Make God’s Will the Purpose of Your Life

Luke 24

50When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them.51While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. 52Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. 53And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.

Psalm 20

5May we shout for joy over your victory

and lift up our banners in the name of our God.

May the Lord grant all your requests.

Jesus’ True Heart for God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 4, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

When examining Jesus’ thirty years of life, we come to understand that Jesus was not a person who was limited as an individual. His character was not only his own, it also a heavenly character that represented 4,000 years of history. You should understand this.

Jesus’ ideas were not only ones of hope that the many saints and sages wished for, but also those of the Creator, who wanted to fulfill the purpose of His providence. To fulfill his mission, Jesus walked a course of bloody tears. Thus, you should copy his character and his unchanging will that he showed through his ideas and life course with an unchanging heart.

Since Jesus did not mind fighting to establish an unchanging will on behalf of 4,000 years of history, you should inherit the mission of Jesus and appear before Heaven as a person of character with unchanging integrity on behalf of the 6,000 years of history that include the last 2,000 years of history since Jesus’ death. If not, you would not be able to have an eternal relationship with the ideology of heavenly ethics that Jesus wished for and we are seeking today. You should keep this in mind.

Then how did Jesus live? Jesus led a life that considered God’s will the purpose of his life. Ever since he had pledged before God that he would take responsibility for all humankind until the completion of God’s will, he led a life of unchanging piety toward God, one unconcerned with his own comfort.

Then how could God establish Jesus as the savior of all humankind? Throughout the 4,000 years of history, ever since the creation, Jesus was the only one who offered his entire life for the sake of God’s will. He alone led a life of loyalty and unchanging fidelity. That is why he could be established as the eternal Messiah, and the providential work of God inherited from Moses could enter a new phase through Jesus’ life.

Faced with the final judgment to climb over the Golgotha of limitless fear in the last days, what do you need? The ideas that already exist on earth will not make it. That is the reason we need a central figure who can open the path blocked to us. When viewed historically, because even God knew that the preexisting ideologies would not suffice, throughout the many religions that pursued God’s providence, He promised to send a central figure of the providence. This is the ideal of the Second Coming.

Now we should not stand in a relative position toward God and the creation. We should be people with the character, unchanging ideas, and the ideas of heavenly life of the absolute God. In this position, where we can maintain an eternal relationship with God from the beginning to the end, we should be able to manifest our value before the creation.

You should find the truth that guides humans to become such persons. If you are seeking such truth, you will be the successor to the hope, ideas, and life standard of Jesus, and new ideas will be added. You should also look for a stage of activities on your own. Thus, you should find an absolute being who can control all aspects with the standards of ideas and acts, and become a kind of person whom God looks for. This will be a person of character, a true person who can represent the heavenly purpose of the whole. We should become a person with heart, who can repent on his or her own.

Today each of us is an individual, but we should not remain only on the individual level. Christianity also should not be only for of a people or a nation, but should be for the world and all of humankind. Also, it should represent all human history and be responsible for the historical hope of humanity. At the same time, it should represent the ideology of heavenly principles and human ethics.

You should clearly feel that such a history, the historical hope, and the ideology of heavenly principles and human ethics are connected to your living environment. You should be able to say, “My Lord, is this not what You wish for? I will fulfill it for You,” before Jesus who came 2,000 years ago as an unchanging man of character and a substantial being of hope. We should be able to reflect upon the words of Jesus who prayed, “Heavenly Father, please accept this,” after having fulfilled his responsibility for the will of Heaven with an unchanging will on behalf of the principles of heaven.


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