No Place for Jesus to Rest

Numbers 22

31 Just then, the Lord let Balaam see the angel standing in the road, holding a sword, and Balaam bowed down.

Richard:  It is a blessing to be able to see where God is going with and through your life.  God does not always work in just the way the we might expect.

Acts 16

25 About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing praises to God, while the other prisoners listened. 26 Suddenly a strong earthquake shook the jail to its foundations. The doors opened, and the chains fell from all the prisoners.

Richard:  God is moving in big ways that we may not know or perceive right now.

Where Is the Refuge in Which Heaven Can Dwell?

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 12, 1958

In the original Bible verses, a scribe came before Jesus and said, “I will follow wherever the teacher goes.” Jesus replied, “Foxes have their holes and birds in the air have their nests, but the son of man does not have a place where he can lay his head.” What Jesus meant by those words was that because there was no one who could receive his words as the words of hope, he could not find a place of rest for his heart.

Furthermore, only when a person comes forward who can understand the words of God and represent the heart of God centering on those words can Jesus establish the heavenly laws, live a heavenly life, and discuss the heavenly ideology. There was not even one such person. Accordingly, the heart of Jesus in looking at this world was indescribably distressed and sad. You must learn to feel the heart of Jesus, who was mourning because he could not find a place where the precious words of Heaven could rest.

In the Last Days today, what kind of mission then must you shoulder? You must become people who can possess the words of God in your minds and bodies. In other words, you must come to possess the words of God, which no one else could possess until now, completely in your minds and bodies.

Moreover, when we consider it from this position, what was the fall in the Garden of Eden? It was the failure to unite the mind and body as the place where the words of God could dwell. Therefore, now your minds and bodies must become the resting place for God. You are living in this kind of time. Therefore, you who are living in the Last Days must clearly understand that Jesus left without finding a person who could inherit his words on this earth.

What did Jesus then leave behind on this earth? Jesus left behind the words that came through his mind and body. Therefore, your first mission today is to alleviate the grief of God that came about because of the fallen people in the Garden of Eden, and also the sorrow of Jesus, who was pleading desperately to awaken the ignorant people 2,000 years ago.

If the words that produced the miraculous works of creation were to appear on the earth again, human minds would have to move according to those words. Although humankind has fallen, this must be so because they still have the original heart. Therefore, in this historical, concluding era, you must now find, during your life, the words that can move your original hearts and bodies. You have to clearly understand that if you cannot find these words, there is no way for you to form an eternal relationship with God. You will be enslaved by lamentation and grief.

What must you do for Heaven now? You must mitigate the sorrow of Jesus, who said, “Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests; but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” (Matthew 8:20) You shoulder the historical mission to alleviate this grief of Jesus today.

You must realize the words Jesus spoke then were not meant only for one young scribe. Those words apply to everyone in any period during the thousands of years of history. Therefore, the desperate voice of Jesus calling out to you is still heard in your ears today, in this moment. You have to clearly understand this.

What then is the central purpose of God doing away with the mistakes of the first Israel and unfolding a new movement by raising the Christians, the second Israel? He was trying to establish the temple of the words that Jesus was trying to build. Therefore, you must now recognize the words that God is conveying to you as the words of the eternal laws. You must think, These are the words of life for me. You must not only receive those words; you must also see them as the words with which He created humankind at the time of the creation. If you do not possess these words and cannot substantially feel these words of God through your flesh, you cannot become the sons of God.

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