The Word Proceeds the Substantial Embodiment of Jesus

Matthew 26

39 Jesus walked on a little way. Then he knelt with his face to the ground and prayed, “My Father, if it is possible, don’t make me suffer by having me drink from this cup.[e] But do what you want, and not what I want.”

Hoseah 5

1Listen, you priests!
    Pay attention, Israel![a]
Listen, you members
    of the royal family.
Justice was your duty.
But[b] at Mizpah and Mount Tabor
    you trapped the people.
At the place of worship
you were a treacherous pit,[c]
    and I will punish you.

Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 2, 1958

John 14: 1-7

You must realize that even now the word of God is being conveyed to each one of you. God appeals to you with a heart-warming Shim Jung. For that reason, the heavenly principles get connected to our minds without our being aware of it. Therefore, our minds come to pursue Christ.

That is why numerous people have appeared trying to discover truth, constantly asking, “What is truth? What is the true word?” throughout the long course of history. Likewise, you must know that it is no exaggeration to say that human history is none other than the course of discovering the truth.

Therefore, when Jesus’ Shim Jung representing God’s Shim Jung, the word that substitutes for the sorrow, comes to appear on this earth, all people must accept that word. It can demonstrate the power of re- creation. Otherwise, the will of Jesus Christ, who toiled for thirty or so years after he came to this earth and for 2,000 years from the time of his death until now will not be attained.

What is the cause of God’s sorrow? The purpose of the providence is to find the embodiment or temple of the word through Jesus, who is the embodiment of the second word and who represents God’s word, which is the first word. The fact that there is no substantial representative of this third word is the cause of God’s sorrow. You should know this.

Jesus, the incarnation of the truth, said, “I am the way and the truth.” What was the purpose of these words of Jesus? The purpose of the 4,000 years of preceding history was the embodiment of Jesus. Jesus spoke in order for human beings to become substantial beings of the word like him. This was to be attained only if people came to believe in Jesus’ word. Because human beings did not believe in Jesus, Jesus’ life came to an end at Golgotha.

What God wanted and what God wished to find was one substantial being who possessed His word, one who could inherit the will from God and to whom God could entrust the will. Jesus was that substantial being. He was united with God’s word. That is why Jesus’ incarnation was the purpose of the whole history which God had unfolded in the providential dispensation. Then God stopped in His footsteps. Taking Jesus as His holy temple, He was able to hand over the will to the earth for the first time.

How did Jesus see himself? Jesus knew he was the holy temple that God could operate through. If God wanted to operate, Jesus knew that He had to do it through him. Because Jesus sensed this, Jesus realized that he was the holy temple God had been seeking for 4,000 years. He was the foothold upon which God could operate. He was the substantial being who represented the numerous prophets and sages who had toiled to fulfill this one will.

Because Jesus was this kind of substantial being, he realized that as long as God did not change, he could not change. As long as God did not move, he could not move. For this reason, even if all people tried to push Jesus away, he wouldn’t be pushed away. In other words, you must know that Jesus appeared in place of Adam at the risk of his life to restore what Adam could not become. On this foundation, Jesus’ disciples realized that Jesus’ word was the word of God’s re-creation.

In the same manner as God operates through Jesus, Jesus operates through a person who resembles him and who walks the way Jesus walked in his place.

God does not belong a certain era; God is historical. He is the God of the period and at the same time, He is the futuristic God. Since Jesus was the holy temple with a substantial body God could operate through, if humankind had become united with Jesus, the whole providence would have been accomplished and humankind could have been united with God.

What takes the lead today in the course of history? Because Adam lost the word owing to the fall in the Garden of Eden, the word takes the lead. The substantial entity appears after the word is found. Then, equipped with a substantial entity, the life of God will move. Where does God’s life move? God’s life moves in that center where, having found the word, unification is accomplished relying upon that word. Furthermore, God’s love will begin to bud after love relations are formed. Only then will the substantial entity of God’s life come into being.

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