God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation

If you missed the Family and Community Strengthening Forum this past Saturday, I highly recommend that you see Gender Transformation; the Untold Realities.
We will post the discussion forum which followed the movie soon.

Latest Post about solar development in Jefferson County WV by Richard Urban:
Everyone’s Property Rights Must Be Respected

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1475

You need to attain oneness with your spouse. Through the unity of subject and object partners, reproduction takes place. Only through give and take action can reproduction take place. The place where reproduction occurs is truly one of joy. Does God Himself have dual characteristics of internal nature and external form? When separate, neither can be the subject partner. Only when man and woman unite, can the subject of the couple be established. When they are united, the man automatically becomes the subject partner, even if he did not wish it to be so. (42-115, 1971.2.28)

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    In the spirit world, the earth seems like a speck of dust. You would not know how immense the spirit world is. It is an infinite world that transcends time and space. You will only have to call out, “Whoever lived on earth with such and such a heart at such and such a time show yourself!” and that person will appear in the twinkling of an eye. It is a world where intuitive sensations become real.
    It will not be a problem to host a banquet for a million people at once. You would just have to say, “I want to share with everyone this joy of ideal love by having a banquet in which the women will be dressed in such and such a way and the men will wear such and such clothes and I’d like it to happen now!” No sooner said than done, meals and fruit will appear instantaneously according to your wishes. If everyone has eaten their fill, what will you do with the leftovers? There are no kitchens there. You don’t need to worry about anything.
    There are no food-processing plants or auto-manufacturing plants or anything like that. There are all kinds of flowers. You can create as many houses as you want corresponding to the level of your heart of love. (224-105, 1991.11.23)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Family Pledge 4; Building the Universal Family and Perfecting the world of Freedom, Peace, Unity and Happiness

The Big Idea:  The universal family centers on God’s true love and His truth.  The individual and whole purpose are naturally harmonized.  Families should not just live by themselves.  Rather, they should help other families in the community to realize God’s ideal.

Continue reading “God’s Will Is to Realize His Ideal of Creation”

Building the Kingdom of Heaven Is the Mission of Blessed Families

We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop this coming weekend!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1263

Why are true parents needed? You need them because it is necessary for you to take root centering on the realm of heart. At the present time, your roots are different. Because of the Fall, the trunk and the branches are also different. A new root must begin from true parents, and new trunk and branches must also grow from them, which can then be used for engrafting. You must cut off the old trunk and branches and engraft the new shoot. By engrafting them like this on to the old root, that tree will then become part of the great mainstream of the universe. Everything in the satanic world must be cut down. It must be cut off at the roots. (164-155, 1987.5.10)

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    For this reason, we must overcome our circumstances. Not only that, we must also inherit all the conditions that can bear fruit, thereby possessing the inherent strength that generates that fruition. Only then can we complete the process of fruition, becoming a fruit needed for the progress of a new social and historical course.
    After birth, people must overcome their circumstances on their own. They must undergo a process through which they can inherit new life and bear fruit in the future. Finally, they must occupy a place where they can manifest the proper effects and results. For example, after grain is sown, it germinates, matures, bears fruit, and is then harvested and stored by the owner. We too must undergo a process whereby we can be harvested for a certain purpose.
    You must understand that you are responsible to equip yourselves with the inner conditions which will permit you to inherit such hopes and to use those conditions to embrace the external environment. This must be accomplished not from a position of self-defense, but by taking the initiative.

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Pledge Number One:

Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by centering on true love.

(continued)  See here for the first part
Core Concept 41: We have to create our original homeland by helping our parents, siblings, relatives and neighbors to understand God’s ideal and to become Blessed families
Continue reading “Building the Kingdom of Heaven Is the Mission of Blessed Families”

The Place of Conjugal Unity Is the Original Palace

The Urban Life Training Parent and Presenter Web Portal has been updated with lots of new materials, including the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Program. Join Urban Life Training to gain access to all of the abstinence-centered materials and help ensure a bright future for your family and for our nation!

