Jesus Demonstrated Meekness and Humility to Defeat Satan

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Leviticus 33

39 Remember to begin the Festival of Shelters on the fifteenth day of the seventh month after you have harvested your crops. Celebrate this festival for seven days in honor of me and don’t do any work on the first day or on the day following the festival.

Lamentations 4

Jerusalem was punished because
    her prophets and her priests
had sinned and caused the death
    of innocent victims.
14 Yes, her prophets and priests
    were covered with blood;
no one would come near them,
as they wandered
    from street to street.
15 Instead, everyone shouted,
    “Go away! Don’t touch us!
You’re filthy and unfit
    to belong to God’s people!”

So they had to leave
    and become refugees.
But foreign nations told them,
    “You can’t stay here!”[d]

The Providential Life of Jesus and Its Victorious Purpose

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 27, 1957

 Matthew 12: 18-37

Satan has acquired power and authority on this earth and enjoyed the glory of God, ruling over humanity as God should have ruled over them. Humankind has lived under the oppression of Satan. Therefore, when Jesus came to the earth, before he fought against the opposing people, he first had to battle against the spiritual Satan who caused them to oppose him. You have to understand that the history of Christianity began with this kind of conflict.

What did Jesus, who came to confront the original nature of Satan, give as a sign when he appeared in life? He had to do what Satan could not do. The Christian Gospels point out the actions that Jesus took for the sake of accomplishing this responsibility.

His words, his mind, his daily life, his physical life and even his death were all for the sake of setting conditions Satan was incapable of carrying out. You have to understand that such was the course of Jesus. Because the laws of the heavenly way exist, because God governs everything centering on those laws, Jesus Christ separated Satan according to those heavenly principles.

The basic nature of Satan is arrogance and fury. Although Satan dealt with the people of the earth with this kind of personality, Jesus came before the people of the world in meekness and humility.

Jesus did not stand in a position of meekness and humility because he was incapable and unworthy. He deserved to be higher and enjoy more glory than anyone else, but Jesus forsook all this and stood in a position of meekness and humility. Although Satan tried to fight with Jesus, because Jesus knew that Satan was bound to the condition that required him to submit before God, he could remain meek and humble to the end. A meek and humble nature like this is the opposite of Satan’s original nature of arrogance and fury.

Moreover, because Satan was aware of the existence of the laws of the heavenly way, eventually he had to recognize Jesus. In other words, if you move forward in meekness and humility, then even the satanic world will be brought to natural submission. Jesus understood this principle, and he took position of meekness and humility of which Satan was utterly incapable. Similarly, you have to understand that only when you stand in a position of meekness and humility can you pioneer the new path heading toward God, who works through the center.

Furthermore, Jesus demonstrated compliance and obedience. Compliance is following directions in an environment where it is possible to do so; obedience is following in an environment where it is not possible to do so. Jesus taught the ways of compliance and obedience to the faithless people. This was also meant to stop Satan’s original nature and all his elements of life.

Satan, who is centered on himself, does not care about what happens to other people. This is another original nature of Satan. This is why if you follow Satan, your future will be unfortunate. Thus, Jesus taught all people to believe in him and submit to him to follow Heaven. People did not understand this intention of Jesus. On the contrary, they thought of him as an unrighteous person with respect to the will of God. Jesus pioneered the path of obedience, even while he was suffering unspeakable persecution and mistreatment from this position. Moreover, Jesus came with the spirit of sacrifice and service. In truth, Jesus came to this earth as the only begotten son of God. As the representative of the glory of Heaven, Jesus should have ruled over all people, all things and even Satan. He should have received their sacrifices and service, but he stood in the completely opposite position. To make Satan comply with him, perform services and sacrifice for him, in other words, to bring all the forces of Satan to submission, Jesus made the offering of unlimited sacrifice and service. You have to understand this.

In the satanic world, people try to use and exploit other people and things to an infinite degree. Jesus stood in the opposite position. Jesus led a life of which Satan was incapable. Satan had to surrender because Jesus was meek and humble, compliant and obedient, and he led a life of sacrifice and service. If you measure yourself against the meekness, humility, compliance, obedience, sacrifice and service that Jesus taught and think that you cannot practice these teachings in your sphere of life, then you have to realize that you still belong to the tribe of Satan.

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