Become a Responsible Person at the Second Advent

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Kingdom Report: 

Romans 14

For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself. 8For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord: whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s. 9For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.

Matthew 22

11And when the king came in to see the guests, he saw there a man which had not on a wedding garment: 12And he saith unto him, Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment? And he was speechless. 13Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. 14For many are called, but few are chosen.

Richard:  It is up to each person whether they will enter the wedding banquet at the second advent of Christ.  If we do not repent and cleanse ourselves (wearing the wedding garment), even if we enter we will be cast out.

Let Us Become the True Sons and Daughters of the True Father

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 15, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

After creating men before all things in the Garden of Eden, God has not witnessed the day that His words of blessing, “Have dominion over all things,” were fulfilled. We must exert ourselves for the sake of the fulfillment of these words. When that is achieved, everything will become glory to the Father. From that point on, new love through the new ideology, new character based on new life, and new words and truth can be obtained. We can embark as children of a new lineage.

When we observe your actions, we find that at present the ideology of hope, the historical ideology and the practical ideology are seeking you. Not only that, before us beckons the one day when the glory of sons and daughters of the direct line in Heaven and on earth can be demonstrated through you. Yet, in spite of all this, you are ignorant of these facts. Not knowing your proper position, you bypass the environment in which you should dwell, the hopeful environment where you must carry on the struggle.

The road we must travel is actualizing the whole ideology of God on earth and forming the foundation of heavenly glory where God can rest. We must do this at any cost and by any means. At the same time, it is concluding all the fights of the earth. To do this, you have to fight on with love.

You who are going in search of obtaining this ideology must possess the love that represents the universe. Moreover, you have to attain the practical ideology of life and the power to carry it out in action. When we step forward with this kind of love and power of practice, Satan, who has been confronting Heaven until now, will naturally submit.

Today you have to understand the will of God, Who wishes for the appearance of children who cherish the desires of God. We have to, first, feel the tragic sorrow and distress of God and offer all of our effort to liberate Him from them. By doing so, you must be able to march forward toward the one will of hope. You must become the leaders who can represent the 600,000 Israelite people who headed toward the blessed land of Canaan. Today humankind is fighting because a tranquil and free living environment is not realized. They must go out to the wilderness and combat the seven faithless Canaanite tribes. You also have to pass through this kind of course of conflict.

Now Heaven is thinking about each of you, asking whether you are a historical criminal, an apostate, an opportunist or a substantial person who can take responsibility for history, the present and the future. You have to understand that Heaven is relating to you based on these conditions.

What then are you to do now? You have to become sacrifices that can be offered to Heaven today. What is a sacrifice? It has to be divided. Historically, there were those that were divided and those that were not divided. The ones who were not divided could not become sacrifices. In the future, there will be sacrifices on the national level and on the world level.

People who live with this kind of idea of sacrifice must not live for the sake of their individual selves. They must live for the sake of the society, the nation and the world. You must not be defeated in the place where you become the sacrifices. Even when you are divided in the place of conflict, you must be able to say, “Oh! Hallelujah! Glory of the Lord! Today is the glorious day when God is liberated from the bitter grief of 6,000 years.”

You must boldly step forward in place of Joshua and Caleb of the past. You have to become the victorious chosen people of Heaven without losing the standard of faith in the wilderness, like the first chosen people. Having done this, you must endure within the will and enter the blessed land of Canaan. Revering the heavenly principles, you must stand in the position of Joshua and Caleb who have completed their responsibilities and bring the victory. By doing so, you must become true sons and daughters who attend the Father eternally from the position of having reaped the victory.


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