We Have to Find the Lineal Bond with God

The Unification Sanctuary will host a Holy Blessing Ceremony on Sunday, January 29th, 2017.
Watch this PowerPoint about the significance of the Blessing: http://www.visionroot.org/resources/marriage/

For those who were previously Blessed by Rev. and Mrs. Moon and want to return to True Father’s authority, visit here: http://sanctuary-pa.org/index.php/meaning-of-the-blessing/

Exodus 21

“These are the laws you are to set before them:

Lamentations 2

19Arise, cry out in the night: in the beginning of the watches pour out thine heart like water before the face of the Lord: lift up thy hands toward him for the life of thy young children, that faint for hunger in the top of every street.

Let Us Join In the Pursuit of the Homeland

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 22, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

What path should humanity travel and what steps should they take now to go in search of the eternal ideology? They need one condition of rapid progress that is different from the one at present. It is a condition that is not clearly known. Jesus, whom you believe in, is the one who was sent to this earth to take responsibility for finding that condition.

In what position is humanity, the descendants of the fall? They have fallen from the position where they were to serve God as the eternal Parent. Due to the fall of human beings, the bond between the bride and bridegroom, which can provide the condition of eternal joy centered on God, has also been cut off.

Because this original relationship has been destroyed, failures came on the individual and family levels. Next, people lost the qualification to inherit the glory of God, the Jehovah of all people. What is more, they lost the environment that promises the greatest joy to God and humankind.

What then is the original purpose of believing in Jesus and following the road of faith? It is not to indulge in the environment where they are born into the fallen lineage. It is to bring liberation from that environment and to, one day, eradicate all the causes entangled by sin and then find the original center. What is the original center? In that place, there must be parents and couples. There must also be an environment and nation that can protect one’s family. The purpose of our life of faith is to fulfill all these. Moreover, you have to understand that God imbues even evil people with goodness, and by moving their consciences, He has been working to raise them up to this standard of ideology.

After understanding these things, you must carry on the struggle for the sake of goodness with all of your sincere heart. By feeling that you and the world have deviated from the original laws, you must develop an immutable conviction to fight against this.

When we look at the lives of the people who have been raised by their parents and are managing their lives inside the spheres of relationships on the national or world levels, we learn that they are not lives centered on eternal human ethics or eternal values. All forms of lifestyle and ideology, which came into being on this earth because of the fall, face the destiny of being liquidated on the day of judgment.

The love that was meant to be between human beings is manifested by the fact that there is mourning when one lacks affinity for their parents. There is mourning when affinity between a couple is lacking and when there is no nation that protects one’s family on this earth where the eternal ideology has not been realized. Even for changeable relations, one mourns when the environment conducive to them is not formulated. Therefore, would not one mourn over the fact that one does not have relations centered on the eternal ideology? Human beings are created so that, even when they are given all the humanistic conditions on earth, they still want eternal relations of heavenly principles.

Today then how must we men and women of faith live? We are not to live with changeable ideological conditions. We are to restore unchanging relations, but we must understand that these relations are not separate from us. They are all tied together as one inside the sphere you live in. You must develop a relationship with God by your own effort.

By developing a relationship with God, you are to become sons and daughters of God who restore that demonstrative value and attend God in that sphere of time and life. In other words, you must become sons and daughters who can live within the bond of unity with God.

If you feel the substantial embodiment of God, who enables us to lead that kind of life, then that value is not partial. When you restore the environment in which the whole value can be realized, then the individual and whole value will begin to move centering on you.

God has been working to inspire a good heart in humankind. The history of sin must change, no matter what. In this way, God has been working to introduce to humankind the door to the ideology which will not change once it becomes a world of goodness. Jesus is the person who came to this earth to fulfill this task on behalf of God. Therefore, Jesus said that he and God had become one body. Furthermore, he said that he was the son of God, specifically, the only begotten son. Going one step further, he said that he was the bridegroom of humanity. You have to understand that Jesus was the true parent of humanity.

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