The Coming Battle for God’s Kingdom

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2 Kings 17

12 Even though the Lord had commanded the Israelites not to worship idols,[e] they did it anyway. 13 So the Lord made sure that every prophet warned Israel and Judah with these words: “I, the Lord, command you to stop doing sinful things and start obeying my laws and teachings! I gave them to your ancestors, and I told my servants the prophets to repeat them to you.”

Isaiah 23

The Lord All-Powerful planned it
    to bring shame and disgrace
to those
who are honored
    by everyone on earth.
10 People of Tyre,[h]
    your harbor is destroyed!
You will have to become farmers
    just like the Egyptians.[i]

Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 9, 1958

There should be a chosen Israel of Heaven who can say, “God! Please receive glory through me and take rest.” Jacob, Moses, and Jesus represented this kind of mission. Only if you become someone who can fight against Satan, after inheriting the struggle that God has had with Satan, will the decisive sovereignty of Israel be set up before Heaven. Therefore, we should bring the war that defamed God to a conclusion. Because no objection can be raised, the war will be concluded. The time when we have to start the construction of the third Israel centering on such people will have to come. The struggle of having to attack the blessed land of Canaan, which was their own homeland, was left to be carried out by the Israelites who were in the land of Egypt in Moses’ age. In Jesus’ age, the struggle of having to build the blessed land of the worldwide level Canaan centering on the Israelites was left to be carried out. To those of us who have to build the third Israel today, a fierce battle to accomplish it in union has been left to be carried out.

What kind of people must you be today? At the time of the re- organization of the new Israelites, as the chosen people who will be put up before God in association with Heaven, you should willingly become a member of one trio, a platoon leader, a commander of a company, a regiment and a division. Who is going to be the commander of these heavenly soldiers? This is the problem. The time will surely come when this has to be done. In the end of history, all things will be united into one world. Because a mass of people want the unification of thought, and the world on earth is in need of a unification ideology, the time of unification when it is possible to be well-informed of the heavenly ideology will surely come.

What has happened in the course of history up until this time? If two got into a fight, the one with a bit more goodness would win. That is the principle. What is going to happen if the world on earth goes into the realm of one ideology? Whatever has a bit more goodness than the earth will win. This is the age when the spiritual world will attack the earth. For that reason, many kinds of diseases of the nervous system crop up, unnamed neuroses and whatnot. There is no medicine for this. For these kinds of problems you need the tonic of heaven and earth!

The time has come for the spiritual world to attack the earth for the sake of the ideology which can get heaven and earth in harmony. It is the time when men on earth should substitute for God’s will on earth. In order to become one, there will surely be a battle. The time of becoming one world after fighting between two sides is the very time of judgment when Heaven unifies by becoming the center. Likewise, in a situation like this, where the spiritual world is attacking the earth, the Lord of the Second Advent is to come with the mission of supreme commander representing the earth.

You who are about to start the course of constructing the third Israel! What do you have to do? You will be able to free yourselves only if you get to know the law of the spiritual world. You have to know the set-up of its chain of command. The army of a nation must know the password that is being used among its own army in order not to be attacked by its own during the fighting.

Now is the time when the password of Heaven is being heard. Now is the age of communication in code. It is the age of communication in the providential code, the historical code, the period code, the humanistic code, and the mission code. In addition, it is the age in which, through a code like this, connection can be made, the operation plan can be carried out, and the ideology of unification on earth can be represented.

Today the established churches raise objections, uttering the names of such as Elder Park, Elder Nah, the Unification Church, calling them a gang of heretics. We can take that. Modern times are such that science is discussing the age of the cosmos. This is the kind of age when an artificial sun is made. Since we have arrived at this kind of age, we should not hold fast to antiquated religious concepts. The one comprehensive Unificationism that can stand up and step over this will have to emerge.

There is a short-wave mechanism that can decode a secret code. If there is one with the short-wave mechanism who can decipher God’s secret, he will become victorious. For that reason, when the spiritual world comes down attacking the earth, the method of war will be different. The war will definitely take place, but I don’t know its limits. When a war of this kind takes place on the earth, conscientious people at that time will have to be mobilized.


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