Pompeii Was Destroyed Because of its Decadent and Immoral Social Life

The Richard Urban Show #77
This Coup Will Not Succeed
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Pictures from the Stop The Steal Jericho March, Gen. Michael Flynn Speech and Prayer Rally, Saturday December 12th-Washington DC

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2 Kings 20

Isaiah replied, “The Lord will prove to you that he will keep his promise. Will the shadow made by the setting sun on the stairway go forward ten steps or back ten steps?”

10 “It’s normal for the sun to go forward,” Hezekiah answered. “But how can it go back?”

11 Isaiah prayed, and the Lord made the shadow go back ten steps on the stairway built for King Ahaz.

Matthew 28

28 The Sabbath was over, and it was almost daybreak on Sunday when Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to see the tomb. Suddenly a strong earthquake struck, and the Lord’s angel came down from heaven. He rolled away the stone and sat on it. The angel looked as bright as lightning, and his clothes were white as snow. The guards shook from fear and fell down, as though they were dead.

The angel said to the women, “Don’t be afraid! I know you are looking for Jesus, who was nailed to a cross. He isn’t here! God has raised him to life, just as Jesus said he would. Come, see the place where his body was lying. Now hurry! Tell his disciples that he has been raised to life and is on his way to Galilee. Go there, and you will see him. That is what I came to tell you.”


  1. The Meaning of Sin

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is sin? It is what emerges from self-centered living and not living for the sake of others. Why is stealing wrong? A thief steals out of his personal desire—the wrong of the act begins there. What is wrong with stealing a dress from a big department store, where no one will miss it? That dress has value imparted by the people who invested their sacrifice and service in making it. Thus the dress has public value. Stealing it is a sin, because taking something without paying for it nullifies its value. (105:92, September 30, 1979)

We have to recognize and abide by three immutable laws:
    The first law: Do not defile the blood lineage, even at the point of death. The blessed blood lineage, bequeathed through God’s love and life, must not be contaminated by actions immersed in the habitual patterns of the fallen world…
    The second law: Do not infringe upon human rights… Whether female or male, black or white, everyone is equal… Violation of this is the second of all sins.
    The third law: Refrain from stealing money or misusing public funds for selfish purposes. (January 13, 2001)

What is sin? People think sin is to disobey God’s word, but in truth, sin is to make any condition by which Satan can accuse us. While it is wrong not to believe the word of God, it becomes a sin when there is a condition upon which the enemy can grab hold of us. Hence, once we transgress the law, not even God can do anything about it. (22:257, May 4, 1969)

The human tradition of love as it has been passed down through history is evil. It is sinful, unacceptable to God. It is the enemy of God. Of all sins, fallen love is the by far the worst; it is the sin God abhors the most. Those who indulge in fallen love are God’s worst enemies, whom God abhors the most. Unless we correct the ways of love, God will always treat it as a sin and those who engage in love as enemies, and they are bound to perish. It is only natural that they perish. Have you seen Pompeii in Italy? Because of its decadent and immoral social life, the city was destroyed by instant calamity. Sodom and Gomorrah, too, were destroyed for the same reason. The Roman Empire, too, perished for the same reason.
    Looking at this historical evidence, America will also surely perish unless she repents and repudiates its immoral way of love. (104:140, April 29, 1979)

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