Educate All Federations In Your Country

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1298

If God’s will had been fulfilled here on earth, a single cultural realm centered on Adam would have been established. Unlike the world of today, with its many different races, cultures, and forms of civilizations, the ideal world would have had one single culture, single ideology, and single civilization. If this had come about, culture, history, customs, language and traditions would all have been unified into one. (Blessed Family – 320)

Richard: The Blessing brings about one culture of God and True Parents, and is THE way to build a unified world of peace.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 922

If you asked God, “What do You want to do with Your life?” I am the very person who asked this and got an answer. He is not a judge. God is neither the defense attorney nor the public prosecutor. He would answer, “What is there to ask? I want to live enraptured in love.” His answer would be simple. What does He want to live enraptured in? God wants to live enraptured in love. When you are enraptured in love, your eyes go towards one location, your nose with the sense of smell would go towards that place, your lips that you use to talk with would go to that place, your ears you use to listen with would go towards that place; all of it would go towards one place. What is that stimulating element that lets us completely unify our five senses? It is love. (199-266, 1990.2.20)

We conclude our special reading for the Holy Day, The Declaration of the Cosmic Sabbath for the Parents of Heaven and Earth

To National Messiahs:

  • Don’t get into arguments;
  • Don’t claim everything for yourself;
  • Pray to find good people, more capable than yourself;
  • You have to fulfill your mission even if you die;
  • You have to really invest yourself; You have to give and give and give again so Satan cannot accuse you;
  • If you need money, you should take loans if necessary;
  • You have to be willing to die for God’s will;
  • You have to bring heaven and earth together;
  • Don’t turn our good foundation upside-down.

My resentment is that I could not give more.

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