Jesus Led a Life of Tears

Ruth 3

18Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”


18He is to put some of the blood on the horns of the altar that is before the Lord in the tent of meeting. The rest of the blood he shall pour out at the base of the altar of burnt offering at the entrance to the tent of meeting.

Richard:  Blood atonement reminds us of the sacrifice of Jesus.  Because of Jesus’ atonement we are able to stand before God, since we all have sinned.

Let Us Be a Victor for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 30, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Today we cannot avoid a course of battles against Satan to recover the day of universal hope, the day of victory. Thus, the greater our mission, the greater our responsibility. To bring a victory out of the course of this battle, we should pass through deeper valleys of tears.

Jesus alone appealed before God in tears in the Garden of Gethsemane, without being accompanied by even his own disciples. He was totally sinless, without any wrongfulness, and he only hoped to live as the son of God. You should feel the heart of Jesus, who walked the path of bloody tears.

Today at the point when you hasten to bring a victory to Heaven, you should reflect upon whether you are truly ready to climb the same hill of universal tears with Jesus, which he has already climbed. Ever since humans left the bosom of God due to the fall, human history continued in tears. To be freed from this, we should walk a path of tears. This does not apply only to the course of God’s providence, but also to a people or a nation.

We call someone who sheds tears for a nation or its people a prophet. A nation does not come about automatically. It comes about through a history of tearful, trouble-filled stories made by such prophets. Similarly, unless you, too, climb the historical hill of tears, you can never receive a day of victory. Jesus shed bloody tears while walking on the path of Golgotha, the path of a pioneer, after having climbed hills of tears for thirty years. Today, if you are to be the ones who would take responsibility to fulfill the will of God and liberate Jesus, you should shed bloody tears that no one recognizes, springing from the bottom of your heart.

If there are disciples who are shedding tears for brothers and sisters and the world, and further, if they are unceasingly shedding tears without being able to stop it for Heaven, a condition for victory will be made. Once Jesus once could not help but shed tears, looking down at Jerusalem, yet no one understood his heart. Because he did not have even one friend who could cry with him when he wept in sadness, Jesus had to die on the cross.

Because we are descendants of fallen Adam and Eve, we are responsible for alleviating their grief. Also, to cleanse the sins caused by the fall, we should alleviate even the grief of Jesus Christ, who came as the second Adam. The history of the past is the history of the formation stage and the growth stage, and we could stand before the will by just partially fulfilling our responsibility. Since we are in the completion stage today, it is not enough for us to fulfill only a partial responsibility. In order for us to fulfill the mission given at the time of the completion stage, we should be motivated and work a thousand times harder than those who have come and gone in the past. Clinging to God’s grieving heart that cannot let go of this earth, whether cold or hot, asleep or awake, no matter what kind of circumstances He is in, you should become those who should also cling to this earth and weep for it more than anyone else.

In order for this people to find and establish a principle for unity today, the person above should come down, and the person below should go up. By so doing, each other’s tears should be exchanged and brought before God. Similarly, if we could understand the heart of God’s grievance and that of God who loves the earth and can communicate with His heart, we will never perish. Therefore, we should become those who can shed tears. In the last days, we are to shed tears, whether they are for joy or grief.

Two thousand years ago, as there was a wall of darkness that Jesus had to pass through in the garden of Gethsemane, carrying the cross of suffering and pain, we should also receive the last days in this century, which has a wall of darkness like the cross of Jesus. Also, because Jesus shed tears on behalf of God while others did not know of it, neither the disciples who lost Jesus, nor his people, all of humankind tends to avoid the path of tears.

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