Build God’s Kingdom With Christians

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Matthew 5:6

God blesses those people
who want to obey him
more than to eat or drink.
They will be given
what they want!

Judges 3:19

But he himself turned again from the quarries that were by Gilgal, and said, I have a secret errand unto thee, O king: who said, Keep silence. And all that stood by him went out from him. 20And Ehud came unto him; and he was sitting in a summer parlour, which he had for himself alone. And Ehud said, I have a message from God unto thee. And he arose out of his seat. 21And Ehud put forth his left hand, and took the dagger from his right thigh, and thrust it into his belly: 22And the haft also went in after the blade; and the fat closed upon the blade, so that he could not draw the dagger out of his belly; and the dirt came out. 23Then Ehud went forth through the porch, and shut the doors of the parlour upon him, and locked them.

Richard:  Ehud saved the Israelites by killing the king who had opressed them with a smuggled in dagger.  What is the secret “dagger” by which we can kill the satanic influence and power in this world.  Two worthy tools are the Urban Grocery business originally founded as Happy Mind Shop at Home Service by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, and the Urban Life Training program.  These “secret weapons” will have a profound impact on the world in the future.

Let Us Restore God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 15, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Mt. 6:16-34

What then do you have to do to be able to receive God’s true love? As I mentioned before, when you step forth onto the road of sacrifice, the road of service for the sake of others of your own accord, you will then be able to receive God’s love for the first time.

Jesus was in a position to lead humankind to that kind of road, yet there was no one among the people on earth then who wished to love others and live for the sake of others. Instead, because everyone wanted others to live for their sake and only wanted to receive love, all the people Jesus related with were objects of sadness to him.

Thus, you should understand the fact that Jesus could not find even one person who could give God’s love through sacrifice and service for the fulfillment of God’s will. This was the greatest sadness and sorrow of Jesus.

Jesus was heartbroken, relating to the ignorant people who could not see no matter how much he tried to show them, who could not know what something was even if he placed it in their palms. That is why Jesus told them, “Do not worry what to eat, what to drink and what to wear.” It is the word that tells you to deny your life and all of your environment.

Jesus did not give this kind of word because he did not know the necessities of human life. It was because he knew that fallen humankind could receive a day of hope only when they tread on such a road. He told them not to worry about what to eat, what to drink and what to wear, but to seek that nation and that righteousness. Since the one who attains that kingdom and that righteousness in advance can have dominion over all things within the realm of natural law, he no longer needs to worry about such things. That is why Jesus said this.

When Jesus came to this earth, he was tempted several times by Satan. First, he was tempted through food, during his forty-day fast. Satan appeared to Jesus and asked him to change a rock into a cake. This would be good news to a starving human being, but Jesus refused. Instead, he expressed that he had not come to eat. On the contrary, he insisted on the importance of God’s word and thus established the position that human beings had not lost all conditions in the realm of actual life.

Until that time, humankind had come through a history of struggle centered on material needs. However, with Jesus’ winning a victory in the first test of Satan, the history of struggle centered on materials was concluded. You should understand this.

What was the next trial Jesus had to face? Jesus was led to the top of a church temple by Satan. There he was tested by Satan saying, “If you are the son of God, throw yourself down….” (Matthew 4:6)

Jesus had appeared with the religious ideology that could educate the Israelites and Judaism. What did the expression “throw yourself down” signify? It meant that he should abandon the position of being their educator by succumbing before their religious customs and their opinions. However, Jesus did not fall into Satan’s test here. Instead, he won a victory.

After that, what kind of test was there? Showing Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor after taking him to the top of a very high mountain, Satan said, “All these things I will give you if you will fall down and worship me….” (Matthew 4:9) Yet with the universal ideology that was to establish the will of God, the kingdom of God, Jesus rejected Satan’s demand.

What then does this mean? Jesus possessed the ideology that could build a new Heaven and earth, namely, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Therefore, he must set up symbolic conditions while realizing and demonstrating the will to indemnify and restore all historical conditions of faithlessness.

Consequently, for you today who are faced with the Last Days, a struggle centered on material conditions will come about. If all humankind today then gets defeated without winning the victory in such a struggle, this earth will automatically be transformed into a world of darkness. Therefore, you of today should step forth upholding the ideology of Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven, having overcome the materialistic struggle. You must then build God’s kingdom on this earth by joining forces with Christians throughout the world.

Jesus had the mission to restore the world by being united with the Jewish denomination, which contained the comprehensive value of ancient Israel. Christians throughout the world today should understand that they too have the mission to build the kingdom of God on this earth by uniting into one, centering on the ideology of democracy, which represents the world. The ideology of Christianity, which constitutes the foundation of the ideology of democracy, should be a part of this.

In the same way that Jesus won the victory by defeating all the temptations of Satan, you should understand that you too have to go through such a process. For that reason, when the Last Days are here, you have to overcome the process of a materialistic struggle. After that you have to overcome a religious struggle. A religion will emerge which will resolve disintegration, contradiction and conflict, and unite these. The trials that Jesus went through symbolize this kind of an age.

In the same manner that Jesus demonstrated himself to be unchanging, even in the face of all kinds of hardship and death, you must resemble the character of Jesus. Christians today, who are in the Last Days, should not attach themselves to the past. They must find and establish the ideology of the holy temple of Jesus on a worldwide level. What is more, because you are on the course that corresponds to the life course of Jesus and his historic mission, you must know that there lies a moment of historic battle before you.

The time should come when Satan, who has been enjoying worldwide glory until now, succumbs and bows down before God’s sons and daughters by losing in the final battle. The day Satan is defeated and only God’s will is manifest must come as soon as possible. A person must emerge who can fulfill such a mission. If such a person does not appear, Jesus’ will that we seek that kingdom and that righteousness can never be realized on earth.

What kind of period are you living in today? You are living in a period when you should accomplish God’s will after passing the test of material. We are living in a period where materials surpass not only human beings but also all doctrines and opinions on this earth. Furthermore, materialism is attempting to subjugate even God. This kind of period is the very Last Days. You should understand this.

Richard:  key point:  “Therefore, you of today should step forth upholding the ideology of Jesus’ Kingdom of Heaven, having overcome the materialistic struggle. You must then build God’s kingdom on this earth by joining forces with Christians throughout the world.”
This is exactly what Pastor Hyung Jin Moon is doing, and what we should be doing.

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