The Richard Urban Show #128 is now posted:
Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1172

   The relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist was similar to that between Cain and Abel. Jesus and John the Baptist were brothers. This has not been revealed before, but they were brothers. John the Baptist was born from the first wife, and Jesus was born from the second wife. He could not have been born from the first wife. That is why in the Last Days, sexual immorality has become prevalent. The trend of women selling their bodies is spreading. Women must be liberated. It cannot be done through the first husband. In the Last Days, outstanding people can be born to wanton women, to streetwalkers. Do you understand?
    In the fallen world, the concubine snatches love. This is the age when the kept mistress can have even greater power than the legal wife. Why is that so? The first relationship represents Cain’s love, and the second represents love from God’s side, so God works through the second figure. That is why, for example, Joseph and Jesus were born from second wives. (169-194, 1987.10.31)
Richard:  We need to implement the standard of absolute sex(ual ethics).  That means abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in Blessed marriage.  This standard has been set by Father Moon and his wife as True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 831

    The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.
    The place of conjugal unity is the original palace based on true love, true life, and true lineage. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Without this unity, the original world of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm, and the earthly realm of human beings cannot be established.
    This amazing place of true love has been vulgarized. Since it became the cause of national ruin and destroyed heaven and earth, it has been treated as the most evil thing to this day. Originally, it was something holy. You teachers, do you understand? When you get up in the morning, you should greet your love organ, saying, “Good morning!” You should know that this very place is the place that enables you to attend the love of your greatest ancestors rather than the ancestors themselves. (263-347, 1994.10.27)
Richard:  Wow!  What a beautiful teaching, and so much needed in today’s fake, falsely sexualized world.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 144 to 147 below.

Today’s Climate of Fee Sex Leads Young People on the Path of Destruction

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
featuring Patti Hidalgo Menders, Loudon County VA parents’ rights activist and Richard Urban
March 18th, 2023 Harpers Ferry WV and online

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2262

God’s sovereignty of love is absolute, unique, eternal, and unchanging. As this is true of the sovereignty, citizenry, and property of His nation, we must reorganize everything and reregister ourselves with a national identity that is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal. This is a time when the created beings must be reorganized in this way as well, so everything must be reversed to go in the opposite direction. We need to understand that things that have been going around this way must now start turning in the opposite direction. God’s nation needs absolute sovereignty, citizens, and created beings. We see in our families that we have parents who represent sovereignty, children who represent citizens, and objects that represent created beings. This family is a foundation of God’s Kingdom in miniature. All this must be offered to Him. Only then will a large nation and world come about. (304-258, 1999.11.8)

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What was this ideal that was supposed to be realized through the ancestors of humankind? It was to realize an ideal family through the union of an ideal man and an ideal woman. Then, what is necessary for the realization of an ideal family? It is neither man nor woman alone. A family, after all, is a unit. It is represented by the union of a husband and wife, and the relationship of parents and children with the love of God at the center. Therefore, we reach the conclusion that God’s will is the union of a husband and wife, perfecting a family centered on God’s love. (Blessed Family – 298)

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The spirit world is a place filled with the concept of true love. The Kingdom of Heaven is where you go after fully experiencing true love on earth equally with all your five senses. When you reach that state, you can do everything in the spirit world. The ideal environment for life begins from there. You do not know how wondrous this is. (246-44, 1993.3.23)

The Rise and Fall of Nations

Teachings of True Father Sun Myung Moon

Today’s climate of free sex leads young people to kiss and sleep around with whomever they please. It is the path of destruction. America, Great Britain, France, Italy and the whole world have no defense. And since this is the trend in the advanced nations, the developing nations want to follow.
    To protect the world from further harm, God would want to hasten the decline of these advanced nations. God would do this to protect the rest of the world, especially the relatively unstained third world nations, from this moral contagion. Don’t you think God is in this situation? Thoughtful people will be searching for a new direction. (117:201-02, March 7, 1982)

