The Chosen People of Israel Opposed Jesus

Hosea 9

17 Israel, you disobeyed my God.
Now he will force you to roam
    from nation to nation.

Song of Solomon

You are in the garden
with friends all around.
    Let me hear your voice!

She Speaks:

14 Hurry to me, my darling!
Run faster than a deer
    to mountains of spices.

Let’s Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
January 26, 1958

Philippians 1:1-11

Even if the people of the nation betrayed, the denomination accused, relatives and kinfolks looked the other way, and all his belongings would become lost, the only thing that filled Jesus’ welfare, his hope and his Shim Jung was that “God is with me indeed,” this one fact that “God is mine.” This one fact made Jesus feel concern about Heaven again, in the 4,000-year history, raise again God’s will, transmitted to the Israelite people, and keeps the thought of planting God’s Shim Jung in all humankind.

Before he went to the wilderness, Jesus thought of God as the God of love. He thought of God as the One who raised him and comes, looking in happiness, as the eternal God of love. However, when he came to step forward with a full Shim Jung like this, he was put into the difficult situation of God who, being on reciprocating relations in the old days, always brought him up, embraced him and comforted him, and came to feel God’s difficult position and sorrowful Shim Jung. At the same time, as he came to step forward with such Shim Jung making an appeal by saying, “I will fulfill the mission to accomplish” the will, he could step forth, starting from that day, before enemies with a new determination, along with God, not as a reciprocal God but as a directive God, as God who is with him. Therefore, Jesus, who started a new course of struggle after the forty-day fast and stepped forward at the risk of his life to dissolve God’s resentment of 4,000 years on behalf of the people of the nation and to destroy God’s enemy, Satan, appeared not as a representative of himself but as a figure who had been missed for 4,000 years, and who represented God’s Shim Jung.

The words that Jesus spoke after that were not the words of himself, and Jesus’ actions also were not for Jesus’ own sake. The words that Jesus spoke represented God’s words, and the actions of Jesus also represented God’s actions. Jesus truly felt that God dwelt alive in his mind and moved his heart.

Accordingly, Jesus entered, looking into an Israelite village again. Now, again you should think about the Shim Jung of Jesus Christ who, although he could step forth to the wilderness with a lonely Shim Jung when faced with the rejection from the people of the nation the first time, this time stepped forward with the resolution and determination to run against and fight out the suffering and persecution that are coming en masse, no matter how strong they may be.

Jesus who stepped forth to find and offer the lost Israel to God again. Who would have recognized Jesus, who could not suppress the throbbing heart that was beating faster as his burning firm belief that he could never retreat even if his body faded away got fierier? There was absolutely no one who could understand Jesus’ throbbing heart in this world. Only God alone understood Jesus’ situation.

In the midst of it, Jesus started walking the three-year course of public ministry. Initially, he chose and raised apostles from among disciples. However, whenever Jesus came to face the disciples, he returned God’s Shim Jung, grieved for 4,000 years over the loss of Adam, to them. Who were these disciples? They were disciples who had the mission to be God’s substantial holy temple. Besides, Jesus felt deep in his bone marrow that he would personally guide them to be God’s substantial holy temple.

Israelite people, opposing Jesus, were not Satan’s tribe but God’s sons and daughters who were to emerge as God’s substantial entities. They, nevertheless, put up opposition, not knowing of God’s will. Can you imagine how Jesus’ heart, who felt God’s Shim Jung and grieved looking at them, must have felt? You should understand this.

As we look carefully over Jesus’ three-year course of public ministry, we realize that Jesus did not live for his own sake, but he lived, first, for the sake of God, and next for the sake of disciples and humanity. Jesus did not live for his own sake, but lived representing God’s Shim Jung.


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