Follow Your Conscience Informed by the Word

Watch this Sunday’s sermon to understand how God is working through current events to separate good from evil in society: Kingdom Awaited:
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Is Obama Trying to Create a Coup, War or Destabilization Before Trump is Inaugurated?:

John 7

37On the last and greatest day of the festival, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.


Because Joseph her husband was faithful to the law, and yete did not want to expose her to public disgrace, he had in mind to divorce her quietly.

20But after he had considered this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. 21She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,f because he will save his people from their sins.”

Let Us Avoid Being Punished for Our Sins by Restoring the Original Nature of Goodness

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 21, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

If Adam and Eve had followed the eternal, unchanging, and unique word of God at the risk of their lives, it would have been impossible for the sins and crimes throughout all the eras of history to exist. However, because they did not follow the absolute word of God, from the moment of the fall, the sins and crimes throughout all the eras if history and in the future all started to come about in their bodies.

When Adam and Eve were tempted in their minds, they desired to obey God’s word, but their bodies were drawn to Satan’s temptation. Yet because the strength of the bodily temptation was greater, they disobeyed God’s will. The greater the strength of the conscience of Adam and Eve that pursued the absolute goodness, the greater became their fear.

Adam and Eve Should Have Clung to Absolute Goodness

The warning of their fear was that their act of the fall eternally became the origin of sins and crimes throughout history and the eras. Yet they did not know this. When Adam and Eve felt fear just when they were about to fall, with the stimulation of terror, they should have clung to absolute goodness and established an unchanging center of righteousness that can control the evil mind. On the contrary, they were united with the first being of evil. This grievous fact did not come to affect only them, but also came to affect their generations after that. Thus, you should not forget that you have no choice but to fight the original being of evil through your conscience in your daily life.

Keeping in mind that throughout history, that one sinful act has been confronting human consciences until the future, we should be freed from the fallen sovereignty. Though humans are descendants of the fallen Adam and Eve, because they have consciences that fight the mind of fear, following the subject of absolute goodness, there has been no time and space in which one did not fight sins and crimes.

Adam and Eve chose a path of fear. Along with grief, tragedy came into their lives and they finally fell into a position of despair. As they stood in the position of fear, the original source of eternal love and life, God, who had been living with Adam and Eve, left them. They came to feel indescribably miserable. Then the Garden of Eden created to be a garden of the ideal, of goodness and joy came to have nothing to do with Adam and Eve and they stood in the position of despair, falling down into the world of darkness.

We humans, who have been going through the history of sins and crimes, should find a purpose of life and climb up to the standard of absolute goodness during our lifetime. You should know that the person who pioneered the way is Jesus Christ. You should depend upon the words established by God and continue to pursue absolute goodness by following the leader chosen by Him. By establishing a conscience that your mind can depend on and the words of God that the conscience can depend on, you should restore the purpose of absolute goodness. By establishing a substantial being who can, on behalf of God, fulfill His will and whom our body can depend on, you should restore the purpose of absolute goodness. This is done through your connection to God’s words and the substantial being.

Then finally, we can enter the realm of goodness that is eternal, unchanging, and unique and we can manifest the original nature of autonomy, dignity, and value. Thus, we can fulfill the hope of God, who has been leading the dispensation for 6,000 years.

You Should Become Those Who Can Represent History

Because man is destined to restore absolute goodness as such, even the ethics and morality established by them should pursue goodness. Further, the reason God gave the word to them and made them actualize it was also to restore the absolute standard of historical goodness and achieve the purpose of goodness.

3 thoughts on “Follow Your Conscience Informed by the Word”

  1. Right, our TF we should could and gratefully cling to absolute goodness. For whom? For our HF, yes, and who else? You me all of us . I see no other way. Do you? ?

  2. Conscience informed by the Word is a powerful force. Our conscience will guide us to follow goodness, and this is never just for our own sake, although we will naturally benefit, too.

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