God blessed America, but what did God have in mind? It is God’s Will to save all humankind. God wanted America to become good and strong to be a foundation for world peace and the liberation of humanity according to God’s Will. God wanted America to use its strength to chase out Satan and liberate this hell on earth.
    When you go about in your fine clothes, do you remember that countless people left their blood-stained tracks on history, people who went through valleys of misery and wept bitter tears? Do you realize as you put on your clothes that you owe a debt to these people? Likewise, the house you live in and the environment you enjoy represent your indebtedness to all humanity.
    You Americans were not given these blessings because you are a superior people. Would that you viewed these things according to God’s Will, God’s heart and God’s ideal for the world, and think of the heavenly responsibility that comes with them. But since you do not, but just enjoy your blessings without realizing why you have them, they will surely be taken away. God will give them to another people who live more for the sake of the world.
    Consider the countless American Indians whom your forbearers killed and drove off their land. Did they just disappear, or are they dwelling in the spirit world and nursing a desire for revenge? In addition to American Indians, white people invaded and looted many small and weak nations. Still, America has done better than Europe in serving God’s Will. America surpassed even England in sending missionaries to the world. America came to Europe’s aid in the World Wars and afterwards…
    Having colonies would not be a bad thing if America served the people of her colonies more than she serves her own people. God would encourage America to spend more of its treasure to help the impoverished people of Asia. No one would oppose Americans if they served them, if they even sold their houses to raise the funds to help them. In that case, the people of the colonies would welcome Americans. They would say, “Thank you, America,” and follow the American people as they would follow God. By such service to the needy of the world, the world could have become one. That was God’s desire. Yet it didn’t happen that way. Americans took the wealth for themselves and trampled upon the people. America rebelled against God’s work in history. From that point on, things started to go wrong. (202:332-33, May 27, 1990)

Spiritually attuned people throughout the world are saying that the world is undergoing a sudden and dramatic change. Where is the world headed? Ordinary people think the dangers will only grow worse and the world will deteriorate into hopelessness. Only a very small number of people believe that the world will reach a place of hope. People have been predicting the decline of Western civilization; many think the world is headed into an age of darkness. As you know, Christianity has been the backbone of Western civilization, giving strength to its families, communities and nations. But now it is crumbling.
    Young people in particular are pessimistic about the future. Still, we believe that almighty God will not leave His people without hope. He has prepared a path of hope that leads to a new world. (103:39-40, February 2, 1979)

I am not the only one talking about the decline of America. Intelligent people, politicians, scholars and religious leaders confirm what I am saying. What can cure America’s ills? Can the American military do it? Can the knowledge of science that sends men to the moon cure this illness? Neither economists nor politicians nor scientists can do it. It is impossible to heal it without God. That is why God sent me to America. (93:122, May 21, 1977)

Richard: Join the Family and Community Strengthening Forum featuring Patti Hidalgo Menders and myself on March 18th for a very specific action plan to save the next generation, and our nation:

It Is Hard to Follow Your Call

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2388

The very first condition of the Unification Church is the unity between mind and body. That is why God has commanded absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience when He created heaven and earth. If we speak, things happen substantially according to our faith. If they do not happen, then we can make them happen through investing effort. No matter how great they may be, they all come about as we command. They are accomplished because we invest more than is hoped for. (400-203, 2003.1.1)

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God created a man and a woman. He intended for them to reach perfection, marry, become established as the heavenly husband and wife, and live in the heavenly kingdom. God’s plan was to make Adam and Eve the first husband and wife in history and establish the foundation of the Kingdom of Heaven upon their relationship. If this plan had been realized, God’s first two blessings, to be fruitful and to multiply, would have been achieved then and there. God gave Adam and Eve the power to multiply His children. Had they not fallen, they would never have passed sin on to humankind. Their children would have been born without sin and would have grown to perfection as sinless beings. What else would have occurred? By giving birth to such sinless children, Adam and Eve would have become the true father and true mother of humankind centering on God. They would have become the True Parents. (Blessed Family – 319)

Call and Mission

2. Efforts and Hardships of the Mission

Teachings of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Living a life of faith presents many challenges. No doubt you received a call, but the question is: are you following it? It is hard to follow your call. It is even harder to be loyal and filial to God. (40:86, January 24, 1971) Continue reading “It Is Hard to Follow Your Call”