Understand God’s Historical Sorrow

John 4

38I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor.”

Amos 8

10I will turn your religious festivals into mourning

and all your singing into weeping.

I will make all of you wear sackcloth

and shave your heads.

I will make that time like mourning for an only son

and the end of it like a bitter day.

Let Us Become the Ones Who Can Understand God’s Sorrow

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 25, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Genesis 6:5-13

What kind of sorrow then does God possess? This is a very important question for us. It was derived from the result that, since the fall of Adam and Eve, God could not establish the original world of creation, which was to be established through them. We should thus become the ones who can experience the grief of God.

That is, due to the fall of Adam and Eve, the ideal of creation through which they were to enjoy an eternal blessing in the garden of love centered on God’s love and ideas, was frustrated. God thus came to work continuously until the present throughout thousands of years of history. To fulfill the ideal of creation that Adam and Eve could not fulfill due to the fall, God has thus been experiencing all kinds of grief while fighting Satan. We should also become a person who can empathize with such a heart of God.

We should now experience the sorrow of God at the time when Adam and Eve were lost and the sorrow of God at the time when Adam and Eve betrayed Him and fell. To do this, we should first understand God’s love and how much God loves humans. Otherwise, you will never be able to experience the grieving heart of God at the time when He lost Adam and Eve. Thus, you should experience the grieving heart of God, who could not realize the ideal of creation due to the fall of Adam and Eve.

God’s sorrowful heart to achieve the ideal of creation is imbedded in all of the creation. You should understand that God’s providence has been to resolve the problem. Since Adam, what did all the prophets and sages, from Noah, Abraham, Moses to Jesus testify to humans on the earth? It was only to convey God’s grief to the ignorant people.

Due to the human fall, God came to carry a grief for not having been able to realize the ideal of creation. Thus to fulfill it, He sent many saints and sages and came to have a double grief that He could not but watch them fighting Satan. You should understand this….

When looking back at the time of Noah, God was overwhelmed with indescribable sorrow for 1,600 years, but he was tolerant of it. The sorrow toward humans was so overwhelming, He could never forget it even one moment. Overcoming it, to fully manifest His sorrows before all humankind and the creation, He established Noah.

Why then did God establish Noah in the position that people at that time could not understand? You should understand that the reason was to establish one person, Noah, as a representative of humans, and put him in an incomprehensible environment, to experience the sorrow and pain of Heaven, caused by humans for 1,600 years.

Noah tolerated people who opposed and ridiculed him in faithlessness for 120 years. Even 120 years later when a warning was given that the earth was to be judged, he accomplished his duty to God in faith. He was called a righteous person of that time. Because he was a righteous person, the more he was concerned and saddened for the society in which he was living, the more corrupted the society of that time was.

When many people were striving to live for their personal comfort, Noah alone struggled to find the laws of public righteousness, was concerned about chun ryun, and was saddened in the environment where no one wanted to belong. Because Noah was concerned with and grieved for the people of that time, God called him. You should understand this.

This is not limited only to Noah. What was the reason for all the saints and sages, until now, who were responsible for fulfilling God’s will to be chosen? All of them were concerned about the corrupted earth and people of their time. With the concern for an individual, a family, a society, a nation and the world, without letting others know, because they prayed, “Does Heaven exist? If so, please save this sinful earth!” and did their best to be loyal, with a sorrowful heart toward Heaven, they could be called by Heaven….

However, God was not always in the position where He could freely command the saints and sages who followed Him in faith or His sons and daughters, nor could He discuss with them despite time and space. You should understand that He was to relate to them only when a certain symbolic condition was met. Thus, you should understand that God has been conducting His providence to remove His grief through a sacrificial offering during the time of the Old Testament Age, and through Jesus during the time of the New Testament Age.

Through them, God’s will was not entirely fulfilled. God desires to have a direct, full give and take relationship with you, and live eternally in the realm of His love, embracing you in His bosom. By so doing, He would like to call all humankind His sons and daughters. For this, He has been controlling His desire to express all of His grievance and pain until today. You should understand this.

Today, you who are living on this earth, can reveal your own sorrow to someone, your family members or relatives, but God cannot do it. When you are also in difficulties, you can lay your feelings bare, “I am sad or I am lonely,” but God could never freely express His feelings throughout many thousands of years of history even when He was sorrowful. You should empathize with such a feeling of God, Who is in such a difficult position.

You should understand that all the saints and sages throughout history first expressed the sorrow of all humans on the earth, before revealing the sorrow of their own, and when you desire to stand before Heaven, you should reflect upon your past. You should look back whether in your own living environment, you did anything small, which can be a comfort to God, who has been sorrowful throughout 6,000 years of history.

 The Kingdom Report:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNJuFaH9z_YeChP5LYsySZA

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