Understand and Comfort God’s Historical Heart

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Leviticus 23

26 The Lord God said to Moses:

27 The tenth day of the seventh month[k] is the Great Day of Forgiveness.[l] It is a solemn day of worship; everyone must go without eating to show sorrow for their sins, and sacrifices must be burned. 28 No one is to work on that day—it is the Great Day of Forgiveness, when sacrifices will be offered to me, so that I will forgive your sins.

Isaiah 5

Listen, people of Jerusalem
    and of Judah!
You be the judge of me
    and my vineyard.
What more could I have done
    for my vineyard?
I hoped for sweet grapes,
but bitter grapes
    were all that grew.

Now I will let you know
    what I am going to do.
I will cut down the hedge
    and tear down the wall.
My vineyard will be trampled
    and left in ruins.

Oh, Father! We Welcome You

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

March 9, 1959

This is the way that people who are to attend the Father in the original Garden of Eden should be. However, you have to understand that we are fallen people who cannot sense this. Thus, we must represent the 6,000-year history, the 2.4 billion persons of humanity, and the countless lives of the many generations. Placing yourself before the Father and clinging to His heart of agony over 6,000 years, you must pledge, “We will take responsibility for the distressed heart of the Father. Please entrust to us all Your worries, sorrow and pain. We will become the filial sons and patriots who can comfort the Father, who has exerted Himself for 6,000 years.” Have you ever called out to the Father and appealed to Him with this earnestness and urgency? If you have not, then you have to repent.

When we look back at our own life of faith, we can see that although God came seeking us, He did not look for us as individuals. You have to sense this. God loved us not to love only us, but to love the whole of heaven and earth. He called us not to benefit us centering on ourselves, but for the sake of heaven and earth nor was His trust merely for our own sake. His loving us and trying to raise us up as the embodiments of life are not for our own sake; it is for the sake of the whole universe. Therefore, you have to realize that your minds and bodies are not eternally yours.

Have you ever offered gratitude before the will after receiving the grace of Heaven? Before you rejoice, you must first shed tears. “I am happy, yet how are all the people on the earth? I am rising, yet the glory of Heaven is not being revealed. How will this glory of Heaven be revealed before all people?” You have to think about these things. You are not to rejoice or be merry alone. You have to understand that the universal providence of God remains, and revolves around you as the mediator.

When God relates with us, He completely forgets His own dignity as the Master of heaven and earth. God is associating with you, who are inside the realm of Satan today, with the faith, life and love of heaven and earth. You must not forget this. You must understand the wishes of God and bring to pass the will of God’s faith, life and love. By doing so, you must cause the flame of eternal love and life to be ignited. You have to be able to sense this each moment in the realm of your life. You have to realize that the mission to attend the Father and pioneer the path of ordeals rests with humankind, who came from fallen descendants.

Therefore, now after you fight all battles and defeat all enemies, you must offer bows of victory to the Father. Your bodies and minds must become His peaceful resting place.

Having done this, you must rekindle the memory of having caused sorrow to the Father at the time of the creation of the world and be able to say, “As You relate with me, please feel the joy that You would have felt if You were relating with unfallen Adam. Father! Please claim back the will that You lost because of the fall of Adam.” You have to remember that only when you can do that can you become sons and daughters of the Father who can say, “Oh, Father! We welcome You.”


Beloved Father, You have sought us out by sending many righteous prophets and patriots and by sending Jesus. You have built a foundation in our hearts. Now we know that the unfinished will calls us to realize the will of the Father with our bodies. We ourselves must fulfill the will of the Father through our families and must establish all things before the Father. Father, please be with us.

We know that the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven, where You dwell in us, is not the whole of the Father’s will. We know that we have the responsibility to also build the substantial Kingdom of Heaven, where the Father can dwell inside the realm of all things. We realize that when the Father sees that those of us who must take charge of this universal responsibility are still inside the fallen world, He feels worried and anxious about our future path. Please guide us, inadequate and weak as we may be, so that You can hold onto us and allow us to have eternal life.

If the Father guides us, we will not despair. We will not collapse. Beloved Father, we sincerely wish that by allowing us to defeat the enemy Satan for the purpose of possessing the life and glory of the Father, You will guide us to become the brave soldiers of Heaven who can build the individuals, the church, the nation, the world and the Kingdom of Heaven that the Father can direct.

Now we ardently wish You to guide us to become sons and daughters who, feeling the heart of the Father in our hearts and sensing the life of the Father within our bodies, can establish the realm of all things before the Father. Requesting earnestly that You will allow the happy news to be heard by the countless numbers of humanity today, we pray all these words in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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