Form Trinities to Restore Providence

Acts 3:3

When he saw Peter and John about to enter, he asked them for money. 4Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” 5So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them.

6Then Peter said, “Silver or gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk.”

Richard:  I just got almost the same Rheema two days ago.  It appears that God is going to heal someone, even though their faith may not be strong, just as this beggar was healed.

Job 38

3Brace yourself like a man;

I will question you,

and you shall answer me.

4“Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation?

Tell me, if you understand.

5Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know!

Who stretched a measuring line across it?

6On what were its footings set,

or who laid its cornerstone—

7while the morning stars sang together

and all the angelsa shouted for joy?

Richard:  God puts Job in his place, so to speak.  Sometimes I think we want an ice cream sundae with chocolate syrup and throw a fit because there is not a cherry on top.  How ungrateful can we be!?

The Meaning of the Trinity

Sun Myung Moon
January 3, 1958

The sorrow of Jesus is that the twelve disciples did not receive his will. The three disciples, who represented the twelve, did not understand Jesus’ heart. You have to understand that Jesus’ distress as he was facing death still remains today as a source of grief.

What then must you do today? You must become Peter, James and John. Based on unity before the Lord, you must form a model no one can divide. Only then can you finally stand qualified before the sorrowful heart of Jesus Christ, who was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Because we seek to restore this will, we must create this structure of trinities.

Why did Jesus bring the three disciples along? In respect to Adam’s family, Jesus represented Adam. His three disciples represented the three sons of Adam. Peter, James and John represented Cain, Abel and Seth. Jesus came to the earth, found three disciples and carried on the mission of restoring the form of the eight members of Adam’s and Noah’s families. He was to find a spouse and create a family with eight members, yet he died a bachelor without accomplishing that will.

Therefore, he has been toiling for 2,000 years with the idea of the bride and bridegroom left unfulfilled. From that time to the present, the last will of the dispensation on earth is to establish this basic standard on earth. In other words, the standard of the three sons centering on Adam in Adam’s family must be established.

In our church today, we have formed trinities with three men and three women. The reason is that those of us who must attend the Lord in the future need a model to represent the couple of Adam and Eve, the three sons and the three daughters-in-law in Adam’s family.

Therefore, if these three people do not become one, it might be shattered again. The three men especially must become one. Dead or alive, you must become one in spirit and body. In this way, you must build one subjective form that transcends time, a foundation that is not constrained by the limits of time. You have to understand that otherwise there is no way you can proudly stand before the Lord who is to come again.

If three people become one and make the foundation that can represent the will, if you form a trinity determined to remain unchanging even if Heaven changes, then on this foundation, God will accomplish His will.

I have formed trinities, centering on you, to fulfill this. In forming the trinities, ten of you must become united centering on three trinities. The reason is that the trinity represents the three disciples who prayed with the Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane. At the same time, it is the basic form that establishes the form of the three sons centering on Adam. Moreover, the meaning behind forming a group based on the trinities is that this vertically represents the ten generations from Adam to Noah. Because the leader of the group has the responsibility of two people, they can be seen as having completed the form of twelve people.

This is the form that can represent the twelve generations from Noah to Jacob. On the historical sphere and on the vertical sphere, they can represent ten and twelve generations. Because the horizontal twelve forms that can represent the 2,000 years of vertical history have been completed, as long as people who represent the twelve sons of Jacob become one, the family of Noah, which sought the purpose of God’s dispensation, and the family of Jacob can both be restored. In this manner, three groups combine to form one larger group. This larger group represents the number thirty-six, thirty-six people.

This represents the 12 sons of Jacob, the 12 tribes of Moses and the 12 apostles of Jesus. The number 36 symbolizes the combination of the representatives of the 6,000 year history.

This is the reason that if 36 men become one, we can complete the vertical and horizontal forms of the central figures God tried to find throughout the 6,000-year course of the dispensation. This important mission and responsibility rest with the 36 people. There is great significance in this.

If 36 men and 36 women join, they become 72 people. There were 70 followers centering on Jesus, 70 elders centering on Moses, and 70 members of Jacob’s family. Accordingly, if Jesus and his spouse and the 70 followers join, they number 72 people. The mission to match this number of Heaven and earth lies with us. We must climb over this hill.

Other Resources:
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