The Conditions for Registration

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 488

When people get married, they say
they will love each other until they die.
In saying this, one can either just say,
“I will love you until I die (Juk-dorok
sarang-handa)” or draw out the first
word, “Ju-u-u-u-u-k…” for ten years, a
hundred years, or a hundred million
years, and then say the rest, “…dorok
sarang-handa.” Which would you like
better? Would you rather just hear it
simply as, “Juk-dorok sarang-handa”?
The young women here, how about some
answers? You would be happier if your
spouse says, “Ju-u-u-u-u-k” for say, a
hundred million years, and then “dorok
sarang-handa” than if he just said, “Juk-
dorok sarang-handa.” The more drawn
out it is, the better. If a husband meets
his wife and says, “Ju-u-u-u-u-k,” and
ten years later, he says again, “Ju-u-u-u-
u-k,” and then says “Juk-dorok sarang-
handa” after he passes over the age of
fifty. If only he can do it, she will say she
loves him beyond measure. This is how
it is. She will like him, even if he has a
big belly and waddles when he walks.
(37-25, 1970.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

People get married to perfect their
individual love while at the same time
perfecting the love of their object part-
ner. Doesn’t it feel good to know you get
married to perfect your love as well as
the love of God?
Men and women have to get mar-
ried to prepare the foundation on earth
through which God can love. Only
when a man and woman come togeth-
er in union through love can the love of
God reside there. The foundation is set
by them.
In the long run, people get married
for the sake of God’s love; by that, I mean
in order to receive the love of God. Since
you are living a married life for the sake
of God, His love will automatically come
to you; through that, the love of God can
be made yours. (165-87, 1987.5.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1430
Section 2. The Conditions for

2.1. Change of the right of
ownership, lineage, and realm of
2.1.1. Change of the right of
You have to be registered into the
new kingdom. However, just as God cre-
ated all things before human beings, the
creation needs to be registered and con-
nected to God before humankind. The
6000 years of history, therefore, can be
said to be the history of trying to achieve
We need to go through this process
which is similar to that of establish-
ing a relationship with God through
the creation as shown in the Old Tes-
tament Age, but now through the True
Parents in the Completed Testament
Age. However, this task should not be
accomplished just within the boundar-
ies of today’s Unification Church. What
you must understand is that, unless
we expand this work to the worldwide
realm, going beyond the nation, and
bring it to completion once and for all,
we cannot welcome the day of complete
restoration. (23-332, 1969.6.15)
Every object in the world came to
belong to Satan through the fallen par-
ents. In order for all families to restore
this situation centering on the True
Parents, in the future they should have
nothing in their possession. Nothing in
this world should belong to them. Their
own bodies do not belong to them, their
sons and daughters do not belong to
them, and their husbands do not belong
to them. Everything must be regarded as
the possession of unfallen Adam. Noth-
ing should belong to Eve. She should not
have anything established as belonging
to her. Continue reading “The Conditions for Registration”