Knowing Jesus’ Substantial Body Will Alleviate Suffering

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Deuteronomy 24

12 Suppose someone is so poor that a coat is the only thing that can be offered as a guarantee on a loan. Don’t keep the coat overnight. 13 Instead, give it back before sunset, so the owner can keep warm and sleep and ask the Lord to bless you. Then the Lord your God will notice that you have done the right thing.

Moses said:

14 If you hire poor people to work for you, don’t hold back their pay,[e]whether they are Israelites or foreigners who live in your town. 15 Pay them their wages at the end of each day, because they live in poverty and need the money to survive. If you don’t pay them on time, they will complain about you to the Lord, and he will punish you.

John 4

28 The woman left her water jar and ran back into town. She said to the people, 29 “Come and see a man who told me everything I have ever done! Could he be the Messiah?” 30 Everyone in town went out to see Jesus.

31 While this was happening, Jesus’ disciples were saying to him, “Teacher, please eat something.”

32 But Jesus told them, “I have food that you don’t know anything about.”

33 His disciples started asking each other, “Has someone brought him something to eat?”

34 Jesus said:

My food is to do what God wants! He is the one who sent me, and I must finish the work that he gave me to do. 35 You may say that there are still four months until harvest time. But I tell you to look, and you will see that the fields are ripe and ready to harvest.

36 Even now the harvest workers are receiving their reward by gathering a harvest that brings eternal life. Then everyone who planted the seed and everyone who harvests the crop will celebrate together. 37 So the saying proves true, “Some plant the seed, and others harvest the crop.” 38 I am sending you to harvest crops in fields where others have done all the hard work.

Jeremiah 31

I, the Lord, will bring
my people back from Babylonia[c]
    and everywhere else on earth.
The blind and the lame
    will be there.
Expectant mothers
    and women about to give birth
will come and be part
    of that great crowd.
They will weep and pray
    as I bring them home.
I will lead them
    to streams of water.
They will walk on a level[d] road
    and not stumble.
I am a father to Israel,[e]
    my favorite children.

Richard:  All these verses are about reaching out to the lost sheep of Israel.  That would be Christians who have lost the way and are suffering in hell/ the hell of this world.

Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 2, 1958

John 14: 1-17

Do you have any idea how lonely Jesus was? When you think about his saying, “Foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head,” (Matthew 8:20), we can understand how lonely Jesus was. Jesus demonstrated his tragic feeling through a figure of speech, through symbols, but now the time has come for us to know the meaning of his words. Now the time has come for Jesus to rest. God will rest in Jesus, and Jesus will rest in us. Therefore, you should understand that now the time has come for you to take charge of all creation in Heaven and on earth.

Relying on the word of promise, we will be able to go anyplace. Relying on the word of promise, we will be able to become one and meet the promised Lord. We will be able to live happily in the midst of God’s word, having love in its center. That is why it is said in the Bible that faith, hope and love will remain, but that the greatest of those is love. Now the time has come to find the word that God and Jesus expressed, embracing us in love.

Now if that word appears in reality, all will have to accept it. If you act against the word, you won’t be able to feel God’s love. However, if God’s word, which Jesus spoke from the bottom of his heart, appears in the final days, the person who listens to that word will be able to feel God’s love. The person who can feel the love of God will be the possessor of God’s love. You should understand that God’s word is not to establish a certain principle; it is to create His life and ideology.

Although there are doctrines and principles of numerous religions which profess the truth on this earth today, none of them, even if practiced as professed, will comfort our minds and bodies and allow us to be steeped in the word eternally. Since the love of God, the origin of life in the universe, has moved our mind and body, if the true word of God is revealed, it will be able to settle the fundamental differences in all doctrines and opinions.

What is the word of Jesus? The substantial being, the love of promise, and the life of promise was to be found through the word of promise. By adding the word of truth to this word of promise, Jesus’ word enabled the substantial being of the truth to be found. It enabled true love and true life to be found.

Jesus is still praying, even after going to paradise. The reason for this is that he could not fulfill his earthly mission when he came. Originally, Jesus was not to go to paradise. That is why Jesus cannot rest before a hero of the word, a substantial being of life who can represent God’s one ideology on this earth appears. Centering on God’s love, he will start building a world in which to rest eternally. You should know that until that time, God cannot rest either.

What should we lament about now? We must lament that the word of Jesus cannot come out of our mind and body unconsciously. We must lament that in spite of the actions he took, Jesus could not come into his own on the earth. We should lament that, ignorant of all this, we could not shed tears of pity.

You should become a person who can let Jesus rest. You should become a cell that is one with Jesus. Originally, the Israelites and the world’s humanity of the time should have become the limbs of Jesus. Through that, Heaven and earth should have been united into one. You must understand this.

Jesus was a pitiful man. Christians today think Jesus is sitting on the right hand of God on a throne, but Jesus was a man to be pitied. Jesus came with the cosmic mission to build the one ideal world. He came with the word of hope that could move the world and connect it to the top of Heaven. Yet mankind on the earth did not trust him. Therefore, he could not finish speaking what he wanted to say. He could not finish everything he wanted to do. You should understand the Shim Jung of Jesus, who was in this kind of regrettable situation.

To put the will into practice, Jesus propagated the word from district to district. However, people did not trust him. For that reason, God, the angels, and the whole universe grieved in sorrow over the case of one man, Jesus. Yet in spite of the fact that we today are the descendants of ancestors who committed the historical sin of not trusting Jesus, people do not know where on this earth they stand nor where they or this world are going. Seeing this, we today should be able to feel sorrow the way Jesus grieved 2,000 years ago over the Israelites, who were on the brink of ruin.

What is more, you should become a substantial being of the word that is God’s last hope. Through the Shim Jung of the heavenly principles, you should become a substantial being who can represent the collective historical substantial being. By doing so, you should be able to say, “Oh, God, who unfolded the providential dispensation for 6,000 years! Please see me and send the Lord here!” Furthermore, you should understand that the question of where God should allow Jesus to actualize his Second Coming is a matter of concern for God.

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