Cast Away the Meddling of Satan

Pastor Hyung Jin Moon and Yeon Ah Lee Moon entered their new residence in Matamoras, PA in a significant ceremony representing the expansion of God’s sovereignty:

Ephesians 2

19Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household, 20built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ Jesus himself as the chief cornerstone. 21In him the whole building is joined together and rises to become a holy temple in the Lord. 22And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit.

Mark 16

17And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

When Will We Stand Before God?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 8, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

If you now have the desire to find God the Father, then you must throw away all the internal contents of doubt, sin and death that you have kept in yourselves until now. You cannot build a relationship with God and goodness in the position you have continued in until now and in the fallen environment linked with the history of sin. The environment which will allow you to become good is not this kind of environment. It is a new environment.

What then must you do to get out of this environment? You must have an earnest heart that cries out, “Father, since I am this inadequate, please receive me.” If such a heart securely settles in your minds, then you can enter the world of eternal life.

You must be able to expose the doubt that you have attained from your surrounding environment and say, “Father, please remove this from my mind and body.” You must have the courage to fully entrust the Father with yourself, your enslavement by sin. You must at least establish that mind-set at the center of your heart. Otherwise, you cannot walk the path of faith.

When God comes seeking us, the condition He puts forward is faith. Humankind must use faith to forget all about themselves, destroy the environment that causes doubt, and create the environment that induces faith. We must bring order to the sinful environment, make an environment of goodness, demolish the environment of death, and build an environment of life.

After completing all these things in God’s place, you can sing of His limitless glory centered on His love. You can personally manifest the authority of God. Mankind’s minds have been moved while looking forward to that one day. No one can deny this fact.

We must today ruthlessly dissolve the sinful environment in which we dwell. Moreover, we must put forward all that we have, able to explain all the doubts that we had until now concerning the relationship we had with the Father. We must obliterate all the sinful elements we have possessed until now. We must possess the standard of faith that can bring liberation from the powers of death.

What must we do to achieve this? You must find the road that can explain the doubts you have. You must find the path that will lead you toward life. If such a path did not exist in the human world, God could not come to us. If God is an actual being who stimulates one’s mind so that one can recognize one’s mistakes and repent, then you must without fail set the standard of the ultimate hope, life and human ethics that God desires. The day this can be done, the concluding period of history, must inevitably come someday.

How much thought have you given to this fateful, universal road? In reality you live in an environment today where you can become doubtful about the universe, this society, the world, and even about yourselves.

The central being who can bring the solution to all these problems is God. Moreover, God is also the only person who knows everything about which you are curious. He is the only absolute being who can satisfy your curiosity.

Therefore, you must put all these universal doubts connected to you on your shoulders and have the bravery to hand them all over to God. You must say, “God. I have come with all doubts of the universe. If there is a heavenly relationship between You and me, then I trust that You will not abandon me. Please accept all these doubts and bring resolution to them.” If there is someone who is leading a life of difficult conflict to resolve this situation, thinking that doing so is the duty of his faith, then even if he is alone, in the end he can surpass the average people of faith.

When we are trying to cast away the meddling of Satan, who blocks the path of goodness and opens the path of evil, when we are trying to pioneer on the individual level toward the goal of victory, then we must truthfully divulge all of our doubts to the subject of our faith. The act of divulging is a sacred thing. When you possess the sincerity that can challenge the universal limits of the consciousness you encounter and call out, “Father! Father!” then the Father must face you. God has the responsibility to deal with people like that.

Truth never violates the heavenly principles, and God never forsakes truth. Therefore, to resolve all the things that bring doubt in your mind, you must have the determination to cling to God and appeal with a heart of devotion, loyalty and utmost sincerity.

If this doubt is not cast away, there is no way that we can destroy the road of sin. No matter how much you were moved and inspired, if explanations are not given to remove your doubts, you can fall down again.



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