God Wants Sons and Daughters by Blood

Deuteronomy 34

9Now Joshua son of Nun was filled with the spiritb of wisdom because Moses had laid his hands on him. So the Israelites listened to him and did what the Lord had commanded Moses.

Richard:  I should spread the word that I know to help other people with the Daily Inspiration, Urban Life Training and Urban Grocery.

Zechariah 11

7So I shepherded the flock marked for slaughter, particularly the oppressed of the flock. Then I took two staffs and called one Favor and the other Union, and I shepherded the flock. 8In one month I got rid of the three shepherds.

Richard:  Humanity has in many ways been like sheep under the opprssive rule of oligarchs and mini-tyrants.  Many people are in debt slavery, having huge college loans and other debts to pay off.  Many are supposed to be happy with “crumbs” given out by the government, while the very foundation of the community, stable, loving families is being destroyed.  It is time to throw off the shackes of the old world and unite with the Good Shepherd, Jesus and with the Second King, Pastor Hyung Jin Moon.  Watch the Kingdom Report:  https://youtu.be/THkmeV4w-QA

Let Us Become the True Sons and Daughters of the True Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 15, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

The title of the sermon I want to offer to you is “Let Us Become the True Sons and Daughters of the True Father.” I will speak briefly upon this topic.

You probably know very well that God, Who created all things, could not abandon this world. Rather, He has been conducting a brutal fight with Satan and has been taking sole responsibility for it until now.

What is the ultimate purpose of God’s desire? What does He want? What is the reason He could not forsake humanity, but clings to it even while suffering the historical course of countless sorrows? It is to make it possible to say to humankind that they are His sons and daughters by blood. God has been fighting until now to realize this ideal.

Adam was to attain all the qualifications of the master of all things in that garden of goodness, amid the glory of God and harmony among all things, centering on the love of God. He was to say, “My Father! Please be glorified.” Adam lost that significance because of the fall. You have to understand that, for this reason, God longs to hear His original sons and daughters, after the creation of the world, come forward and call out, “Father.”

The Father we are calling out to is not one we can call on from the position of sin. Accordingly, we must leave this world of sin and enter the ideal garden of goodness. While that ideal garden is the place where humankind can manifest the glory of God, it is also a world where they can live intoxicated in joy. In other words, it is a world where all things move when human beings move; all things halt when human beings halt. While human beings move and halt together, the Creator God also moves and halts accordingly. It is the ideal garden where the reciprocal relationship between God and man transcends and brings true oneness.

God wanted men to be one with Him like this. Yearning for the time when, after having become one, they could become intoxicated in joy centering on the amazing love, He created that kind of world. However, we know very well today that because of the fall of man, this became mankind’s grief, as well as the grief of Heaven. From the fall until now, they have been contributing to the sorrowful history that has been increasing that grief.

What then is the greatest hope of God’s dispensation being conducted today in relationship to this earth? It is to re-establish humanity, who now have fallen parents, on the side of God and make it possible for God to proclaim that He is their Father and they are His children. You must clearly realize that ushering in that kind of day is the historical hope of fallen humankind and the natural hope of Heaven.

When you reflect and probe into yourselves after putting yourself before the heavenly laws, you will feel that there never was a time that you achieved harmony centering on the love of God. As true children, you can say, “Father!” You should have led a life of faith governed by Heaven. Yet you will feel that you have failed to do this. Now, centering on one time and hour, you should be able to call God, “My Father!” Changing yourselves and igniting the heart of the Father, you must proceed until you reach the position of making a new parent-child relationship with God centering on love.

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