Who Could Understand the Heart of Jesus?

Exodus 12

14 Remember this day and celebrate it each year as a festival in my honor.

Richard:  We should remember and honor the traditions taught by Rev. Sun Myung Moon, unlike his former wife, Hak Ja Han, who does not honor the words and traditions taught by Rev. Moon.

Jonah 1

12 Jonah told them, “Throw me into the sea, and it will calm down. I’m the cause of this terrible storm.”

13 The sailors tried their best to row to the shore. But they could not do it, and the storm kept getting worse every minute.

Richard:  We can try to run from God, but ultimately we will have to face the truth, on this earth or later.

Let’s Be the Person Who Has the Heart of Jesus Christ

Sun Myung Moon
January 26, 1958

Phillipians 1:1-11

Jesus went out to the wilderness, leaving behind the people of the nation and fasted for forty days. As Jesus thought about having to go out into the wilderness and wander around in solitude without being able to eat anything in this manner, he could have felt terribly mortified. However, having thought of God’s Shim Jung that had endured and forborne for 4,000 years, Jesus who still felt some lingering expectation toward this people of the nation made the sacrificial offering on the people’s level before God for forty days without eating anything in the wilderness to establish the foundation of the second life for these people. This you should be aware of.

You may know too, from your experience of fasting, that Jesus grew gaunt and his body wasted with hunger during the forty-day fast. Although Jesus felt his Shim Jung indescribably squeezed and his heart became weak during the forty-day fasting course, it was because he felt God’s Shim Jung deep in his heart that he crossed the hill of forty-day fast.

What then can we do today? We must become friends of Jesus’ who can understand his situation and do something about it. At the same time, we must become friends who, holding onto Jesus Christ who could not eat, can be fearful listening to the sound of Jesus’ heart, who was dying, and cry.

Though his body was without strength, to Jesus, fostering the boiling heart in a fighting course to break open the blockage that trapped the new ideology of chun ryun (heavenly principles) and, thinking of the lonely Shim Jung of God, was nursing the heart that was deeply touched, no friend ever appeared. Instead, Satan appeared and tested him. You should become the people who can feel the heart of Jesus Christ, who had to fulfill his own mission even in the situation like this.

We should feel the throbbing heart of Jesus who, at the time when Satan appeared and carried out the three great temptations to destroy Jesus’ mind and body, stepped forward newly determined, representing God’s will, representing the people and representing the ancestors. Jesus, who had reaped a victory over Satan’s temptation, knew it would be difficult to restore the Israelite people who rejected him, and also that it would be difficult to restore Judaism which rejected and expelled him. You must know that he went out to the wilderness and had direct negotiations with God, after having stepped forward resolutely with burning loyalty, full of fighting spirit, to restore this sinful castle town.

From that day on, Jesus stepped forward risking his life. Even if he were to die for the sake of the Israelite people, he realized his body was not his own. Against the Satan who tempted him and toward the Israelite people who rejected him, Jesus launched the second offensive movement. You should feel again this hour the throbbing heart of Jesus Christ in this situation.

Anyway, people often say that his being Christ might have enabled him to handle such a situation with patience and to endure and forbear such tribulations and accusations. However, you should know that, because he is Christ, it is impossible for him to endure more. Because Jesus was more sensitive than other people, and his Shim Jung was hurt in a more extreme way than others, he had a grim Shim Jung that no one could have.

When Jesus Christ, who was standing in such a position, stepped forward to restore the lost castle town, people did not believe him. Even when standing in a position where he had passed through the life of such sadness, the life of being hard up for clothing and the life of starvation, there was no person, a friend, who would participate in Jesus’ situation on the earth. That is why Jesus came to have the Shim Jung that felt that only God is his friend, only God is his father. Similarly, people at the time did not believe in Jesus.

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