God’s Original Ideal Is One of Only Goodness

Watch this Sunday’s sermon to understand how God is working through current events to separate good from evil in society:  Kingdom Awaited:  https://vimeo.com/196206339

Please watch and share my latest video Blog:
Is Obama Trying to Create a Coup, War or Destabilization Before Trump is Inaugurated?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2W5429_3390

Numbers 13

They gave Moses this account: “We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit.

Mark 2

1A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home.

Let Us Avoid Being Punished for Our Sins by Restoring the Original Nature of Goodness

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 21, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

All things were created good, but due to the fall of Adam and Eve, the value of goodness could not be fully manifested. You know well that, without being freed from the punishment for sin, human beings have been pursuing goodness.

In the Garden of Eden created by God, goodness alone should have existed, but because goodness was not realized on earth, God and all creation are still lamenting over it. Consequently, no matter what kinds of hardships fallen men undergo throughout history, the ideal of goodness must be realized. Such a goal should not only be achieved on the individual level, but also be expanded to the levels of the nation, the world, and the cosmos. Thus, the time when the will of goodness can be manifested in heaven and earth should come true. For this, you are the very people who should achieve the whole purpose on the universal level, by fulfilling the will of absolute goodness. You are destined to do so.

We who long for the original goodness should first know the substantial being of God, the original being of goodness, who created all good things. We should understand the value of God’s goodness and spread the message. By so doing, through the words of goodness, you should restore the value of goodness of all things created by God and manifest this goodness. Otherwise, the original purpose of God’s creation cannot be fulfilled. Prior to the fall of humans, they maintained the absolute goodness of God. God let them maintain a relationship with all things created good.

God made all creations through the absolute, good word. Among them, He created humans with the value of the entire creation. Thus, God’s purpose of creation was to have them become a center who can sing the goodness of God. However, due to the fall, they lost such value.

How can fallen humans come forth again to the good God? First, we should take after the goodness of the original being, through our conscience. Next, we should act upon the words of God and manifest the value of His goodness and word. If this happens, God will find the ideal joy of goodness through which God created all things. Then humans, who have been pursuing the purpose of goodness, would have also become the substantial beings of goodness. Yet all this was frustrated due to the fall.

You should now realize that you are the descendants of fallen Adam and Eve, but should eventually become the ancestors of goodness by accomplishing the purpose of goodness. If not, you will not only remain with the sin inherited from Adam and Eve, but also, through each individual, you will spread the sin to the world, all of the creation, and even to Heaven.

You should be able to establish yourself into the right position. You should be able to praise the value of goodness in the creation created through the word by fulfilling the original goodness that God has been looking forward to on His behalf. Also, you should be able to substantialize the value of the absolute goodness of God, the original source of goodness, the original being of goodness, through your conscience. Otherwise, you cannot fulfill the whole purpose for which God wishes; nor can you find the goodness that you seek.

This original goodness should be realized through a substantial being centered on God’s eternal, unique, and unchanging nature, but humans, who should have been the objects of God’s nature, failed to realize the goodness due to the fall. Thus, humans lost the autonomy, dignity, and value that should have been established as their ideology of life.

The greatest goal of fallen people is to achieve God’s autonomy, dignity, and value. If this is not achieved, they cannot have a relationship with the eternal, unchanging, and unique God. If the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, had lived to establish these three even at the risk of their life, this would not have remained as our hope today. If these had been achieved, humans, on their own could have enjoyed the autonomy, dignity, and value of goodness and lived joyfully in the eternal Garden of Eden centered on God’s limitless goodness.

However, due to the wrong doings of Adam and Eve, this has remained as a hope that should be restored by each individual. In other words, if the human ancestors, Adam and Eve, on behalf of God had only possessed the autonomy, dignity and value of goodness as the objects of God, the original being of absolute goodness, humankind on earth would not live in fear, grief and despair today.

Adam and Eve were in the position of a creator on behalf of God. They were in the position of taking responsibility for the whole. Thus, we come to understand something fearful, that the sin committed by them not only affected them, but was to have an impact upon the entire creation, which was created good. Adam and Eve should have established the goodness of the absolute God on earth.

Nevertheless, they did not realize that their own sin would affect not only them but also their posterity, and furthermore, would sadden God.

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