Jesus Had a Sorrowful Heart Due to His Betrayal

Leviticus 23

23 The Lord told Moses to say to the community of Israel:

I have chosen certain times for you to come together and worship me.

You have six days when you can do your work, but the seventh day of each week is holy because it belongs to me. No matter where you live, you must rest on the Sabbath and come together for worship. This law will never change.

Richard:  It is important to take a Sabbath Day each week.

The WholeUniverse is Searching for the One Day of Love
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
February 16, 1958

What does the fall of Adam and Eve signify? It signifies that they abandoned God, lost the original, ideal human nature, and lost the environment of good dominion. In other words, they lost God, true personhood, and true material things. Next, they lost the words of God and the love of God. This was the fall. Human beings cannot overcome these results.

Now we must fight to settle and pioneer all these from the opposite direction. If you do not become this kind of fighter, you have to realize there is no way for you to escape from the historical realm of sin and the realm of Satan, who has been opposing the dispensation of Heaven.

People have left the bosom of God due to the fall. They have lost the original true human nature and left the realm of the true universe. The history to restore all this is the history of God’s re-creation and the dispensation of God, who has been exerting Himself until now.

Grief was caused when the first Adam fell. What then did the second Adam, in other words, Jesus, who came as the restored Adam, have to do? First, he had to let God come into his heart. He had to possess the will of a true person in his body and become the true lord of dominion. Jesus came to this earth as the one subject, the embodiment and testifier to heavenly love. He was to testify to human love and to the love of all things and was to unite them all into one.

Therefore, Jesus promoted the Kingdom of Heaven within the mind. He asserted his oneness with God, saying that God lived in his heart. Moreover, he said he was to govern the whole universe. Holding up the motto of love toward all of humanity, he said, “I am God’s son, and you are my friends and brothers.” You must understand that the value of Jesus as the Messiah is contained in those words.

Jesus had the mission to move the family, the society, the people, the nation, the world and even the cosmos, centering on himself. The Israelites betrayed him, the church betrayed him, the chosen John the Baptist betrayed him, and his family betrayed him.

You probably know well, from the Principle, that because of this, Jesus established his own apostles. Using them as the foundation upon which to stand, he tried to form the second Israel and realize the ideal of the restoration of Canaan on the world level. Because the Israelites, who were organized into twelve tribes, opposed him, the form of the twelve tribes was broken. The result of that was that the foundation Moses had laid was lost. The foundation that Jacob had built, centering on the twelve sons, was lost. Therefore, Jesus had to take twelve disciples.

Although Jesus should have stood at the forefront as the founder of the second Israel, since the twelve apostles who were like the twelve sons of Jacob were losing their faith, he had to create the form of Noah’s family. He took the three disciples that corresponded to the three sons of Noah and wandered in the garden of Gethsemane. However, when even these three disciples could not become one with him, Jesus was forced to fall down to the position of Adam at the time of the fall. Christians today do not understand this. Moreover, they are not aware of the prayer Jesus offered for the ignorant people nor are they aware of his tormented heart.

As the hero who governs the world, Jesus should have been able to introduce the heart of God to the humanity of the world. He should have ruled over all things, but he was ostracized by John the Baptist and his own family.

Consequently, Jesus became a pitiful person and lost the foundation of the world and the people. Jesus was put in the same position as Adam, who had lost his bride because of the fall of Eve.

Jesus came as the True Parents to humanity, who had lost the true, unfallen parents. Yet he lost his family and the three disciples he had set up as his children. Therefore, he was put in the position of Adam who had lost Eve. Therefore, Jesus left behind the concept of the bride and bridegroom on this earth. You have to understand that Jesus was in this heartbreaking situation.

Jesus could not finish revealing the words that could unite the world, the words that could unite Christians, the second Israel on the world level, and the representatives of the twelve tribes of Israel. He could not finish revealing the words concerning individual laws, social ethics, and the institution of the family that could bring people to the heavenly principles. This was the greatest grief of Jesus.

However, people today do not realize this historical fact. Moreover, even Christians who claim to believe in God do not understand this. How much would God mourn as He looks down upon these people? Because God’s plan to bless the Israelites, as the second Israel, at the time of Jesus and build the second Canaan was shattered, God’s sorrow was greatly increased.

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