Give Obeisance to God and His Word

Enjoy my latest video: Is Hak Ja Han the Whore of Babylon?:

John 7

Jesus replied:

I am not teaching something that I thought up. What I teach comes from the one who sent me. 17 If you really want to obey God, you will know if what I teach comes from God or from me.Richard:  Jesus speaks about the very important issue of obedience to God’s Will.  Are we leading our lives in a way that pleases God with obeisance to His Will?


Isaiah 37

About this same time, the king of Assyria learned that King Tirhakah of Ethiopia[a] was on his way to attack him. Then the king of Assyria sent some messengers with this note for Hezekiah:

10 Don’t trust your God or be fooled by his promise to defend Jerusalem against me. 11 You have heard how we Assyrian kings have completely wiped out other nations. What makes you feel so safe?

Richard:  Satan tries to cast fear into our hearts.  It is up to us to reject this assault and have faith in God, God’s word and Jesus.


Where Is the Refuge in Which Heaven Can Dwell?

Rev. Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 12, 1958

Consequently, God has been leading men to sacrifice their bodies and cultivate their minds to pursue goodness. Moreover, when the minds of people are near truthfulness, if the words which fulfill the purpose of that truthfulness emerge, God made it so that people will be pulled by those words. In this way, God hoped people’s bodies would also move harmoniously with their minds. You have to understand that God had this earnest and desperate heart that longed to reveal the words people could understand through their minds and bodies.

If in your course of seeking Heaven in your life of faith, you have not experienced your minds and bodies being governed by the words, then you can never escape from the realm of sorrow and mourning. You have no other choice but to remain in that state forever.

If, on the contrary, you have felt or experienced that the laws of the heavenly principles that represent your body and life, and your substantial and mental self has become one, you will not fade away from this earth for eternity when you go to the spirit world. Therefore, you must secure the one nucleus that will never disappear in your minds and bodies. You must establish the laws of the heavenly principles that can never be separated from your minds and bodies so that you can create the place of rest where God can dwell in person.

Thus, you must now reflect upon yourself as to whether you are capable of receiving the words of the laws of the heavenly principles. Now that the Last Days have come, everything will come to a conclusion. Philosophy will come to a conclusion, science will come to a conclusion, and the world economic system based on material will also come to a culmination point. At one point in the future, due to infinite progress in science, scientific research will invent improved food.

Furthermore, you who are living in the last concluding era today must repent about your faith until now and try your best to live according to the words Jesus gave us. Therefore, you must find the words of the Heavenly Father. If there is someone who is not trying to seek these words but instead forsakes them, they will surely be judged. Those who are avoiding or blocking the words that seek them to realize the holy of the holies of Heaven will surely perish. Because Jesus understood this, he could not speak all the words he wanted.

The more you feel a sense of mission to establish the laws of the heavenly principles, the more you must make your best effort. You must liberate the grieving heart of Jesus, who said, “If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how can you believe if I tell you heavenly things?” (John 3:12) You must understand that in the concluding era of human history today, the historical sorrow is implanted deeply inside Heaven and the earth. Accordingly, even in this moment, God is watching over all human beings today with concern for how they are living and how the faithful believers are conducting their life of faith.

Therefore, you must have room in your heart to cherish the words which represent the infinite universe, the words which represent the eternal laws. It will not be acceptable for you merely to have the vulgar hearts and vulgar emotions with which you have lived on the earth until now. You must come to possess a new heart that can receive the new words. Therefore, in this concluding era, when the temple of the words is sought, it is a great fear that you might become the heir of Adam, who betrayed the words of the heavenly principles.

Where did sin begin? It began from the point of not being able to receive the words of God. It was human responsibility to receive the infinite words, but that responsibility was not fulfilled. Therefore, the place of rest where you must welcome the words now must be your mind. In this manner, you must realize the substantial body centered on the words.

Those words are linked to the sphere of your character. In other words, your words must become the words which represent the laws of God’s heavenly principles. Your actions must become one with the words of those laws. Just as you come to know things through the Principle, when the substantial being who represents the words appears, God’s heart will dwell there. Therefore, those in whom God’s heart dwells move toward the direction where they can be connected to the eternal ideology. Their minds and bodies can live a life on behalf of the ideology of the Father in the actual sphere of life.

It is our hope to enjoy that kind of life. The place where the will is actualized is the ideal garden of Canaan and the lost original Eden. You have to clearly understand this.


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