To Not Know the Difference Between the Father and Ourselves

Deuteronomy 9

22 You also made the Lord angry at Taberah, at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah.

22 You also made the Lord angry at Taberah, at Massah and at Kibroth Hattaavah.

23 And when the Lord sent you out from Kadesh Barnea, he said, “Go up and take possession of the land I have given you.” But you rebelled against the command of the Lord your God. You did not trust him or obey him. 24 You have been rebellious against the Lord ever since I have known you.

Richard: Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, instructed us many times to do Home Church, to do Tong and Ban (district and neighborhood) work, serving loving and teaching our neighbors. Yet, I did not successfully do that. The time is short. This is still the fundamental work of Tribal Messiahs, those who have been Blessed and commissioned by True Father.

Malachi 3

“I will send my messenger, who will prepare the way before me. Then suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple; the messenger of the covenant, whom you desire, will come,” says the Lord Almighty.

Richard: So where is the Lord’s temple? Actually, it is in the pure, absolutely good sexual relationship of Blessed husband and wife. This is the holy of holies. Interestingly, when we do number one above, tong and ban home church work, then we will Bless couples and number two will emerge; Blessed families who can be and enter the holy of holies.

Let Us Fathom the Heart of Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 13, 1959

Matthew 10:24-39

The God of love works based on love. So what should we do? We have to be able to feel ourselves to be citizens and to learn to love the citizens of Heaven. We should learn to love the people of Heaven. We should learn of our brothers and sisters of Heaven. We should love the family members of Heaven. We should love the children of Heaven as our own selves. Desires and situations may pass away, but love will remain. We have to understand this.

What is God’s desire? Do you think that God’s desire is to send faithful followers of Jesus to Heaven and put crowns on their heads? That is not true. God wants to open their hearts and love them. Heaven and earth will rejoice when God can say, “Although I have suffered much, because of the joy of meeting you, I can forget all the suffering. Since all I desired has been realized, all beings of Heaven and earth should rejoice as I rejoice over my sons and daughters.”

Has God ever seen such a day? If He had, would we be experiencing fear due to Satan? Would we be experiencing the fear of being victims of Satan’s evil tactics? The day should come when the Father can forget everything and welcome His sons and daughters with both arms, shedding tears of joy and sorrow, boasting, “Satan, look at my son. I have taken back the son you did not want to let go. All people, look at My son. He is My son who was opposed and persecuted.” God wants to find this son and boast about him. Satan and all things will also recognize his value.

For this reason we should have a reciprocal relationship with Heaven. The place where we enter into a relationship of love with the Father, where we can disregard our prestige, honor and situation is a place where we can say that Father is in me and I am in the Father and not know the difference between the Father and ourselves. Only when we can eliminate sorrow in such a situation, cultivate a heart of joy, and establish new laws of Heaven can an ideal world come to this earth.

Only when a movement which can represent this task appears on the earth can God establish a victorious foundation in providential history. Otherwise, God will be a failure. Paul once said that faith, hope and love are always present, yet the most important of the three is love.

What is God’s love? It is not something hanging in the air. If you were to go abroad and see your own people being beaten and persecuted, you would be enraged as if you yourself were suffering the blows. Similarly, when we observe the people who are locked inside the prisons of Satan’s world, we should feel, “These people are our own people. Our own people are being trampled upon. Our people are suffering inside the iron bars of Satan.” God is seeking for those who pray to Heaven to break open the iron fences: “Father, please give me strength. Father, please be with us. We are the Father’s people, the Father’s direct descendants, members of the Father’s family, and the Father’s sons and daughters.” Heaven’s desire is to find these sons and daughters.

God’s desire is to meet these sons and daughters. God wants to share His situation with these sons and daughters. God’s deepest desire is to eternally love these sons and daughters without being accused by Satan. This is God’s very desire. God’s heart rests upon human beings. When we realize this, we will finally come to understand that it was for our sake that God called Abraham and Moses. It was for us that the Jews confronted a miserable fate and that Jesus came and will come again.

When we meet as brothers and sisters with the same beliefs and goal, we should be able to shed tears over the difficulties that each of us have gone through. Have you ever had such a profound experience with other members?

After the liberation of Korea on August 15th, when the Korean people did not have enough to eat, material concerns did not matter to us. Even when we were hungry, we shared food and rejoiced in the times we spent together. We must usher in the day when we can honor God in joy and the Christians of the world can embrace one another and sing in celebration of liberation. This is the hope God cherishes.

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