Be a Successor to Jesus and to Rev. Sun Myung Moon

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:


To subjugate Cain, we must love him
all the way to the end. Without being
such people, we cannot save Cain. To go
to heaven, we must obtain Satan’s certificate.
What is Satan’s certificate? In order
for a criminal to be released, he must
first go through a prosecutor, then an
attorney, and finally a judge. From this
perspective, Satan is like the prosecutor,
God the judge, and Jesus is the attorney.
If Satan ensnares a person saying, “You
did this and this, did you not?” and says
to God, “This person should be dealt
with in this way,” God’s hands are tied.
But Jesus, in the position of an attorney
would say, “Heavenly Father, this person’s
ancestors did such and such things
and he is from a good lineage. Since he
is accused on these counts, he should be
given an indemnity condition related to
his crimes so he can be freed from accusation.”
This is what has been happening.

pp 708-709 p.

Isaiah 65

16 I am God! I can be trusted.
Your past troubles are gone;
    I no longer think of them.
When you pray for someone
    to receive a blessing,
or when you make a promise,
    you must do it in my name.
I alone am the God
    who can be trusted.

Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 9, 1958

Gen 32: 1-28  Acts 1: 6-11

Since you feel that the world’s fateful close is infiltrating into the realm of your life today, you should understand that this is advance notice of the time when Moses and the race were to unite. This is advance notice of the age when Moses and Pharaoh fought against each other.

Where did God’s sorrow originate? You should understand that God feels sorrow not because those leaders did something wrong. It was their followers who made God sad by their mistakes.

What is the purpose of your walking the road others do not know about, this road that others do not walk? By becoming one rank, God can operate. After putting your strength together and uniting, you should become a successor who defends the footsteps of Moses to the death. He had a tough struggle in relation to the will of the heavenly principles. He forgot about himself to the extent of not noticing whether he ate or starved. You also must become the successor of Jacob. As Jesus’ successor, following in his footsteps, you must fulfill the mission. This is the condition that enables the faithful believers in the final days to enter into the realm of the chosen Israel.

Because Jesus knew this kind of principle, he said the one who wished to live would die, and the one who wished to die would live. In other words, if you wish to subjugate Satan, you must step over even death centered on God. Only when man can step forward without being shaken even if Heaven betrays him, constantly faithful, will Satan separate from him. Then he will be able to escape from all conditions of Satan’s ridicule.

Now you must understand that after spiritually erecting the Christian believers scattered around the world as a second Israel to replace the first Israel that was lost, Heaven will construct the third Israel where these are all made one by uniting.

Therefore, you today must become ancestors of the third Israel like Abraham. You must become ancestors like Jacob and Moses, who was the representative of the race. You must become the representative of the third Israel like Jesus, who is the world’s representative. Furthermore, as you look back at the course of the history of God’s providential restoration, you should know that you should become the individual and race, the state and the world that can comfort God, overcoming Satan, who ridiculed Heavenly Father in the past.

What is Satan? He is a traitor rejecting God. Yet even Satan does not dislike God. That’s why God cannot help but reciprocate with Satan. Satan, too, likes God. Because this kind of condition exists, it could not but take a long time of 6,000 years. In the position of being fond of God, Satan says things like, “Please set me up and allow me to govern the whole universe as it was willed to be governed through Adam. Then I will absolutely obey God.”

Through confronting God, Satan has been working to attain His affirmation. He will try to stand in the position where, by objecting to the will of the providence to the end, he will force affirmation to be given.

Even a treacherous subject who relies on the strength of a loyal subject dislikes the king. But this treacherous subject is asking to be heard, after eliminating the loyal subject

Because the whole world is inside the realm of Satan, if this acknowledgment is given, then it is possible that the whole world can be returned before God. Then why can’t God do it? The rule of Heaven cannot be broken. Since God is the God of law, He cannot run counter to order. For this reason, even if He has to endure all kinds of trouble, God does not acknowledge Satan. He tells man, after setting him up before Satan who controls the world, to stop Satan who ridicules Him. This has been God’s fretful Shim Jung.

If a man appears who stops Satan from making ungrounded accusations, Satan will not be able to be critical of God. If a master appears who brings out and restores the heavenly principle that the archangel is to be governed by Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, all Satans will have to succumb. Attaining that does not mean to go to God’s royal seat in the spiritual world, as in the case of Jesus. It means establishing such a day on earth. The time to establish a day like this is the age of the Second Coming.

You should not stand now in Satan’s position, which is to offer opposition. You should follow the footsteps of God, who toiled for 6,000 years. You who are faced with the final days today should experience the Shim Jung of God, who toiled in the course of restoration from Adam’s age, the first start of God’s eternal world, until today. You should follow after God. In spite of being faced with a fate of this kind, you are not even dreaming about it. That means the situation is serious.

Richard:  I will add that we should be the successor to Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who fought his whole life to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and to bring about God’s original ideal of absolutely good sex within Blessed families.

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