The Word of Completion Can Solve Factional Fighting

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;

Ram, Amminadab, Nahshon, Salmon, Boaz (his mother was Rahab), Obed (his mother was Ruth), Jesse, and King David.

Jeremiah 11

21 Then the Lord said:

Jeremiah, some men from Anathoth[c] say they will kill you, if you keep on speaking for me. 22 But I will punish them. Their young men will die in battle, and their children will starve to death. 23 And when I am finished, no one from their families will be left alive.

Let Us Be the People Who Attend God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 2, 1958

This time we should march forward, regardless of life and death, holding onto the word of God. Ever since receiving the fallen lineage by running counter to the law in the Garden of Eden, we have lived in sin until today. However, now we are able to live in joy relying on the new word. All mankind should now march forward toward that world in which they can live realizing the value of eternal life holding onto and standing by the word. You are living in such a time. Do you want to walk this road later? You can’t. You should realize that you are living in this kind of fateful, historical moment.

Representing God’s word, the collective Shim Jung of God’s 4,000 year providential history, and the will of God, Jesus had a Shim Jung of love. He lived centering on God’s will and formed a love relationship with God. For this reason, he was able to resurrect even after he died on the cross.

God’s love is eternal. God’s life is also eternal. Because Jesus was the united being of the word and its embodiment and represented God’s eternal love and life, no death or tribulation in this world could affect Jesus eternally. In short, Jesus already had the power of resurrection.

What shall we do now? If there are doctrines we can stand by and actions we can follow, what are they? They are none other than the word Jesus Christ spoke and the evidence of Christ’s actions. You should understand this for certain. You should ask yourselves whether you have become a possessor of the word who can represent God and Jesus. You should ask yourselves whether you can be acknowledged on earth and in Heaven.

Because human beings fell, the word of promise could not appear as the word of fulfillment. That is why it is said to be the Old Testament and the New Testament. The word of promise must appear as the word fulfilled. In spite of this being the most serious matter facing humanity today, they don’t realize it. This is a matter for the faithful believers seeking for Heaven to solve in union. This is Christianity’s problem and it is the problem of the union of all branches of religion.

This world today is a world in which disintegration and factional fighting are taking place. Why do these phenomena occur? When Jesus came to this world, this world was disintegrating. Therefore, Jesus delivered the word to settle this disintegration and factional fighting. However, because human beings at that time did not believe in Jesus’ word, the factional fights and disintegration could not be completely resolved. That’s why factionalism and disintegration are taking place in the world today. Now the word of completion has to emerge that can get this chaotic world under control; the word which can unite all doctrines and thought.

You should seek for the truth. If you look over the course of the history of this world today, there have been numerous races and many different religions. However, they are marching forth toward one unitary point, toward the goal of unification. Through what kind of word would this goal of unification be achieved? Unification will be achieved by the word of God’s promise. Human history cannot free itself from the foundation that God established by the word of His promise. That’s why world history has developed centering on Christianity. Now the time has come to unite into one. Accordingly, a new word will emerge full of the wisdom that can unify everything.


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