You Will Have to Read and Study These Textbooks Even After You Go to the Spirit World

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Happy Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth!(established 10/3/1988)

Prayer of Rev. Sun Myung Moon on October 3, 1988, the year of the Seoul Olympics in Seoul, South Korea

Beloved Heavenly Father! The flow of history has been one of intense grief, and the history of Your providence has been one of despair. This was caused neither by God Himself or the creation. It was solely due to the mistake of Adam and Eve, who were the owners of all creation, and the archangel, whose responsibility it was to manage and nurture them into maturity, that such a wretched flow of history has been handed down. When we think of this fact, and how much God must have bemoaned it, we cannot help but reproach the unforgivable actions of humanity in bringing about the ruin of the world.

However, because You are of love, Father, You have persevered to this day to reestablish the standard of the original ideal of creation through the history of re-creation, not casting us away even after being compelled to retrace Your steps tens of thousands of times, over and over again, on the sorrowful path of the historical eras, devoting your everything again and again, working for our sake and never forsaking us from such a position, and forgetting Yourself at all times even when Your heart marked with love was torn into a thousand, ten thousand pieces. We cannot but be grateful for the fact that such a great God is there.

Since such a heart of the providence was brought about through the wrongdoings of humankind, human beings have the responsibility to perceive it, and for this reason many saints and sages have appeared in the historical eras, and many religious leaders have come and gone as well. However, because none of them knew the story hidden behind this valley of heart, nor could they unveil this hidden truth, and so did not come to learn what was the cause of this bitter grief of Heaven, from what motive the Devil came to be originated, or what are all the conditions for Satan to accuse and condemn us in these historical eras. Therefore, until now, there has not been found the way to eliminate and defend ourselves from it in the religious world.

We are aware of the fact that all those who believed in religion, revered Heaven and were resolved to fulfill the duties of loyalty and filial piety, and risked their lives as they fought their way through, all fell into the trap in the end and perished as the sacrifice of Satan, and that many people were sacrificed at the crucial moment in the path of indemnity, that moment when the eight stages were to be surmounted.

Therefore, I ask the spiritual world to enlighten the people who were sacrificed in the process of passing through the barriers of religion in the course of history. Thus, let them once again inherit the heart of sincerity towards Heaven and regain the mind to serve True Parents on earth with the sincerest of hearts, so that they can become one with True Parents’ family, and make contributions to True Parents’ nation, True Parents’ world, and the great cause of the victorious Kingdom of Heaven they have established. By so doing, centering on the relationship between the children of True Parents and the church members of True Parents, please allow all the ties of lineage that were severed to be renewed and engrafted.

All our ancestors who have preceded us into the spiritual world are like the firstborn sons, and those of us living on this earth today are like the second born sons, so please help us become one in union. Since we know that when the spirit and the flesh are made into one, and Cain and Abel are united into one, the original right of the eldest son can be established and the path seeking after the liberation of Father be connected on the victorious foothold of the vertical Cain and Abel realm, we ask you to call upon and awaken all the spirits in the spiritual world that were sacrificed at each and every stage of the religious era, that they may be re-indemnified before all religions of the physical world.

Hereupon, bestow on them all the authority necessary to make them one with the religious leaders and, by establishing the basis with the help of Heaven whereon to restore the right of the eldest son of Cain and Abel and the domain wherein to live in attendance to the parents, be liberated and released in accordance to it and come down to earth and be united.

Father, it is the earnest desire of True Parents to have liberated the wretched religious leaders, and furthermore, to have come down to earth all the conscientious and good people, who sacrificed themselves and struggled to live in accordance with their conscience and conscientious duties in the provinces, trying to follow the path of morality left behind by their ancestors before them in history, and we beseech you to open the gates through which they can enter, following behind in attendance to True Parents, into the Kingdom of God, by cooperating with their substantial object partners on earth.

Now that the era is come in which Satan will have to retreat, we ask You to bring under control and establish as a part of Your household in Your realm of love all those who were in the religious realm and the conscientious realm, and moreover, even those who were in the embrace of the satanic world, and have them form blood ties with True Parents so they can enter the realm of global fortune wherein they too can receive the grace to seek after the truth. Just as Korea became one with the unified external foundation at the time of the Olympics, we have become one in heart with the internal God on this day, and thus centering on the victorious domain of the Cain and Abel realm, we hope to march forward into the unified realm of both external liberation and internal liberation, so please, Father, be with us on this day and at this hour.

To come so far, this son, in the name of True Parents, has had to struggle for forty years. And yet, how could that be compared with the standard of Your own toils and labors? Personally feeling my insufficiencies as I could not live up to Your desired standard, I have lived under the shadows. Still, You did not forsake me, but righted my way night and day, and I am truly grateful for the innumerable helping graces You have given me behind the arras to aid me in pioneering the difficulties in my environment and overcoming crises in my path.

