Jesus Was Driven Out

Leviticus 23

32 This is a time of complete rest just like the Sabbath, and everyone must go without eating from the evening of the ninth to the evening of the tenth.

Psalm 21

23Ye that fear the LORD, praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all ye the seed of Israel.

Richard:  We are seeds by lineage.  Through Christ at the Second Advent we can physiclly join God’s lineage through the Blessing of marriage.

Heaven Is Calling Us

Sun Myung Moon
January 5, 1958

Before the footsteps of Jesus Christ, who was driven out by the Israelites, there lay the path of the valley of tears, the path of the cross. Jesus was ostracized by his family and chased out by Judaism. Jesus Christ was accused of being a cult figure and was chased out by the Israelites and the entire nation of Israel. Fathoming his situation and heart, we can understand that the path he walked was for the sake of the Israelites and his tribe. The path the Israelites took and the path Jesus took were opposites. The greater the gap between the two, the greater the sorrow and bitterness of God. You have to understand that the course of faith during the 2,000 years after Jesus was a history of conflict carried on to turn these contradictory paths into reciprocal ones.

Please set yourself in the middle of all things of creation. After dividing your mind and body, please make a comparison and criticism. Please be criticized before God. Be criticized before the prophets and saints of history and before the true shepherds, who are persevering through the path of sorrow and pain despite the tears they shed. You will not have anything to boast about. The more you think about it, the more you will not be able to deny that you deserve to face the repercussions of sin.

Our countless ancestors have passed through the altar of a history of blood and tears. Today God is trying to place you on top of the altar and establish you as the fruit of the victory. If you turn away from the will without knowing this, where will this people go? Where did the tribe that opposed God’s chosen Abraham go? Where did the Israelites who did not feel pain in their heart with Isaac and Jacob go? They had to struggle in misery. They fell into sorrow and lament.

Moreover, how was it at the time of Moses? The ignorant people did not understand the distressed and burning heart of Moses who climbed Mt. Sinai and appealed to Heaven for forty days without eating anything, for the sake of the people. If the people had understood his distressed heart and shared his grief, they would not have fallen down in the wilderness. They would not have made conditions to allow the nation of Israel to later subject Jesus to the cross. Moreover, the history of sin would not have continued until today. Because this was not done, the suffering of God was indescribably great. Until now, God has been walking the path of the cross and has been establishing religions throughout history.

If we are to leave something behind in history of which we can be proud, then to represent the heart of God, we must be able to say, “Oh Father! Please hand that sorrow over to me.” The people who step forward praying, “We will shoulder the burden that God is bearing,” will not decline. However, if an individual, society or a nation does not understand the sorrow, indignation and hardships of God, then it will decline. It is the same for all.

If the faithful people of the Last Days understand this historical tradition and provide the protection, feeling this sense of responsibility, they must then partake in the sorrow of God and shed endless tears of which others are not aware. They must receive the persecution of which others are not aware. Even as they are suffering the pain of which others are not aware, they must never make excuses for themselves. Jesus was this kind of person. How many people in the world can follow his example?

If there are the sons and daughters of God among these people, who walk the path through which they can receive the blessing of God and judge sins on behalf of all humanity and the world, then God’s statesmanship will be transferred to them. The universal mission will also be fulfilled through them.

Therefore, we must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of God. We must shed tears for the sake of humanity, whom the Father loves. We must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of Noah. We must shed tears on behalf of the sorrow of the 6,000 years, which include the 4,000 years from Adam to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, to Moses, to Jesus, and the 2,000 years since Jesus.

If there is someone who can respond, “Father, I am here,” to the voice of God, who is calling out for His sons and daughters on the earth, then even if his hands are ugly, his heart has been wounded and his appearance is humble, he will never perish. This is because he can represent the sorrow of God and his heart can connect with the heart of Heaven. The basic rule of the heavenly principles is that the path he is walking cannot be blocked even if the whole world is mobilized. Because Jesus understood this kind of basic principle, he mourned for the sake of the Israelites who betrayed him. He shed tears for the sect that persecuted him. He wished blessings upon the enemies who were putting him on the cross.

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