Reflect on Yourself

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John 6

24 They saw that Jesus and his disciples had left. Then they got into the boats and went to Capernaum to look for Jesus. 25 They found him on the west side of the lake and asked, “Rabbi, when did you get here?”

26 Jesus answered, “I tell you for certain that you are not looking for me because you saw the miracles,[g] but because you ate all the food you wanted. 27 Don’t work for food that spoils. Work for food that gives eternal life. The Son of Man will give you this food, because God the Father has given him the right to do so.”

Jeremiah 32

Jeremiah, your cousin Hanamel, the son of your uncle Shallum, will visit you. He must sell his field near the town of Anathoth, and because you are his nearest relative, you have the right and the responsibility to buy it and keep it in the family.[c]

Richard:  We should pass our assets along to our child who is ready to keep God’s will and tradition, not just evenly to all children.  Some of your children may squander your assets and then your dynasty will die out after three generations or so.  This is the advice that Pastor Hyung Jin Moon gave us.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
March 9, 1959

As we are today, we cannot represent the absolutely unique goodness of Heaven. Realizing that we are descendants of the sin of the fall, who can dare to face the Father? What must we do? What must we do after we raise ourselves up? We must find the will of the Father. Even if we are to lose and sacrifice all that we have, we must be able to say that God, the Master of the ideology for which our ancestors yearned, is our Father. Only when we manifest God in our living sphere can we stand as God’s sons. We must understand that if we cannot usher in the day when we manifest God in our living sphere and before all things, then the course of the dispensation that our ancestors walked during the historical course will come to naught.

What must you fulfill after you awaken your sleeping heart? Toward what will you dash after raising your body? You must fulfill the desperate and sincere heart that God had toward Adam and Eve. You must be able to feel the heart of the Father in the substantial realm of time. He wanted to taste the beauty of creation in all things and rejoice while relating with people. If you do not have this kind of heart, then even if that garden of ideology was to come, even if the day comes when the Father can reveal Himself on the earth again, it will have nothing to do with you.

Who is going to close the gap between you and God? Who is going to bridge this abyss of grief? Today, we feel that this is the historical agony and grief of humankind.

Who created this gap between God and us? The sinful lineage begotten by the fall of the human ancestors created this. Therefore, it is your mission to forge a relationship with Heaven with your minds and bodies, by rising above it to receive the lineage of Heaven, and build a relationship between the family, the society, the nation, the world and the cosmos centered on you and Heaven.

When you reflect on your past today, you probably cannot help but feel that you have inherited the lineage of sin. This is the reason that God and all things have been in agony. We have to understand that until now, God has traveled through a history of toil for the sake of saving fallen people.

Now you must put yourselves on the line and climb over all the internal walls. You must be able to pray on behalf of the hyung sang of Adam before the fall who could face God and say, “Father! We welcome You.”

God has been seeking the ideal garden lost when He forged a bond of restoration with fallen people. The providential history of salvation and restoration that we are walking through today is how God is working to restore fallen humankind, to build the garden of joy of Adam and Eve before the fall. He is constructing the world ideology based on the joy of Heaven.

Accordingly, you who are walking through the course of restoration today must make yourselves stand before the course of the heavenly principles and make self-criticisms. You must reflect upon what position you are in, in what situation you are struggling. You have to understand that because of the love of God, who wanted to teach that position and direction to humankind, the religion which can represent humanity has been founded today.

Therefore, promoting the term “faith,” God has been searching for humankind in the course of history centering on religion. Until this hour today, God has been exerting Himself without rest, wishing that He could live with people in the human world.

God has transcended time and space to search for the people who betrayed Him. Yet when we consider that, in spite of this, there were not many people who received God. When we consider this, we deserve to be whipped before Heaven from the position of fallen descendants. Nevertheless, God has taken on the toil of guiding the providence for 6,000 years.

We ourselves are lone individuals and only one out of thirty million people of this nation. Yet if we can become the children who can attend God and make it possible for Him to descend to this earth, then we will become more valuable than the thirty million. We will become more valuable than the 2.4 billion people of the world. You have to understand that the Father has been working hard because He wants to relate with us as people with this kind of value.

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