Jesus Came as the True Parent

Listen to the True God’s Day midnight talk by Pastor Hyung Jin Moon: start at 1:03:00:

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John 16

In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 24Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.

Jeremiah 50

1This is the word the Lord spoke through Jeremiah the prophet concerning Babylon and the land of the Babyloniansa :

2“Announce and proclaim among the nations,

lift up a banner and proclaim it;

keep nothing back, but say,

‘Babylon will be captured;

Bel will be put to shame,

Marduk filled with terror.

Her images will be put to shame

and her idols filled with terror.’

Let Us Join In the Pursuit of the Homeland

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 22, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

You who are living on earth today are living within the sphere in which you can endanger your heart when you are afflicted with wounds in your mind. Nonetheless, you will feel that there is no way for you to connect to God, Who exists as the center of hope. You have to understand that this is the anguish of Heaven. Someone must resolve this anguish, but there is no one with the internal standard who can.

Although human beings can see, hear and express their hearts to each other, the heart of the Creator God was never conveyed to anyone, though 6,000 years have passed. Heaven has been laboring until now to set the standard on the level of some people to connect to the heart of Heaven.

Although this kind of history has traversed 6,000 years, until now there still has been no establishment of the eternally unforgettable link between Heaven and “I.” You have to understand that to set this standard, God sent many prophets and has guided the dispensation through Jesus. You should realize that this is the effort God made to find true sons and daughters.

Though God stands in the position to accomplish the ideal ideology of life as the center of ideals, He had to do the work by sending prophets and sages, because He could not directly build a relationship with humankind in the fallen realm. This is also the difficulty of Heaven.

God sincerely longs for the establishment of the one standard on earth which can attend the representative of God as the Savior who is coming to help the whole of humanity serve God as their Father. Therefore, we must quickly bring about the one day when humankind can stand on the standard of original human ethics and of the heavenly principles that Heaven demands and offer a bow before the Father.

What has Jesus been keeping deep in his heart? What has he mourned over? Today there are many people who are sad because they do not have parents, a spouse or a nation. However, Jesus grieved because he could not fulfill his duty of alleviating the sorrow of God and building the true heavenly nation, centering on True Parents.

Moreover, you have to understand that Jesus has suffered greatly to build eternally, unchanging, heavenly relationships with people who were changing countless times in their lives. Therefore, you should walk the road of truth, life and love that Jesus introduced.

While he was living on earth, Jesus had the mission to set the unchanging, principled center, but because he lost the foundation to live on the earth, he has been working to achieve this task. Jesus came as the center of the world that combines the spiritual and the physical, but because he died on the cross, he could relate with human beings only spiritually. This is the grief of Jesus. However, because this is not the completion of the dispensation, there still remains the condition for him to return to this earth again.

What is another sorrow that Jesus felt after coming to this earth? He mourned over the fact that if humankind had not fallen, they could have led their lives personally attending Parents of goodness with their minds and bodies. Because of the fall, they could not serve True Parents for the long period of 4,000 years. As you can see, the people at that time could not recognize that Jesus stood in the position of the Father with the heart of a True Parent.

Humanity’s inability to recognize Jesus who came was the grief of God. Not being able to attain the parent-child relationship with humanity is the grief and sorrow of Heaven.

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