Archangels May Betray Heaven and Oppose God’s Will

New Blog Post by Richard Urban at Urban Life Training:
Is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage a Viable Choice?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
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Matthew 22:10

10 They went out on the streets and brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike. And the banquet room was filled with guests.

11 When the king went in to meet the guests, he found that one of them wasn’t wearing the right kind of clothes for the wedding. 12 The king asked, “Friend, why didn’t you wear proper clothes for the wedding?” But the guest had no excuse. 13 So the king gave orders for that person to be tied hand and foot and to be thrown outside into the dark. That’s where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain. 14 Many are invited, but only a few are chosen.

Obadiah 1

Everything you treasure most
    will be taken from you.
Your allies can’t be trusted.
They will force you out
    of your own country.
Your best friends
will trick and trap you,
    even before you know it.

Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 9, 1958

How is the world of paradise constructed? The spiritual people in paradise have been left with the unsatisfied condition to establish a foothold that welcomes Jesus on the earth, having received the blessing of being the first Israel. Therefore, all spiritual people in heaven are fated, through returning to the earth, to restore through indemnity the fact that the first Israel rejected Jesus. They must do this by setting up the presently living Christians to represent the blessing of the second Israel and then uniting with these people. You must understand this. Today’s Christians do not understand this.

What kind of time is the final days? Just as when foreign nations were attacking the Jewish people who believed in the word of the Old Testament, there will come a time to strike the Christians who believe in the word of the New Testament. That is why secular humanism is striking Christianity. Likewise, even in the midst of Christianity being struck, there must come forth one religious denomination that can hold onto the word. That denomination must be a reformative one.

During Moses’ course, when the time came to attend the holy temple after attending the tabernacle, the Israelites did not know that there was a trial yet to be endured, the trial of having to fight in union. During the transition from the age of attending the holy temple to the age of having to complete the holy temple of a substantial entity, a cosmic battle had to take place. Because this battle could not be stopped, today it has expanded worldwide.

In the same manner, you should have the holy temple of the substantial entity ready in the final days. What do you have to do after attaining the holy temple of the substantial entity? You should build the kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Because of their fall, humankind lost the word. Therefore, the word of the Old and New Testaments came out and guided mankind in the right direction. Now the new word will come out and restore the people who are unified with that word into substantial entities. The age of feudalism was the period of putting God first in importance. Then the Reformation came into being. Owing to that, man stopped thinking of putting God first in importance and instead came to think of the possibility of uniting with God. Mankind has passed through this kind of course; now it has come to the age of restoring the holy temple of the substantial entity.

What should you do from here? After passing through this time of centering on the New Testament, the ideology of the Completed Testament will appear on the worldwide level. When that happens, you must become masters who can embrace the world, the representatives of Jesus. To be a master of the kingdom of Heaven on earth, you must become the holy temple of the substantial entity. After that, you must become a master who is acclimatized to the surroundings. To become this, you must go through a course of ideological revolution.

What form would that course take? Since history will reap what was sown today, in the worldwide-level final days, men of faith with established concepts and doctrines will stand in a position where all could betray Heaven. Who are they? They are the people standing in a position like the archangel’s. In the same manner as the archangel seduced Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, in this age of the final days, there will inevitably appear a time when spiritual denominations resembling the archangel will emerge and oppose God’s will.

As we realize that God unfolds the providence of restoration in accordance with principles of this kind, what must we do to become the chosen Israelites in these final days? You must make up your mind. You must make a resolution. What kind of people will you have to become? You must fill the place of Jacob. You should become a person who represents Jacob who, having gone through a twenty year course, fought with faith on the banks of the Jabbok River. You should become a man who can represent Moses, who walked on appealing to Heaven, holding the Israelites together in the wilderness course. You should be like Jesus as he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, worried about Israel, which represented world humanity.

Now then, second Israel, scattered all over this world! Where can you go? The time has come when Christians of the world should appeal to Heaven. In the same manner as the distressed Israelites wandered about looking for a leader, asking who could guide them to the promised, blessed land of Canaan while in the enemy court of the Pharaoh. Christians today also will have to look for the ranks and tribes to which they belong.

The established church will collapse. Only when that happens will it be possible to divide into twelve ranks. Try your utmost to stop it.

Because Christianity must go through the fate of the worldwide level restoration by forming ranks, even if it controls a nation, the time will come when Christianity will lose its prestige before the society, family, and even before the individual.

The Israelites formed ranks just before leaving for the wilderness. They waited until the last minute, not carrying out the rank formation when they were in Egypt. The time has come for world-famous Christianity to start the formation of ranks, because the Second Coming for the sake of the restoration of Canaan on the worldwide level is near.

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