Evaluate Whether You Are on the Cain or Abel Side in Each Moment

Romans 12

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Job 22

15Will you keep to the old path

that the wicked have trod?

16They were carried off before their time,

their foundations washed away by a flood.

Let Us Understand the True Path and Discern the Side Path

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
November 1, 1957

When we look at our Unification Church, we can also see that here there are always Cain and Abel. Thus, God wants to reveal the words through Abel and hopes that everyone will become one with the Abel figure. However, there is someone who prevents people from becoming one with Abel, and that person is none other than Satan. Consequently, in order for you to live the correct life of faith, you must learn to discuss everything with that Abel person for the sake of becoming one with him.

In the Garden of Eden of the past, if Eve had gone to Adam and consulted with him about the tempting words of the archangel, Eve would not have fallen. Moreover, had Eve discussed it with God, she would not have fallen. After hearing the words of temptation, Eve did not consult with Adam or God, so she committed the mistake of the fall.

God set up the heavenly law “Do not eat,” but Satan, who denied this, said to Eve, “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:5) This kind of deceitful action and temptation of Satan is taking place today without you being aware of it.

Consequently, you must learn to discern the truth about all the things that are happening in your surroundings. In the same way a peasant must be able to distinguish grain from empty heads of grain and grain from the skin at the time of harvest, you must be able to distinguish the actions of God from those of Satan and can distinguish their results.

Now what kind of person must you become? You must be able to taste the joy of harvest. You must become people who can be raised before the Father with dignity. You are to bear the fruit, not of empty heads of grain, but the fruit of the true grain. Therefore, you must correctly receive the grace of Heaven that will help you grow up as the true grain.

You have to know the time Heaven gives the blessing. You have to understand the time of the new dispensation for the sake of the salvation of fallen human beings. You must not become like the empty heads of grain at the time of God’s new dispensation. Rather, you must be able to correctly discern everything so that you can become the fruit of the true grain.

However, in the 6,000-year history, people have not been able to correctly distinguish true from false until now. There has not been even one person who bore fruit as the true grain on behalf of human history. There was no one who bore the fruit for which countless people in history have hoped. You have to understand that if there was someone who lived for the sake of harvesting them, that person must be Jesus Christ. Today you have to be concerned about what form the fruit, which will be born anyway, will take. With a craving heart, you must head toward the path of life. By doing so, you must enter the path of life and give birth to the new, second life.

It is not the case that only true things are in your mind. In the field called your mind, at times true grains are planted, and at times grains with empty heads are planted. Grains with empty heads are not planted only in the environment in which you are dwelling. Fallen elements remain in your hearts. You have to clearly understand that the person who walked the path of sacrifice for the sake of removing them and rectifying their hearts is none other than Jesus Christ.

How is your daily life? When you make a movement in your daily life, that action is either good or false. It is either one of the two. What you see, hear, say and feel are all either good or false. Similarly, you must sense that you are standing on the forked road where every reality is divided into true and false.

There are Cain aspects and Abel aspects in your mind today. Moreover, in your mind, there are true grains and grains with empty heads. Therefore, when you carry out some action, you feel forced to reflect whether it was more Cain-type or Abel-type.

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