Sever Your Relationship With Satan both Spiritually and Physically

2 Thessalonians

16Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.

17I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write.

18The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

Jeremiah 37

21King Zedekiah then gave orders for Jeremiah to be placed in the courtyard of the guard and given a loaf of bread from the street of the bakers each day until all the bread in the city was gone. So Jeremiah remained in the courtyard of the guard.

The Person Who Is to Remain Before God’s Will

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Then what should you do? You should become the ones who can substitute all the ideas based on human ethics with heavenly principles and totally digest everything based on human ethics, transforming them into heavenly ones. Otherwise, you will not be able to lead a life of the Heavenly Kingdom on earth.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit have been making efforts for 2,000 years to spiritually connect human morals with the will of heavenly principles. If you believe in such a Jesus, you will have inherited the will and will do your best to fulfill the mission of unifying humanistic moral laws with the heavenly principles. To inherit the mission, we should first overcome all the evil conditions in our daily life. For this, we should carry out the ideology of Jesus’ daily life. Believing in the cross was to sever the relationship with Satan spiritually, but you should now have the ideology of Jesus’ life. Based upon it, you can sever the relationship with Satan both spiritually and physically.

Now the Day of Judgment is approaching. Then how will the judgment be done? It will be done, based on how an individual established the heavenly ideology during his or her earthly life. To avoid such judgment, before being afraid of God’s judgment, we should become the one who can take responsibility for the will of God and fulfill it. Otherwise, even before we are judged by God, Satan will take us.

Is there anyone with the disposition of God? Is there anyone with the pure disposition of Jesus? Find him, and make him your friend. Who is of noble character? Please follow him. Also, who is the one with the nature of God’s harmony? Follow him, and attend him. Then you will surely gain a path to life. Also, you will be freed from the judgment for the condition of having followed and attended him.

Have you had Jesus’ heart of purity, nobleness, and harmony? If not, fight yourself. Satan is not far away from you. He is in yourself. Thus, you should discover the difference between the heavenly personality and the satanic one within you and lead a life of separating them.

Next, you should appear in a way that is immutable. The meaning of saying that Jesus did not change refers to his unchanging attitude from the perspective of heavenly ideology.

Fallen humans under the dominion of Satan are cunning. Satan in the Garden of Eden revealed his sin, but at the time of the judgment, he would not reveal it.

You should become the ones who can willingly abandon any attachment to your own environment and life with an unchanging heart. Then you will be one with Jesus’ unchanging heart.

Please understand that the environment, including yourself, is an object against which you should fight. To Jesus, who came as an unchanging person, all things before him were objects and enemies to fight. Furthermore, even the spirit world attacked him. Since Jesus had to fight heaven and earth, what a pitiful person he was! Despite such a condition, we should understand that he remained unchanged. Now you should be the ones who can stand unchanged before God and can be proud of yourself.

All things will welcome us in joy only when the foundation is established on earth where such people gather on earth and manifest God’s wisdom. Then instead of the fact of man having been related to Satan in pain and suffering, they will receive a day of hope and sing a song of glory and joy to God.

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