Father! I know how much You have been disappointed and driven to despair in the course of guiding me thus far, so please forgive this son of Yours. Also, I pray You will forgive at this hour all the wrongdoings committed by the members as they followed me through the process of establishing the Unification Church. Don’t leave them in wretchedness, but please embrace them in Your bosom so that they can receive the blessing of Heaven as the standard-bearers and warriors You desired and as the princes of love You have appointed, and please establish them as Your children in whom You would not feel ashamed to take pride. Though I am embarrassed to say, I have raised my hand to bless them on behalf of Your heart in the name of True Parents, so Father, Father, I truly hope and pray that You will also make amends for it.

Father, You know of our situation, writhing and struggling because we don’t know the way get under control the phenomena being manifested, and Father, You know we cannot follow the path of bloodshed brought about by our own hands, so we ask You from the bottom of our hearts to please embrace all of us with the love You have given us, widen the path of seeking after the truth, and take charge of our future.

I have declared to forgive with the love of True Parents everyone from the very first of our ancestors in the spirit world to the succeeding generations to the 5 billion world population currently living on earth, even those in the communist world including their leader, Mikhail Gorbachev and Deng Xiaoping, and even the president of the United States, Mr. Ronald Reagan, and such people. To do so, I have presented to Heaven all the necessary conditional offerings, so please allow all this not to go to waste, but instead have them embedded in Your realm of heart together with the declaration that can bring together both worlds, and make use of them as the driving force propelling us into the liberated world, and accept them as such. We truly hope and pray You will do so.

A week after performing the ceremony of unified conversion which in turn leads to the providence of restoration, at this moment, the day on which the South and the North can be united, the world can be united, and the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in heaven can be united, this Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World has been declared along with the liberation of all nations on the foundation of the epochal point placing the unified realm of heart of True Parents. Therefore, may all those in heaven and on earth who have ears and eyes hear and see and cooperate in this great task to march forward into the unified world of liberation.

Beginning with the liberation of the South and the North, in order to have this extended to the liberation of Asia, liberation of the world, liberation of the physical world as well as the liberation of hell in the spiritual world, and a step further to the liberation of the wishes of True Parents and the world of the true liberation of God, we have been assigned the task to fight our way through in the remaining process of unification, centering on love and devoting all we have, and so we have raised high the banner of love in 120 nations and established new lighthouses of unification and turned their lights on, so just as their lights never go off, we are firmly resolved to advance into the world of the unified kingdom together so that this heart of love we have pledged before You may never go off, so, Father, we ask You to accept all this.

We declare once again in the name of True Parents that You accept the declaration made today as Yours, and at the same time, as the unified declaration of the spiritual world and the physical world. May this nation carry on forever as one that lives everlastingly under the eternal reign of the True Father, True Parents and the True Children! I offer and declare all this in the name of True Parents! Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. (181-335)

Convention to Proclaim the Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 24, 2010
Manhattan Center
New York, NY

Ladies and gentlemen, God created human beings as his children. As the original absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal being, God created people by breathing His love into them to endow them with a soul. If not for the Fall, we would have been able to perfect ourselves as God is perfect, to fulfill the way of absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, and to attain eternal life.

But unfortunately, human beings are living as descendants of the Fall. In order to live a perfect life, all people without exception must receive life through the blessing from True Parents in the three stages of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life. Rebirth, in this context, refers to an individual attaining new life. Resurrection is when a family and nation attains new life, and eternal life refers to all of humankind attaining perfection and living forever in God’s homeland after establishing the kingdom of heaven on earth and in the spirit world by attending True Parents, the King and Queen of Peace.

Your ancestors who are in the spirit world shall now return to this earth according to the time of the True Parents who directly govern all life and all things as the substantial entity of God who exists without form. They will go through the three-stage blessings of rebirth, resurrection and eternal life and complete the Original Divine Principle education — the education on absolute marital fidelity — organized by True Parents. Only then can they take part in the original authority of Seunghwa — ascension and liberation — and attain the qualifications to become citizens of Cheon Il Guk…..

Ladies and gentlemen, what is the path that humankind should take today? Even now tens of millions of innocent lives are being lost each year to war, disease, starvation and natural disasters that arise in all parts of the world. In every field you observe, from the individual to the collective level — whether religion, politics, education, culture or ideology — people are deeply mired in the swamp of self-centered egoism, raising walls around themselves. We now live in a world brought to ruin, where genuine communication has broken down.

Ultimately, the problems afflicting humanity can only be resolved through the worldview of One Family under God, in other words, the ideology based on true love, which my wife and I, the True Parents, have learned from Heaven and have championed and taught throughout our lives. This is the only way for humankind to find the path toward peace and happiness.

