Jesus Overcame Betrayal

Exodus 12

14“This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance.

Revelation 22

12“Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done. 13I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

14“Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 15Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Let Us Not Become a Betrayer of God’s Will

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 20, 1957
Chung Pa Dong Church
Seoul, Korea

Matthew 23:29-39

Jesus was determined to take the responsibility to fulfill such a mission. He knew that betrayal would occur where God’s words were spoken. He knew that God’s sorrow and grief would be wherever His heart was brought. He knew that Satan’s arrow would fly where God appeared in a body. He was determined to face this.

Although Jesus wanted people to advocate his position and protect him in reality, when they betrayed him, he was silently patient. You should understand the sorrowful circumstances where Jesus prayed alone for all humankind, grieving in the Garden of Gethsemane, under the olive trees.

At that time, Jesus was in a more pitiable position than anyone else on earth. Jesus came as a representative of God’s heart, clinging to the words of God. In addition to the words of betrayal by many people throughout history, there was no one who prayed, “Oh, my lord, my groom, my guide! Please guide our lives to You!”

Jesus knew that God’s providence of 4,000 years was consumed in human betrayal, but he still shed tears for humanity. Though he felt the grief that filled Heaven and earth, Jesus still looked for humankind, who had betrayed God. Thus, if he had a grievance in his heart, it would have been an endless one.

However, when he thought of God, who came to look for human beings in spite of their betrayals throughout the 4,000 years of history, Jesus could not be grieved even when he was betrayed. He could not be discouraged with his material deficiency even when he was struggling with it. He could not disobey the Father’s will, even if he were to be sacrificed as an offering. He could feel the heart of God, Who did not desert the Israelites but treated them with love for 4,000 years despite their betrayals. Jesus could feel and comfort the Father’s heart. Furthermore, he was in the position where he discussed all matters directly with God. We should clearly understand this.

Looking back today, we come to realize that our past was a trail of betrayals. Our reality is an environment of betrayals. “I” am a root of betrayals. Thus, I carry a past of such betrayals, I am living in a reality of betrayals, and I am becoming a root of betrayals toward my posterity. You should know this and should be heartbroken and grieving.

When Jesus came to this earth, he was rejected by his own people. He was considered a traitor by his nation, worse than a thief. Nevertheless, he prayed for his enemies to be forgiven. What is the source of such a heart? It is derived from the suffering heart of the Father, who has been patient with the people who betrayed Him for thousands of years throughout history. Jesus realized that even if his life was lost as a sacrificial offering, it could not be compared with the Father’s sorrowful heart. Therefore, even when he was climbing over the hill of death, he could not help but pray for his people, who had betrayed him. You should know this.

Jesus continues to visit us even after he left the earth. Even if people have been faithless throughout history, Jesus still believes in us today. He does not curse humankind, who can betray him beyond time and space. On the contrary, Jesus is stretching his hand out to us with salvation. Nevertheless, there is no one on this earth who came on behalf of Jesus’ words, his body and his heart. Furthermore, there are no people nor nation which can represent Jesus. At the time of Jesus, the Israelites should have represented the will of God and inherited His words. Yet no one welcomed Jesus, no matter where he went with the words of God.

Because Jesus went through such a historical path, you also will be rejected by your brothers and sisters, your religion or your people when you attempt to attend God’s words. However, you should become the kind of people who can pray that those who betray you may be blessed, despite their persecution.

Where then do your words, faith and religious ideas stand now? Jesus went through betrayal on the levels of the individual, the family, the church, the Israelites and the nation, 2,000 years ago. We are now being rejected on the level of the world, after having gone through the levels of the people and the nation.

You know that human history has been a continuum of good being stricken by evil ever since Cain killed Abel. We should also know that in walking the path toward Heaven, the ones who are being rejected, not the ones who reject them, are on the side of truth. They are the ones who are leading the heavenly dispensation.

Which people then are in the position of being rejected on all levels on behalf of the world today? If there were a tightly-knit people who can represent the will of God, they would be destined to be rejected on all levels.

How would the people be rejected? They would be rejected through the same conditions that took place at the time of the fall between Adam and Eve and the archangel. Thus, first they will be betrayed centered upon words. Although they were allowed to eat any other fruit in the Garden of Eden, God’s words not to eat of the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil were betrayed. They fell by following the words of the archangel, who stated that their eyes would be opened and they would become like God. The same phenomena will take place. Various ideas and ideologies from different nations will appear.

Consequently, even if one mind that is meant to pursue one idea, one purpose and one center seem to appear as a second mind and introduce a new purpose, the second mind has created the origin of the eventual betrayal of the original idea and purpose. You should clearly understand this.

Through what did this origin of betrayal come about? It came about through words. Thus, in the Last Days, if a people is to be established before Heaven, the people will be betrayed in their own language at some point. Even if they have their own letters to write with, the letters will be betrayed. Furthermore, their history and the spirit of the people will be violated.

When viewed from the perspective of the Last Days of the century, the nation which has met these conditions today is Korea. Korea has been invaded by many peoples throughout history, and many betrayers were produced. Under the sovereignty of Japan, we almost lost our language. Our letters, our distinctive nature as a people, our pride and even our ideas were almost abolished as well.

Furthermore, today we are in a position where the same people are confronting each other in betrayal. The same is true in the relationships between brothers and sisters, parents and relatives, fathers and sons, husbands and wives. What then should this people do? At some point, this people will be faced with the sorrowful heart God has experienced because of humanity’s betrayals.

This people then should pray to Heaven for the world that has betrayed them, as Jesus did not curse the people who had betrayed him but instead prayed for them with the heart of God in the Garden of Gethsemane. Only then will this people find a way to live.

Therefore, this people should overcome the world that betrays. Throughout all betrayals, they should appeal to God, bowing down before Him and taking the words of Jesus who was betrayed as their own. They should take the heart of God who was betrayed as their own, and the bodies of their betrayed ancestors as their own.

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