What Should Be Our Attitude Toward Material Things

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Numbers 8

14and thou hast separated the Levites from the midst of the sons of Israel, and the Levites have become Mine; 15and afterwards do the Levites come in to serve the tent of meeting, and thou hast cleansed them, and hast waved them — a wave-offering.

Ezekiel 40

. 30(The porticoes of the gateways around the inner court were twenty-five cubits wide and five cubits deep.) 31Its portico faced the outer court; palm trees decorated its jambs, and eight steps led up to it.

Esther 4

14For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”

Let Us Restore God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 15, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Matthew 6: 16-34

Thus, you should become the people who eat having the feeling of the Father’s heart, who wishes to give. This heart can be revealed even through a small piece of bread. You should eat with concern about God’s will being attained on this earth and the many pitiful people who are in difficult situations. When you become a person like this, you will not be subjected to material privation.

At any rate, you today are not in such a position. You are struggling in a battle centering on materials. By connecting yourselves to God, each of you can say, “Father, is there another son or daughter who can better manifest Your heart through this material, who wishes to give more than I do and can love this material more than I can? I know that this material does not belong to me, but to You. Please let that person use it!” You should also maintain such a humble attitude as this, that you would accept materials on behalf of him or her. When that happens, the original nature hidden in your mind can be revealed, and you can go forth into the realm of eternal hope. You should understand that Jesus talked about the proper attitude in using materials for this reason.

What is it then that you must treat as your enemy? It is the selfishness that thinks materials endowed upon you are only for your benefit. For that reason, if you have a piece of bread, you should be able to represent God’s heart, which desires to share it with all humankind. Before you eat something, you should have the mind to willingly offer it to your family, and to the society, the people, the nation and humankind throughout the world. Man can perfect himself through a normal process only if he possesses this kind of mind. However, most people today lead their lives having forgotten this. You should feel heartbroken about this and understand that this is the position of fallen man.

Through what then can an enemy invade? The enemy invades through material conditions. Yet God’s blessings also come through materials. You should clearly understand that through materials, God and our enemies can invade us simultaneously. We must become a person who knows how to establish the center of firm faith through materials.

Whatever a thing may be, once a center is established an object will naturally come into being. It is a principle of the universe that if there is a perfect plus, there will naturally occur a perfect minus. You must establish a core of faith, one standard that conforms to the principle. You should clearly understand that because Jesus knew such a principle, he declared we must first seek that kingdom and that righteousness.

What would be the next thing you should know about? The next thing you should know is that fights among family members regarding what to eat will take place. You should understand that because of things to eat, a fight between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law, an elder brother and a younger brother, will take place. A fight between relatives and between nations will also take place. To overcome that, Jesus lived in sorrow for the family, the society, the nation and the world, and expressed his heartbroken Shim Jung of not being able to build that kingdom and that righteousness. For that reason, you today should experience such a heart of Jesus and take after his character.

Next, fights over what to wear will break out in front of you. This means that during your life of faith, you must go over a course of having resolved the problem of what to wear. Therefore, today you should be able to freely resolve such problems, without being restricted by any of Satan’s accusations.

Similarly, you should understand that your problem of what to eat and what to wear will become Satan. At the same time, it will be the practice ground of activities through which Satan can act. Therefore, you should know that Satan always has an eye to invading everything you do. You must become the people who do not provide Satan with any condition for invasion. Thus, today you should not live only for yourself. You should live for a greater purpose.

Suppose you belong to a family. If you live for the family, it will be the same as living for your own sake. If you belong to a nation and you live for the sake of that nation, it will also be like living for your own sake. What is more, when you come to live for Heaven, you will be in a position of truly living for yourself. Thus, you should keep in mind that all facts of this kind are being realized and revealed through your own living environment.

Now if you have stepped forward for the sake of God’s will, for the sake of experiencing God’s Shim Jung, and for the sake of establishing that kingdom and that righteousness, what should you do? You should become a person with a heart such that if you have something to eat, you distribute it to people in a more difficult environment than you. If you have more things to eat, you should be a person who can give that to the person who presses you.

Thus, you should become a person who can reflect, Am I living a life where I am desperately wishing to give in a practical way? Am I living a life where living for the sake of serving strikes home or am I striving to realize the ideology of that kingdom only after having surmounted the realities of today? When you do that, you will be able to feel the Shim Jung of Paul who lamented, “O wretched man that I am!” (Romans 7:24)

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