Be Loyal to the Will of God

Leviticus 18

9“ ‘Do not have sexual relations with your sister, either your father’s daughter or your mother’s daughter, whether she was born in the same home or elsewhere.

10“ ‘Do not have sexual relations with your son’s daughter or your daughter’s daughter; that would dishonor you.

Amos 9

15I will plant Israel in their own land,

never again to be uprooted

from the land I have given them,”

Richard:  It is important to have sovereignty.  Satan is always trying to have dominion over God’s people.  God is now restoring his sovereignty through Jesus and His Second Coming, Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Jesus’ True Heart for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 4, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Then with what kind of attitude of mind did Jesus pioneer and overcome his difficult environment? Jesus overcame his difficult environment with an unrivalled determined heart to have humans restore human ethics and have them connected to heavenly principles. He felt responsible for fulfilling the historical hope of all of humanity.

Then what were the difficulties Jesus was faced with? He had to fight not only against himself, but also against legions of the invisible Satans that were invading humans then. Alone, he had to pioneer the path blocked by the people then and by all the habits developed throughout history and the trends of the era.

In such a hard position, who has fought Satan on Jesus’ behalf? Who has courageously pioneered the difficult path on his behalf! Today, on behalf of Jesus in such a position, at some point you should become a person who can fight to save the world and fulfill your responsibility as a human on earth. Unless such a person appears, the ideal that Jesus wished for cannot be fulfilled on this earth.

The people of the era did not recognize Jesus who had come as a being with a historic character to save them from their fallen state. Thus, he walked a solitary and extremely lonely path. However, he did not have his own hope.

His hope was only to save fallen people. Yet until now, people have not understood such a lonely situation of Jesus. Nor can they know Jesus, whose total hope was to save all humankind without thinking of himself, even in the midst of such loneliness. Further, even his followers did not know the situation of Jesus. Thus, you should understand that Jesus is the king of kings of loneliness.

Also, Jesus did not pray for himself alone. All of his words and acts, what he saw, heard, and felt were not to benefit himself. Those words and acts were on behalf of history, humanity, and heavenly principles. Thus, he attempted to manifest the real existence of the eternal and unchanging God.

Although Jesus led such a sad life of shedding tears while others did not notice, you should understand that he was a man with a great will. You should repent that you did not figure out that he was in a frustrating position where he had to fight Satan, forgetting his difficult environment without losing the ideology and conviction of God, the Creator. You should lament over yourselves. Jesus did not establish an ideology for himself, but for heaven. His ideas were unchanging ones that expressed God’s internal heart and the fundamental idea presented through many ideologies and thought throughout history. Then how did Jesus live with such ideas? How did he overcome his environment and relate to God? Jesus was a substantial being with limitless value, a human being of original nature who could sing God’s glory. He should have experienced the joy that Adam and Eve had experienced before the fall. Yet he was born into the fallen world, and on behalf of God, he had to take control over the difficult environment.

Due to the fall, humans had no choice but to lead a life of grief. Also, due to the fall, they had to experience pain and dwell in the world of death. Similarly, Jesus came to an earth filled with grievances, sadness, pain and death. He was a star who had to stand on that sadness and fight for heaven’s principles with that heart.

Jesus had to walk a path of sadness to feel God’s sadness. The heartbreaking pain he felt was not for himself, but because he had to fulfill a mission to indemnify the sorrow of history through himself. Therefore, he was frustrated with pain on behalf of history, the providence and people.

Jesus has never changed his center, no matter what kind of sadness and suffering he went through, or even the fear with which he was faced. Jesus was to inherit the heavenly ideology and take full responsibility to fulfill a mission of pioneering an unchanging path. If he had changed his center under the circumstances, the victorious history of heaven could not have begun.

Jesus pioneered a victorious path of heavenly principle, overcoming all hardships in spite of his difficult environment, hopeless situation, and in the position of being accused by Satan. To pioneer the way, Jesus emphasized a love that has never existed throughout history. No matter what kind of circumstances he was faced with, he asserted that we should have patience to overcome. As sinners are loyal to evil, we should be even more loyal to the will of God. This is the basis of the Holy Spirit’s nine fruits. Through a life of love, joy and peace will come. Through patience, compassion and goodness will come. Through a life of loyalty, gentleness and humility will come.

To remove all of the evil elements under the sovereignty of the fall, Jesus emphasized heavenly love, heavenly patience, and heavenly loyalty. This is the ideology to realize the building the Kingdom of Heaven. Do you have the love of Christ within you? Do you have patience and loyalty? Jesus was a being of substantialized love on behalf of God’s heart. Even on the sorrowful way to Golgotha, he was the hero of patience, with concern for the sufferings of all of humankind. He was a representative of loyalty toward heaven. More than anyone, he had given devoted service to heaven.

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