Jesus Underwent a Path of Tears

Pastor Hyung Jin Moon explains about “Fake News” and the battle between the forces of good and the forces of evil in this weeks sermons “Substantial Kingdom”:

Psalm 48

4When the kings joined forces,

when they advanced together,

5they saw her and were astounded;

they fled in terror.


44You have covered yourself with a cloud

so that no prayer can get through.

45You have made us scum and refuse

among the nations.

Let Us Be a Victor for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
June 30, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Now is the time when the will for the heavenly principles disconnected from humans should be reconnected through you. If you cannot restore a day when you can shed tears of victory from the battle against Satan, and thus if you cannot find a day when Satan can no longer accuse you, the victorious day that God wishes for on the worldwide level cannot be restored.

When Jesus came to the earth, as he went through a path of blood, sweat, and tears to fulfill the will of God, you, too, should walk a path of blood, sweat, and tears to receive the day of universal victory. The history of the universe must go the painful way of the cross, and in order for an individual to be successful, that person should also go through a way of blood and sweat. That is, we should all endure all hardships and fight Satan.

How hard have you truly fought for heaven? You must have shed sweat and tears for yourself or your family. However, Jesus shed tears and sweated not only for his family, but also for his people and the world. You should now go a path of life that sheds sweat and tears beyond your own individual self and your family and shed them for the world.

To go through the course of battles shedding sweat and tears is the first condition for a victory. Thus, in order for us to be victorious, we should become sons and daughters who fight hardships through undergoing a path of sweat and tears. Also, Jesus prayed in sweat and tears in the garden of Gethsemane, and you should have the same kind of heart. United people who marched for one goal, shedding sweat and tears, have never perished until now. In the spirit world, what kind of people are the glorious spirits that entered the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven? They are the ones who did not stop pioneering a course of struggles in the path of sweat and tears. If we know that we are responsible for making such conditions for the victory to fulfill God’s will, we should shed more sweat and tears than anybody in history.

Do you love your family? If so, you should sweat for the family. If you love your people, you should sweat for the people. If you love the world, you should sweat for the world. We should also take after the example of Jesus, who prayed in the garden of Gethsemane for all of humankind, building an altar alone while others did not know about it. We should become a second Jesus who can shed sweat and tears for all of humankind.

Have you ever desperately prayed for the will of God, at the risk of your life, in tears? Have you ever sweated while praying? Though we underwent the path of sweat and tears, we should never forget that the final bloody path of death remains in front of us. Jesus went the way of the cross on behalf of all humankind after three years of public life. If the begotten son of God walked a blood-shedding course, offering his own life for a spiritually victorious day, we who came forth with the determination to carry out a universal mission on behalf of Jesus should follow the example of his path.

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