into oneness. Love unites a family. It unites the nation. In the unity of love, we can participate in anything our beloved does, follow him wherever he goes, and inherit everything he or she possesses. In the same way, we can inherit God’s eternal life. We can inherit God’s heart—his heart of love by which He longs to dwell within each of us and also in the creation. How precious it is to find such great value within ourselves!…
    What joy! What amazing grace! What an unparalleled blessing! Now we can dwell in the same position as God. Now we can participate in God’s eternal love. (216:115, March 9, 1991)
    [Originally,] human beings are born from true love, grow in true love, live in true love and die in true love. We are not meant to just disappear into a void. Since God, the Subject of all created beings, is eternal, unchanging and unique, we who are His partners of love should live eternally. This is the starting-point of the logic of eternal life. Life does not begin from life. Life originates from true love, not the other way around.
    If God creates something He regards as most precious, would He discard it ten years or one hundred years later, or would He want to keep it for eternity? Obviously, He would create it to last forever. Thus it is with human beings. Would God create human beings to be born and die, and their death is the end? No, He created human beings to live forever. Why? They are the object partners of the absolute God, with whom He can share joy in absolute true love…
    Suppose you were fleeing to a refugee camp; if you had a precious possession, would you take it with you or leave it behind? You would want to take it with you. Once in the camp, you would treasure it. You would not enjoy it for a few days and then throw it away. You would keep it until you die, and then bequeath it to your descendants for eternity. That is human desire.
    It is the same with God, the Absolute Being. God is eternal, and He desires that His object partners, whom He loves, should live eternally. That is why human beings want to live forever. For this reason also, the absolute God never ceases to seek for His children. Each human being has the value of eternity. (290:143-44, February 18, 1998)
    If God only liked humans for one or two days, or even for one hundred years, and then discarded them, it would not be true love. The more you love, the more you want to be with your beloved one. For this reason you sometimes find a man whose wife died young who never remarries, preferring to live alone until his death while treasuring some article of his wife’s clothing…
    That is why God created human beings, His precious children, to live forever. However, for love to last forever, people should stand on the foundation of actions that can generate greater output force. In other words, as time goes by love’s power gets stronger, generating more give and take action instead of consuming energy. Hence, the lovers’ joy never ends, but only grows and develops more and more, to infinity. Such is the ideal world, the Kingdom of Heaven in which God dwells. (39:42)