Cling to Christ at the Second Coming

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Section 6. Our Original
Hometown and the Way to Enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
6.1. Hometown is a world of the
original creation
We are at a point of time when we
cannot hope to achieve world peace or
one unified world using human power,
wisdom, culture or anything else. Under
these circumstances, what is the main
problem? I believe that answering the
question as to whether God exists or
not is the most important issue. Once
all humankind clearly understands all
about God’s existence, they will clearly
understand the direction of God’s will.
When they understand this, the world
will become one world, a world of peace
and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

p. 2116 p1

All of you, why don’t you try offering
a prayer? The more you pray, the more
you will find yourself in tears. The closer
you get to Heavenly Father, the more you
will grieve and lament. You need to pass
through this stage and reach the point
where merely thinking of Heavenly
Father will make you dance for joy; but
you have not reached that stage yet. That
is why you still have to fulfill the indemnity
conditions of the past and present.
You need to be in such a situation that
God longs for you. So, you who do not
possess the qualification that is hoped
for must fulfill the requirements which
will enable God and you to long for each
other. You should know that such a time
is coming.
Then, what should you do next? You
must long for the day when you will be
able to register as a family of God. Moreover,
you should not be the only one
longing for that. All humanity must long
for such a day. (8-114, 1959.11.22)

p. 1435 p 3

Let Us Be Israel, the Chosen People of God

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 9, 1958

Gen 32: 1-28
Acts 1: 6-11

Now you must understand that, in preparation for this one day in the final days, history has unfurled until today, sacrificing conscientious, good people. Today, we who are faced with the fateful fall, should look for and enter the last, unitary world of ideology and be able to sacrifice everything. Then we should become true heavenly sons and daughters who, riding upon Jesus’ shoulder, can confidently say, “God, please take charge of me.” God also wishes to see sons and daughters of this kind appear.

You should heed that the mission to unravel all things in the world of paradise and introduce heavenly life does not rest on Jesus or God. It rests upon you today in the final days. A representative must emerge who can take on all the operational plan in place of Jesus and fight on behalf of God and fulfill the responsibility. Only then can God and Jesus be liberated. With this kind of cosmic mission in front of you, you should find and move forward on the course of the triumphant Israel.

For that purpose, you should find your leader and the rank to which you belong. Also, you should know what kind of position you are in before Heaven. You should become representatives of Moses, Abraham, Jacob, and Jesus, who are unchanging. You must become someone who can receive a respectful bow from Satan along with praise, saying, “Yes, you are God’s son (or daughter) who has the qualification to be able to return glory before God on behalf of the ideology of the creation.” When you get to command Satan, you will then be able to stand before God representing the ideology of the holy temple on the worldwide level of the garden of Heaven on earth.

Before that happens, you will face one big, fierce battle. Various denominations will attack you. You will be tested spiritually. As God struck Moses, you too will have this kind of course. As the race betrayed Moses, such a course lies before you too. As Jesus was forsaken on the cross by Heaven, such will happen to you too. As Jesus was betrayed by the race, such a course will lie before you. Knowing this, you should not be dispirited when it happens.

God’s will is not easy; it is extremely difficult. For that reason, you should not fall down in the course of battle, even when receiving extremely heartrending objections, bearing on your back the worldwide level agitation. Until the world and heaven and earth find one unitary point, you should move forth, fighting continuously.

In this process, please don’t bewail your fate like the Israelites bewailed the lack of food and water in the wilderness after leaving Egypt. Please don’t complain about no one giving you recognition. Please consider it to be the best thing if you have found and held onto one leader who understands you and who is like Moses. By grabbing and holding only onto God and Jesus, who understand you, and by believing that this is the best thing, if you hold onto that man even if everyone rejects you, you will then inherit what that man is to attain. Only then will you be able to participate in God’s glory with the qualifications for being the chosen people of the third Israel.

Then you will be able to be the man of God’s glory. At the same time, you will be the man of historical glory who represents the ideology of the whole universe. Only if we appear before Heaven representing the world as glorious sons and daughters will God be able to take a rest for the first time.

We will not receive such blessing as the angel gave to Jacob. We will receive the blessings God planned to bestow upon Jesus by personally lifting His hands. In other words, God will bless you who are restored in the final days to be His sons and daughters who represent Jesus, the heroes of the eternal third Israel. He will bless you for the first time to be substantial beings of happiness, glory and beauty that Heaven can rejoice about eternally.

Likewise, by penetrating into the sphere of God’s love through Jesus’ love, if you attain God’s love, you will then be able to become the ancestor of the third Israel. You must understand this for certain.

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