Jesus Was the Manifestation of God in Man

Phillipians 3

3But we are the ones who are truly circumcised, because we worship by the power of God’s Spirit and take pride in Christ Jesus.  We don’t brag about what we have done, 4although I could.  Others may brag about themselves, but I have more reason to brag than anyone else.

2 Kings 19

25“ ‘Have you not heard?

Long ago I ordained it.

In days of old I planned it;

now I have brought it to pass,

that you have turned fortified cities

into piles of stone.

26Their people, drained of power,

are dismayed and put to shame.

They are like plants in the field,

like tender green shoots,

like grass sprouting on the roof,

scorched before it grows up.

27“ ‘But I know where you are

and when you come and go

and how you rage against me.

28Because you rage against me

and because your insolence has reached my ears,

I will put my hook in your nose

and my bit in your mouth,

and I will make you return

by the way you came.’

Let Us Not Become a Betrayer of God’s Will

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 20, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Due to the fall of Adam and Eve, fallen people were divided into many peoples. From among the many peoples, God chose the Israelites, in whom He could trust. From among those people, He chose Moses. Through Moses, God could establish the laws of the heavenly principles that can never change, but the people who followed Moses betrayed God.

As a result, God could not achieve His will on the level of the family and the people. Yet by regaining Israel from the dominion of the Pharaoh and through the battles with the Canaanites and Satan, He sent a star who could represent 4,000 years of history: Jesus.

Did the people who had betrayed Moses accept Jesus? On the contrary, the Israelites betrayed him on the levels of the family, the society and the nation. You should know this.

When the sages and saints throughout the generations of history were commissioned with a heavenly responsibility by the will of God, God wanted to trust in them. The central people who were called for the heavenly mission to make such conditions were Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses and Jesus. You should know this.

With what kind of heart then did Jesus appear on earth? Jesus came as a representative of the whole nature of God and His historical words. Jesus was the substantial being of hope for which God had been looking. What then did Jesus feel when he came to the earth? When he came to the world with God’s words and cried them out, he felt that the words were not only historical words. He felt what the many prophets and sages had desired to express throughout history. Further, he felt that the words had been betrayed by countless people throughout history. Thus, he could feel the broken heart of God, Who has been looking for a person whom He could trust on the faithless earth.

Furthermore, Jesus felt the heart of God’s love that had desired to establish an eternal incarnation of ideal love, inseparable from Him, after He had created humans with all of His energy in the Garden of Eden. Jesus also felt a sense of mission to restore the original position of Adam and Eve, who had betrayed God. Jesus’ position was not that of God, who was concerned about the fall. He was balancing sorrowful human history and heavenly principle on the scale, feeling the painful heart of fallen people, too. He appeared to cry out the words of God, a visible being representing the invisible being. He was the hyung sang of God, clinging to God’s heart. Jesus considered the words and the heart rejected and violated by many people throughout the long history to be his own. He regarded his body as God’s temple.

If Jesus had a hope that he desired to be fulfilled, it must have been to restore a day of goodness. He fought and died to establish a day of goodness.

When Jesus appeared before God the Father, he felt responsible for restoring all the words rejected throughout history and to comfort the Father by indemnifying the sinful history caused by the betrayal of the human ancestors.

Thus, Jesus appeared with a prayerful heart: “Oh, Father, whose temple and heart have been violated and trampled upon by human beings during the past 4,000 years! Please be comforted by seeing me.” He felt responsible for liquidating sin on earth. You should understand that his heart was pierced with the determination not to leave behind another history of betrayal and to vindicate all the betrayals throughout history and persist in reality.


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