The Kingdom of Heaven Is To Be Established on Earth

My latest blog:

God is substantially calling us to be Kingdom Builders:  The Kingdom is not built on lies and deception, such as the Hillary Clinton Campaign:  Watch Pastor Hyung Jin Moon’s sermon, Kingdom Elect:

2 Chronicles 8

17Then Solomon went to Ezion Geber and Elath on the coast of Edom. 18And Hiram sent him ships commanded by his own men, sailors who knew the sea. These, with Solomon’s men, sailed to Ophir and brought back four hundred and fifty talentsc of gold, which they delivered to King Solomon.

Malachi 3

14“You have said, ‘It is futile to serve God. What do we gain by carrying out his requirements and going about like mourners before the Lord Almighty? 15But now we call the arrogant blessed. Certainly evildoers prosper, and even when they put God to the test, they get away with it.’ ”

The Faithful Remnant

16Then those who feared the Lord talked with each other, and the Lord listened and heard. A scroll of remembrance was written in his presence concerning those who feared the Lord and honored his name.

Richard:  My friends, it is time to take action.  Right now we have evil Hillary Clinton masquerading as good, while a man who is good, Donald Trump is said to be a fool.  Open your eyes and see what God is saying to you.  Check my blog, also: and my video blog:  I will be making at least seven videos about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump before the election.  Remember, vote your conscience

Let Us Become the Citizens Who Take Possession of the Kingdom of Heaven

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 2, 1957

The Kingdom of Heaven that God wants is not the kingdom built only in the spirit world. The Kingdom of Heaven that God wants is the kingdom built on earth first and then built again in the spirit world. Because, after human beings die, the spirit world that their spirits form and the earthly world cannot be separated, in order for you to develop a victorious substantial body and embody the ideology of the kingdom of heaven, you must be able to stand before the Heavenly principles and stand before humanity and demonstrate the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven through your sphere of life so that you can be connected to the heavenly laws and human ethics. Furthermore, that ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven must become the individual ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven, and simultaneously, it must become the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven on the family, society, nation, world and universal level. You should be able to manifest this ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven through yourselves.

The Israelite people could not materialize the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven because they, not only could not understand, but also did not even listen to the words of John the Baptist, though he cried out in the wilderness, “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is near.” If today, in this era, there appears a person who announces the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven, just like the Israelites, you will not be able to hear his words. Not only that, you will stand in the same position as the Israelite people who could not accept the new blessed words of the Kingdom of Heaven of Jesus Christ, who shouted out to the masses as he was being chased from this mountain to that mountain during the three years of public life.

Thus, I repeat that if you cannot experience the historical situation of heaven, which can introduce the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven to all people through the heavenly nature and can announce the new, John-the- Baptist-type ideology through countless denominations, and if you do not become people who can pull the ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven into your sphere of life and live and act according to those words, then you will never be able to realize the hopeful ideology of the Kingdom of Heaven, which God seeks and desires.

The Kingdom of Heaven that human beings have known until now is not the Kingdom of Heaven of the ideals of creation that God has sought and wanted. When we trace back and examine the course of restoration centered on Jesus for the 2,000 years from Jesus, until today, during which the work was done to build the spiritual Kingdom of Heaven, what Jesus could construct was not the Kingdom of Heaven but Paradise.

So, the ideal of the Kingdom of Heaven that people believe in Jesus hope for also is Paradise. Therefore, the ideals of the Kingdom of Heaven which human beings have today are not the ideal, original Kingdom of Heaven that God and human beings can both accept, but the conditional Kingdom of Heaven while moving toward the construction of the Kingdom of Heaven of God. Therefore, the noun Paradise came into being.

Therefore, if you have truly received the calling as the elite troops of heaven who are to fulfill Jesus’ ideals of the Kingdom of Heaven, then you are not to let Jesus merely remain as the master of Paradise, but by combining all the spirits of the spirit world and all people who live on earth and by opening the door to Paradise, you are to make it possible for Jesus Christ to also be the master of the Kingdom of Heaven. Similarly, the responsibility to elevate Jesus as the master of the Kingdom of Heaven does not rest on God, or on Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, but on all people of the earth. However, unfortunately, human beings are not aware of this fact.

When we think about this, for the people who are walking the course of restoration, the path that they are walking is far away and difficult. Even if there are other sorrowful paths that human beings are walking on, none of them can be as sad. The reason is that this path is the road of restoration on which we must repeat the course of the conflict of the prophets and sages while we experience their sorrow as our own. Unless we live to cross over all the difficult courses that the countless prophets and sages walked, even if they are perilously high and steep mountains or the path of cross or of Golgotha that they climbed over after they came to the earth, we cannot follow the footsteps of Jesus.

The road that you are traveling, your life of faith, is not easy. This is because your life cannot be only for your own sake. You live for the sake of the spirits who are dwelling in Paradise, and furthermore, you have the mission to accomplish the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Though you might have suffered many sorrows and have made many pledges for the sake of your own life, if it was only for your own living, then you can never achieve even your personal will.

This earth will never leave uninterrupted the road that you are walking alone. The reason is that this earth became a land dominated by Satan due to the fall. So, Satan who has been confronting God for 6,000 years is blocking your path.

Richard:  Pastor Hyung Jin Moon has been preaching the KIngdom Gospel each week:

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