Ladies and gentlemen, we are living in a historic time of great cosmic transition. It is a time for a great cosmic revolution to change history, to unite the spiritual and physical worlds and to create the ideal kingdom of heaven that God has longed for since the beginning of time…..

The leaders of Judaism and the people of Israel were supposed to receive Jesus as the Messiah and follow him with absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. They should never have allowed Jesus’ crucifixion to take place.

He suddenly left this world, leaving behind the words, “It is finished.” Yet these words apply to salvation in the spiritual reality only. After two thousand years of preparation, his Second Coming, on the Korean Peninsula, has finally borne the fruits of his labor….

The “era of heavenly affairs” is the final stage, in which human beings should follow the path of living for the sake of others. They should do this through establishing an absolute standard on the foundation of purifying themselves, both inside and out, through the holy Blessing Ceremony. This is the time of opening up the era of God’s kingdom, Cheon Il Guk, a time in which we can return to the heart of the one true God. Please engrave this point on your hearts.

Once the actual era of Cheon Il Guk begins, the spiritual and earthly worlds will be connected and brought into oneness, and all things will be governed under the Union of the Spiritual and Physical Worlds, which will be established on earth for the first time. Moreover, the providence will be carried out according to the heavenly law and the heavenly way. Elections conducted in a purely secular fashion will disappear from the face of the earth. All people will become one family through cross-cultural marriage and the World Peace Marriage Blessing, and we will enjoy tranquility and happiness in the sacred reign of peace. Let me say it again: this day is drawing near….

True Parents have already prepared the last words I will give to humankind. These have been prepared based on my triumphs over six or seven life-or-death situations, including six periods of unjust imprisonment. I am leaving behind eight textbooks and teaching materials for humankind to use for all eternity. Altogether, these are published in almost a thousand volumes.

They are:

The Sermons of the Rev. Sun Myung Moon,
Exposition of the Divine Principle,
Cheon Seong Gyeong [Heavenly Scripture],
The Family Pledge,
Pyung Hwa Shin Gyeong [Messages of Peace],
True Families — Gateway to Heaven,
Owner of Peace and Owner of Lineage and
World Scripture.

These are textbooks you will have to read and study even after you go to the spirit world. They are not just teachings that come from the mind of one person; they are textbooks and teaching materials that teach the heavenly way that God has granted to His suffering children for their salvation.

You should now set up the Hoon Dok Hae study tradition in your families using the books I have mentioned. That is the tradition where three generations of a family start each day by reading Heaven’s word, and lead a life of practicing what they read, with a new heart. Let’s create a world where people in the spirit world and the earthly world can both attend True Parents at the same time, and read the word on the heavenly path together.

Once this happens, no matter how hard Satan may try to worm his way in to infest your lineage, once he encounters the Hoon Dok Hae tradition he will find no room to move. If a family is aligned with God as at high noon, where no shadow is cast, and still does not receive God’s blessings, who then could be deserving of them? When such heavenly families fill the earth, the world will automatically become the heavenly kingdom on earth and in the eternal spirit world, fulfilling the vision of one family under God.

Ladies and gentlemen, last year, my memoirs, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen, an honest and candid account of my life, were published. Through this book I share how I discovered God’s will for humankind and the path that we, as God’s children, should follow. My life has been a typical model of the saying, “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, try again.” I have as much faith in this book as in the Hoon Dok textbooks and teaching materials I have mentioned. For this reason, I recommend it to you, believing that it will show you how to lead your lives according to true principles. It does not subtract or add anything to the ninety years of my life, which I have led under Heaven’s decree. I pray you will carefully read this articulation of true love and find great inspiration.

I have already mentioned that a life of vertical “noon-time” alignment casts no shadow. If we can all shine as we live such glowing lives, there will be no chance for the shadow of sin to be cast. Those who receive the light will be indebted to the light. I pray that we can now wipe away the tears of people in misery and poverty, and lead an illuminated life of eternal true love that dissipates all darkness.





One thought on “You Will Have to Read and Study These Textbooks Even After You Go to the Spirit World”

  1. Thank you very much this is a great prayer deep and profound. In addition the reading about the stablishment of Cheon Il Guk is so amazing I cannot find words to describe it.

    True father shared this profound message in 2010. This was after the victory of anointing Chum Bumonim TehShinja true parents “inheritor and full and embodiment”

    However it was before the final betrayal of hyun-jin nim, before the betrayal of In Jin Nim, and before the shocking and tragic and unthinkable betrayal of Hak Ja Han defiling the Position of True Mother.
    This became like a mega nuclear bomb.

    TF had to postpone the 3rd stage life perfection blessing.

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