Deny the World

Judges 2

The Lord was so angry 14-15 at the Israelites that he let other nations raid Israel and steal their crops and other possessions. Enemies were everywhere, and the Lord always let them defeat Israel in battle. The Lord had warned Israel he would do this, and now the Israelites were miserable.

Amos 4

I dried up your grain fields;
your gardens and vineyards
    turned brown.
Locusts[f] ate your fig trees
    and olive orchards,
but even then you rejected me.
    I, the Lord, have spoken!

The World of Ideology Which We Seek

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
May 4, 1958

The world that tried to lead people to make effort to solve the origin of the ideology of God, the Creator of the universe, was the world of truth. However, though many ascetics have inquired closely into that cause, history has flowed on and no elucidated center has yet been presented before humankind.

The history that has come down with that original unsolved problem is the history you have inherited today. Therefore, if we cannot solve this problem today, then the human history of bitter resentment will remain until later generations. Not only that, after the present time, God will not be able to solve this problem.

What am I, my one self, today? I as an individual am the very being who can block the way of the world of ideology God desires.

For that reason, before we start taking steps toward the future, we must go back to the past and think about what conditions cause the impairment of loyalty to the heavenly principles. We must rethink the course of history in contradiction to the heavenly ideology.

How many faithful believers are there on earth who, having laid grievous conditions in the past, fight to their last breath to set up a condition of indemnification before Heaven? There are many people who wander around seeking the ideology of the future, having forgotten their own past. There are many people who wander about seeking the truth of the origin of all rooted evil to solve it. However, there has not yet appeared a historical person who can stand on the truth and pursue the more original, causal condition.

As long as the ideology of the future world does not change, people’s thoughts about the future world cannot change. You must know that you cannot evade the fear during the close of the world as it drifts along in confusion. The people who are only intoxicated with the new ideology of the future cannot be perfect idealists. The ideal world is attained only after stepping over the stage of the close of this world. What is judgment day? It is the day everything stops. Up to this point, humankind has emerged passing everything, embracing the doctrine, the thought and the ideology that he has kept.

If there were not some condition for humankind, God and the heavenly principles to dissolve the causal impairment of loyalty with all created things on this earth, everything would have to fall. All doctrines and thought would disappear. The trend of thought that steers and serves the future also would disappear. The condition that can unify cause and effect will have to be sought and established. By doing so, “I” the individual can unify that original cause and effect. Only when that happens, will I for the first time become a testimonial, substantial sacrifice who can represent the history of the 6,000 years.

What should we do today? We should be able to make a clean separation from today’s real world. We should be able to deny the whole thing. In other words, the questions become: Have I become the one who can make a clean separation from all desires until now? Can I unite everything and act accordingly? Our origin does not reside in the future. We have to pass the barrier of judgment in the future. The key to our being able to restore ourselves is in solving the cause of all vicissitudes woven around God, humanity and the creation.

For that reason, you must become people who have ears that can hear the sound of the mind. Even if you pray, saying, “God! Please attain the will of compassion on this earth for us. God! Please let this world enjoy peace,” that prayer will not be heard no matter how hard you try, unless you have a peaceful mind.

You must delve into the Bible now and elucidate the cause of the fall of Adam and Eve. In addition, you must reach the stage where you can shed light upon the internal heart of God, the Creator of all. You must come to have a three-dimensional relationship that can accompany the heart of Jesus 2,000 years ago and God 6,000 years ago. Though you live in today’s reality, you can experience their hearts those thousands of years ago.

Although history has elapsed for 6,000 years, today you must bear such a heart. When you do that, you will seek and reach the Shim Jung of the vicissitudes of God and Adam and Eve and you will understand. Later, you can enter that realm in which you can call God “Father.” When that time comes, that 6,000- year history becomes your history. This is the seat of complete harmony where you become one with the 6,000-year history. In such a stage as this, the clue to solving all the problems of today’s reality will be found. This is the world we can comprehend through spiritual experiences.

To experience the spiritual world means to connect to the four- dimensional world. When that happens, the prophets and sages who have come and gone can communicate and form a relationship with me today. In other words, in the realm of time of today’s realistic life, I can experience and feel their sensations through my own skin.

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