We Can Live With Jesus Only When We Live With God

Luke 14

26 You cannot be my disciple, unless you love me more than you love your father and mother, your wife and children, and your brothers and sisters. You cannot come with me unless you love me more than you love your own life.

Nahum 3

Doom to the crime capital!
Nineveh, city of murder
    and treachery,
here is your fate—
cracking whips,
    churning wheels;
galloping horses,
    roaring chariots;
cavalry attacking,
    swords and spears flashing;
soldiers stumbling
    over piles of dead bodies.
You were nothing more
    than a prostitute
using your magical charms
and witchcraft
    to attract and trap nations.

Let Us Follow the Way of Jesus

Sun Myung Moon
April 26, 1959

Matthew 7:1-20

Jesus came to the earth with God’s mission. He went through an earthly life and went to the spiritual world. Now he is fighting along with the Holy Spirit to achieve the historical purpose of God. We should long for this Jesus. We should repossess this Jesus. We must live with this Jesus. To do this, we should live with God. We can live with Jesus only when we live with God. What then should we do? We should be the ones who fulfill the hope of God, Jesus, and human history. We should know that, without doing so, we cannot stand before Jesus when he comes in glory.

What path should we follow to receive this Jesus? This is the problem. Even if Jesus comes down from heaven to the earth, we are unable to receive him as we are today.

We can receive and serve him only after we have the Shim Jung to connect to his situation and complete the task he was to carry out on the earth. We should know that the day when we meet this Jesus is the day of Second Coming, the day to which today’s Christians look forward.

Therefore, to receive Jesus, it is necessary to fulfill our responsibility on the earth. We can meet him only then. Thus, the title of my speech today is “Let us Follow the Way of Jesus.” I will speak upon this topic.

The angel foretold Mary’s mission to her. At this time, Mary backed away, saying, “Since I do not know a man, it cannot take be.” The angel said, “Since this is a work of the omnipotent God, you shall conceive by the Spirit.” Mary then replied, “Lord! I am Your servant; do as You will.” When a meager virgin responded thus to Heaven, it was a historic moment.

When we think about the Lord today, we easily think about his cross and glorious resurrection; but we should go back further and consider the situation of Mary and the position of Joseph’s family.

This one remark of Mary’s: “Lord! I am Your servant; do as You will,” which she uttered when she heard the final word of Heaven, provided the foundation for Heaven to come to humankind after four thousand years of toil. At that time, Mary showed her heart toward the will of the Lord. We should consider here that Mary had waited more eagerly than anyone else for the one who would come with the will. With the pure heart of a virgin, she longed more zealously than anyone else for the Savior to come to Israel.

From the fact that she said, “Lord! Do as You will,” we should understand that Mary had greatly hoped and prayed for the hidden will of God to appear. We should know that Heaven came to her upon the foundation of her putting the heavenly will first. It was the same for the saints. The birth of one saint required the foundation to receive him. Thus, for the birth of saints, parents are needed who can bear them and serve as the foothold of the will.

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